"The emperor?" Ye Hao woke up and did not see Murong Cham, she has become accustomed to the spirit of his very human beings, it is estimated that it is to find other people to discuss what happened.

Hung Hom saw the empress of the Queen, who was awake and rosy, and her mood became lighter. "The goddess, the emperor is outside."

"Who is talking to?" Ye Hao asked with a sigh of laziness, not eager to get up.

"Yes... that Zhao Ning." Hung Hom hesitated, twisted the towel and wiped his face.

Ye Hao faintly raised his eyebrows, Zhao Ning? The woman who appeared in her dream? "How did the emperor think about seeing her?"

"When you and the emperor were in the house today, Zhao Ning came once, and the emperor probably heard it." He said, "Mother, are you going out to see?"

"Yeah." Ye Hao gently daggered, let the two ankle rings first dress for her.

The red dragonfly moves to clean up the sheets. Naturally, after they came, everything in this house has been replaced by Anhe City. Even the sheets are new. However, it is necessary to change it again today. .

Ye Hao is not in a hurry to go out. Although she once dreamed that Murong is a noble man, it is not this world. Now she is here, and it is impossible for Murong Zhan to bring Zhao Ning back.

"Anniling, that Zhao Ning does not look like a fisherwoman in Huajia Village. Other fishermen and slaves see a plain old people. She looks so wild, it is not a good thing." Red dragonfly in front of Ye Hao I dare not say anything too ugly, otherwise she almost wants to say that Zhao Ning is just like a shameless little hoof.

"People are ambitious. She probably thinks that this small fishing village can't hold her." Ye Hao said faintly, "You don't have to rush out, or you will interrupt the emperor and her."

She quite wants to know what purpose Zhao Ning has.

Ye Hao ate something, and rested on the big welcoming pillow. She came to the space. Since waking up, she has always wanted to find a chance to find a fire in the space. I don’t know if he still Can not think of it, but just did not find the opportunity, Murong Cham has been around her, she did not dare to enter the space, in case she said that the dream language was heard by him, I do not know how to explain.

There seems to be something different in the space. Lingquanjing is a little bigger. It doesn't look like a well. It is like a small pool. The surrounding Lingtian is big again. The medicines that Ye Hao has planted on it can already be harvested. However, these small changes are still easy to find, and Ye Hao still feels that there is not quite right.

Huh? Fire Phoenix, why didn't the little bird see it?

"Little bird?" Ye Hao yelled at the dark place around the space. The space could be seen at a glance. The little bird had nowhere to hide, unless it ran to another place to play.

Ye Hao screamed several times in succession. There was still no familiar screaming sound from the fire phoenix. She frowned and went to the dark place. When she wanted to walk in, she seemed to have a barrier to stop her. She couldn't get into the dark places.

what happened? The last time she saw the fire phoenix flying out of it, how could she not get in?

Ye Hao walked in the other direction, but still was blocked out, like a dark place she could not cross.

The more she wants to think more suspiciously, "Little bird, where are you? Come out soon."

After waiting for a while, there is still no figure of fire phoenix.

Has it been reborn? No, no, Huo Huang said that it is tangible. Does it become a form?

Ye Hao shook his head. If the fire phoenix became a form, should she feel something?

It’s weird!

Ye Hao came out of the space and planned to wait until tomorrow to see. She felt that if she left, she would definitely say something to her, and she would not disappear in such a strange way.

"The niece, the top of the emperor allowed Zhao Ning to go to Anhe City tomorrow." Hung Hom came in from the outside and saw Ye Hao awake, and hurriedly told her what she had just learned.

"What?" Ye Hao didn't wake up from the fire phoenix. She didn't listen to what Hung Hom said.

Hung Hom repeated it again, "...I really don't know what method Zhao Ning used in the end, actually let the emperor promise her."

Murong Zhan wants to bring Zhao Ning to Anhe City? Ye Xiuxiu's eyebrows wrinkled. "What about the emperor?"

When her words were just finished, Murong Chan came in from the outside. "Here is here."

Ye took a look at him and let the red dragonfly go down first.

"The little mouth is so high, who makes you unhappy?" Murong Zhan reached out and pinched her pink lips, sat down beside her, and the big palm habitually placed on her lower abdomen.

"Is it necessary to help you with your life?" Ye Hao took his hand and glared at him unhappy.

Murong Zhan sneered out, "Don't you have promised you for a long time?"

"I am talking about Zhao Ning." Ye Hao's face was sullen and unhappy. He thought that the dream had already ended. It is impossible to have a similar place. I didn't expect it to change. He actually took her to Anhe. city.

"Just because I really agreed to take her to Anhe City, are you jealous?" Murong Zhan pinched her cheek and asked with a funny smile.

Ye Hao nodded and said, "I just love jealous."

"Ha ha ha." Murong Zhan laughed loudly, and he stopped her. "How is your temper like a queen? Didn't you touch other women before?"

"You don't remember the old things now, will you go to touch other things?" Ye Hao's face was white, how she forgot about it, the previous ink-filled Zhan Zhan did not go to favor other things. However, Murong Cham, who is now lost in memory, may not do so.

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows and heard Ye Hao’s words. It seems that he had never touched other women before. The strange thing is that he was not at all unhappy, but he had a natural feeling. There was a reason for taking her to Anhe City. She saved her, and she did not want other rewards. She just asked her to find her biological father."

Ye stunned, "What? Find your biological father?"

"When I waited for Anhe City, I will let people go to Qiguo to inquire. Her father is Qi Guoren. I heard that it is still a noble person..." Murong Zhan whispered, "If it is the nobleman surnamed Zhao, then maybe It is related to the royal family, and it just happens to take the opportunity to inquire about the whereabouts of Lu Yizhi."

"You just promised to take her to Anhe City for this?" Ye Hao asked with a big eyes.

Murong Zhan looked at her with a sly look. "Otherwise, why do you think you are going to take her to Anhe?"

Ye Yanhong did not speak.

"You shouldn't think that you are going to take her back to the palace?" Murong Cham's voice is getting lower and lower. "The queen of 朕 is a vinegar jar. If you really bring a woman back to the palace, then you don't want to take down the palace." ?"

"I won't tear down your palace." Ye Hao cried with a red face.

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