When Murong Chong disappeared, Murong Yu concealed the news. Others who stayed in the general of Anhe City were still visiting other places. He knew that he had only his confession.

Wang Hao has come back to prepare everything in advance, so when Murong Zhan took Ye Hao back to the city, the others did not feel the same, everything was like he did not disappear.

"You go back to the house to rest, go to the study and talk to them about something." Murong Zhan took Ye Hao's hand and drove the carriage, whispered in her ear.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "If you don't know anything, let Fu Gonggong tell you that he was by your side since he was a child, and he should know the most things."

"Well, don't worry about it, you know how to deal with it." Murong Zhan said with a funny smile.

"I know that you are wise." Ye took a look at him.

Murong Zhan laughed softly, and squeezed it gently in her palm, and said to the red dragonfly, "Take the maiden back to rest, wait for it."

"Yes, the emperor." Red 缨 smiled and said.

"You go to the study room." Murong Zhan turned back and whispered to Murong Yu and others.

Temporary opening of the land, and there is no solution between the North and the Ming Dynasty, the North Hall is still sent people to ask for a book, want to talk about the conditions to redeem their soldiers, those prisoners have been sent to the wasteland, this Is it one, and the second is about Donglai and Pingjing? After all, this was only worked with Dongqingguo. If all of them were classified as Jinguo, I am afraid that Li Xin’s heart in Dongqing’s country would be uncomfortable, and there are matters to prepare for return to Kyoto. These need to be explained.

Ye Hao looked at the figure of Murong Zhan Gao, and she smiled a little. Yes, no matter whether he remembered the previous things, he was still Murong Zhan. He could come when he was so difficult, not to mention. Is it now?

He must have his method to distinguish who can believe who can't believe it.

"Let's go." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Wait a minute, Niangniang, where should I go?" Zhao Ning carried her baggage and looked at Ye Hao with a nervous look. No one had spoken to her since she left Huajia Village. Those people seemed to treat her as transparent. The same, their eyes will only surround the Queen of the Empress, as if she is important.

Ye Hao looked at Zhao Ning with a faint look. Only then did she remember the existence of this person. To be honest, she didn’t want to see Zhao Ning at all, but since Murong Zhan promised to find her biological father for her, she could only let She stayed here.

"Hey, take her to the room to rest." Ye Hao whispered.

"Yes, the goddess." Ying Yingdao, but the eyes did not look at Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning licked her lips, her pretty face with a strong arrogance. Although she grew up in Huajia Village since she was a child, she never ignored her. Today she truly understands the embarrassment that has been ignored. .

Do they think she is a low-flying fisherwoman? When she finds her biological father in the future, they will definitely look at her.

Ye Hao looked at Zhao Ning's face in her eyes. She smiled and turned and walked to the backyard.

"Animal, do you really want Zhao Ning to stay?" Hung Hom whispered, how she saw Zhao Ning feels dissatisfied.

"When she found her father, she naturally left." Ye Hao said indifferently, "Let her stay, it doesn't matter, don't let her get into trouble."

The red dragonfly gently nodded.

Don't let Zhao Ning get into trouble, then it depends on what she wants to do.

It was not long before Ye Hao was just back in the house, and a familiar wolf was heard outside.

She stood up in surprise. "How do I seem to hear the voice of Xiaoqi?"

"The niece, Ye Daren is coming." He walked in and hurriedly said to Ye Hao.

Ye Daren? Ye stunned, and saw a huge white wolf running from the outside, seeing Ye Hao even more excitedly snorted.

Hung Hom and Skull are all white, "No!"

Queen Empress is still pregnant, if Xiao Qi is so rushed over, the consequences can not imagine.

Xiaoqi probably also noticed that Ye Wei’s belly was unusual. When she was half a step away from her, she stopped in a hurry. A pair of golden sharp eyes looked at Ye Hao straight.

Ye Hao was surprised to see the little seven, "Where did you come with you?"

"Besides me, who dares to bring it here?" Ye Yiqing said as he walked in, and the appearance of Russian appeared in front of Ye Hao.

“Hey!” Ye Hao hurriedly ran over. “How come you?”

Ye Yiqing looked down at her belly and poked her forehead. "So why not worry?"

"Isn't it good?" Ye Hao was moved, holding Ye Yiqing's arm spoiled. "Is it for me to come to Anhe City?"

"Who would I still be for?" Ye Yiqing glanced at her. "Although I heard that you have not been wronged, you must always come in person to be at ease."

Ye Hao’s heart twitched through a warm current. “Hey is the best for me.”

"Less than flattering." Ye Yiqing replied, "Where did you go in these days?"

"Hey, you didn't go back to Dongqingguo, can Li Wei agree to come here?" Ye Hao gestured to the red 缨 they went out first, she was really happy to see Ye Yiqing, she had a lot of things can only tell him but not Tell others.

Ye Yiqing said, "I will not fall if I don't have a Dongqing country. What's more, there is nothing wrong with it now."

"Dongqing is okay, then you don't care about Zhaoyang?" Ye Hao should call Zhaoyang a mother, but she really can't export, but fortunately she never cares about these rituals.

"I naturally care about her, she is also worried about you." Ye Yiqing said with no anger, he put his wife in the house, not all for this daughter, she actually dared to ridicule him here.

Ye Hao looked outside and whispered, "Hey, it happened a few days ago, otherwise I will know that you will go to Anhe."

Ye Yiqing noticed an accident in Anhe City two days ago, but he did not find out what was going on. "What happened?"

"Lu Yizhi has been in Anhe City..." Ye Yi told Ye Yiqing that everything that happened after he went to Anhe City. The only person she believed in the world was only stunned, but when she said that Murong Zhan had lost her memory, she was still silent. .

"The fire in your space says that the memory of Murong Cham will be chaotic? Does he wake up to forget you? If he treats you like I used to, I won't let you stay here." Ye Yiqing is not the most concerned about anything else. What is it, whether Murong Cham will continue to be true to her.

"He forgot, but remember me." Ye Hao whispered, "Hey, he is still very good to me."

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