Ye Hao told her about how she was caught in the priest's house, including how she was so stupid and acquainted with her. She didn't have to explain Murong's concern for her. Murong Chong had already guessed everything.

"Let you be scared, you didn't protect you." Murong Zhan bowed his hand and kissed her mouth. She thought that she was almost killed by Qi Ruo, and he felt a little scared. If she was gone, his life was sure. Not complete.

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. "Is not good?"

Murong Zhan licked her head and whispered, "He will not let go of Lu Hao, but if there is a chance, he will find him."

"But he is in Qi." Jin Guo and Qi Guo did not come and go, they could not easily enter the territory of Qi to catch Lu Yizhi.

"It’s just a way to find a way to go to Qi." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao asked questioningly, "Why did Qi Guo never go with Jin Guo?"

"The royal family of Qi State is actually passed down from the Emperor's family. When the Qi Guojun died young, he wanted to marry the only younger sister to Emperor Jingguo of the King of the Kings. The dowry was the whole Qi, but Huang Fuxiu did not marry him. The younger sister later ruled the world with her own ability. In order to repay her, he changed one of his sons to Zhao, and rewarded Qi as a landlord. With the retreat of the emperor’s family, Qi Guo regarded Jin Guo as an enemy. Do not come to each other." Murong Chan simply told Ye Hao about past grievances.

"I remember that Huang Fuxiu seems to have only one queen. Does he want to Qi Qi Ling even the country?" Ye Hao said with amazement, Huang Fuxiu was so deeply affectionate that even Qi was not in the eyes.

Murong Zhan looked down at her deeply. "Maybe he thinks something is more important than Qi."

"What should I do now? If it is because of past grievances, it is not easy to establish a friendly relationship with Qi." Ye Hao whispered.

“It’s not easy not to mean no.” Murong Zhan laughed. “There will always be ways.”

Ye Hao gently nodded, "That's good."

"Do you know that Yuezhang intends to stay in Anhe City for a few days?" asked Murong Cham.

"It shouldn't be long before, he is the prime minister of Dongqing State, and should not be outside for too long." Ye Hao said, "However, while he is here, I hope to set my brother's family."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "Which girl you want to give to A Nan?"

"Jin Shanshan, after the famous general, is right with my brother." Ye Xiao said with a smile, remembering that Murong Zhan had forgotten who Jin Shanshan was, and explained it to him.

"Even after she was a famous general, General Jin Da has long been gone. She can't even come back to her own country. Is she worthy of your brother?" Murong Cham asked, he still thought about going back and picking in the ancestral room. A county owner promised Ye Yinan.

Ye Xiao smiled. "It doesn't matter if you are not expensive. The most important thing is that your brother likes it."

Murong Zhan shook his head and smiled. "That should be decided by Yuezhang."

"He has never been a person who values ​​his status. As long as his brother really likes it, he will definitely agree." Ye Hao laughed.

"So the Yuezhang was willing to marry you to the Qin Wang who had nothing at all?" Murong Chan whispered and asked.

Ye took a look at him, "because I didn't marry you that year."



Zhao Ning sat in the room and looked at the eyes. It was just a guest room. It was already many times better than her house in Huajia Village. It would definitely be more luxurious in the courtyard.

Is that the life of an expensive person? She used to imagine only countless times in her dreams, but because she hadn't seen it, she couldn't imagine what kind of life she really had.

"Mother, I will definitely find my father." Zhao Ning said to himself in her heart, as long as she found her biological father, she would be able to live this kind of day.

Zhao Ning lived in the room for a day. She was waiting for someone to come to see her, or to talk to her, but the people in this house seemed to treat her as transparent, except for three meals a day, extra words. Did not tell her.

what is this? Is she still the savior of the emperor? These people dare to do this to her.

"What about your maiden?" Zhao Ning finally couldn't help but pull Lin Zhiran who gave her lunch. "What counts me here, I want to see her."

Lin Zhiran opened her hand. "Zhao girl, our goddess is not what you want to see. What do you think you are?"

If it weren't for her, now the niece is the Queen Mother, and she may not be able to live. These people really don't know what is a gracious newspaper. "The emperor promised me before, I want to ask someone to find someone. I just want to know how to find it. How's it going."

"Do you think that everyone is doing nothing every day just to find your father?" Lin Zhiran asked in a hurry. "The emperor has taken you to the place, and you will wait for it, and find someone who will naturally tell you." ""

"How can I feel at ease, no one cares about me at all." Zhao Ning shouted indecently, she was here all day and night.

Lin Zhiran looked at her like a smile, this fisherwoman really took her seriously, she thought it was a princess? Others still have to turn around her? "Zhao girl, I advise you to wait for the news with peace of mind. This is not Huajia Village. You also understand that one thing is good. The person who really rescues the emperor is not you. It is a queen empress. If you are too unfamiliar, you will suffer. It will only be you."

Zhao Ning is not convinced to take Lin Zhiran, but she does not agree with her. This is not Huajia Village. Here is the bustling outside world she longs for, she has to adapt to it.

"I can't sit here every day, can I go out?" Zhao Ning had to step back and ask.

"You are waiting here, I will ask for it." Lin Zhiran did not dare to nod and rushed to ask her sister.

Zhao Ning snorted, and these people looked down on her, thinking that she was just a humble fisherwoman. In the future, she would let everyone know that she would not be worse than the lady who was sitting in the big yard.

Lin Zhiran didn't go to the red scorpion immediately, but went back to the kitchen to do things. When it was almost dark, she remembered it. Just as the red cockroaches came over to take the food box, she told Zhao Ning's words to Hung Hom. Hung Hom’s sister, let’s not let her go out?”

"She is not ours. Wherever I go, I go there. If something is caused outside, it is her own problem." Hung Hom said faintly, she still refused to come back after Zhao Ning went out. .

"Then I will tell her when I am going to have dinner." Lin Zhiran said.

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