Zhao Ning finally had the opportunity to leave Huajia Village. How could her mood be described as a slap in the face? She immediately went back to pack things and waited to get out of here.

"My mother-in-law, the emperor of the kingdom promised to leave me with him. He promised me that he would find a biological father for me." Zhao Ning happily shouted at the flower woman who was taking the medicine.

Huapozi didn't have any joy on his face. He just looked at Zhao Ning with a heavy look and sighed softly. "Do you want to find your biological father?"

"Mother told me to find him. For many years, I have been looking for opportunities to leave here. However, you all said that the outside is too sinister, unless someone is willing to take me away, promised to find a father for me to go, I Listening to your words, my mother-in-law, I really want to go to my father." Zhao Ning said seriously, she can live in Huajia Village for so many years, it is entirely in the care of Hua Pozi in recent years, now Emperor Jinguo wants to help her find her father, mother-in-law and other elders can rest assured.

"Maybe this is life, you don't belong to Huajia Village." Huapozi said, "Since you want to leave, I have a few words to explain to you, you must remember it well."

Zhao Ning showed a big smile. "My mother-in-law, I will remember it when you say it."

Hua Pozi walked slowly into the house and let Zhao Ning sit down in front of her. "Have your mother told you about your father?"

"Mother said that his father is in the emperor of Qi State, he is still a noble person, so I must find him, my mother-in-law, I am a well-known Miss Qianjin, right?" Zhao Ning whispered.

"Your father was also injured and fell off the cliff and was saved by your mother. This is the dagger he was wearing at the time. There is a word on it. I want to come with his name. You are holding this dagger and you will see him in the future." You can come up with him and recognize him. After all, if his identity is honorable, he will not easily recognize you." Hua Pozi said quietly.

Zhao Ning took over the seemingly expensive dagger and looked carefully. The scabbard of the dagger had a complicated pattern, which looked like a dragon, with a red gem on the hilt and a word on the other.

"What is this word?" Zhao Ning asked puzzledly, she was literate, but she could not recognize what the word was.

"Looks like it is awkward." Huapozi said, "Ninger, people outside are sinister. You must protect yourself anyway. Although the Emperor Kamko is saved by you, he is not an ordinary person, and his Queen... You don’t have the luck to provoke anyone to provoke her.”

Zhao Ning smiled. "Mother, you are too careful. What is the horrible thing about the Queen's Empress? Isn't it better to look good? I will only hide in the house and guard the emperor all day, if there is no emperor, I see She can't live anymore, a woman who can only rely on the emperor to live, she doesn't have to worry about it."

Because of her mother's reasons, Zhao Ning took a look at the weak women from her heart. She felt that the Queen Empress was just as weak and incompetent. She could only rely on the favor of men to have the glory without fear.

Hua Pozi shook her head and sighed in the heart. The child still couldn’t see the essence of others. "Since she can become a queen, she can be a good lover. This is a kind of skill. In short, if you listen to your mother-in-law, don't provoke She, or you will regret it."

"I don't have much connection with her. She doesn't care about me any more." Zhao Ning said with a smile, "Mother, just find my father."

Hua Pozi asked softly, "Don't you have any thoughts about the emperor?"

Zhao Ning was seen through the mind, her cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered, "There is a natural idea, but I want a man who is single to me, he is not."

"You will think so right." Hua Pozi nodded with satisfaction.

"Mother, don't worry about me, I will be fine." Zhao Ning said with a smile, she is a very open-minded person. If she can't have both sincerity and glory, she will definitely choose a rich and precious life.

The Emperor of the Jin State is of course very good, but there is already a queen around him, and the woman is still so beautiful. If he is really interested in her, she can feel it... she will be in front of him, she looks like that. He, in addition to his indifference or indifference in his eyes, apparently did not look at her in the eyes.

Hua Pozi said, "If you put the dagger, I will prepare a few common medicines for you. You have to take it with you at any time."

"Yes, mother-in-law." Zhao Ning nodded hard.

One night, the blink of an eye passed, and Ye Yinan and Murong Yu had already prepared the boats, and they were waiting for them at the lake.

The wounds of the ink forehead of the ink have been healed. Although the scars are still some pink, they have recovered very well under the treatment of the leaf spring.

He took Ye Hao’s hand and walked slowly to the lake. “We went back, hehe.”

"Good." Ye Hao looked at him and smiled.

Zhao Ning ran over with a baggage and smiled at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan. "The emperor, the woman is coming."

Murong Chan slammed Ye Hao, and carefully took the boat. He told Shen Shen, "Take the fisherman."

That fisherwoman? The smile on Zhao Ning's face was a little stiff. She clearly said what her name was yesterday.

"Emperor, why do you want to bring that fisherwoman?" Murong asked, frowning, eyes staring at Zhao Ning.

"She saved her, and she promised to give her a reward. She was looking for her father and she took her out of here." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Speaking of it, Liu Ge likes to wander the world, people who know should Quite a lot, just handed her over to you."

Murong Yu knows that Zhao Ning is not a simple fisherwoman, otherwise she can't appear in his dreams. "Im, I am afraid this is not appropriate."

"I also think it is best to give her to the six princes." Ye Hao smiled and looked at Murong.

"Lian Yu thinks so, Six brothers, it seems that you can't refuse." Murong Zhan laughed.

Murong Yu looked helplessly at Ye Hao.

Zhao Ning sat in the last small boat, stretched his neck and wanted to go to the front, but only saw the emperor talking to the queen in a low voice. Both of them had smiles on their faces. She was stunned and the emperor laughed. It looks so good too.

It turned out that he would laugh too. When he saw him yesterday, he thought he was just an indifferent emperor.

Hua Pozi is right. It is not easy for a woman who is so favored by the emperor. However, if the queen does not look good, will the emperor continue to like her?

"Zhao girl, what are you looking at?" In front of the red dragonfly turned back, looked at Zhao Ning coldly.

"Look at the scenery." Zhao Ning returned to her with a smile.

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