Murong Yu came to Anhe City and lived. He did not take the position in the court. Many things did not use him to intervene. He seemed to be doing nothing at all. He wanted to leave, but he thought that the fisherwoman was still here, he could not feel at ease. go away.

"The owner, the moonlight is good tonight." Song Yu looked at the Murong, who was standing on the roof, and said something helplessly.

"It's quite good." Murong Yu held a pot of wine in his hand and looked up at the big moon, his thin lips showing a shallow smile.

Song Hao sighed. "What is the use of alcohol in this way? If you can't see her and the emperor... Let's go back. There are still many things waiting for you to go back and deal with it."

Murong slammed his head and said coldly, "Shut up."

"Okay." Song slammed his mouth and said vaguely through the fingers. "The owner, I am talking about the words of the lungs. Are you not pokeing your heart here every day?"

"Roll!" said Murong.

Song Wei waved his hand. "Then I will go first. If the wine is not enough, I will send it to you."

Murong Yi did not pay attention to him, but silently took another drink.

"You look very leisurely." Murong Zhan did not know when it appeared behind Murong.

"The emperor actually did not accompany the Queen Empress, is there a leisure to come here?" Murong Yan looked back and smiled and looked at Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan looked around and confirmed that they had already stayed here and came to Murong’s side. He took a jug from his hand and took a sip. “He also wants to enjoy the moon.”

Murong snorted with a chuckle, "boring talents appreciate the moon."

"Hey, I hope you can go back to Kyoto." Murong Zhan whispered.

"The emperor should know that Chen has never been loyal to the government." Murong said with a smile. "Are you not giving the fisherman to me? I will go to her to find her biological father."

After a few moments, Murong Chong remembered who the fisherwoman was. "Even if you return to Kyoto, you can send someone to find her father."

"You thought we had already talked about this matter." Murong said helplessly, didn't Murong Zhan know that he had no intention of returning to Kyoto? It seems that there is no need to talk about it anymore.

"No matter what you talked to before, you can't count it." Murong Zhan whispered.

Murong turned his head and looked at him strangely. Is this going to force him to go to Kyoto? What happened to the emperor? This is not what he will do, "Emperor, why?"

“Can you believe in you?” Mo Rongzhan asked softly. In fact, when he was in Huajia Village, he already knew that Murong Yu was a person he could absolutely trust. Now he asks, just want to see Murong’s reaction.

"The emperor thinks I have anything to doubt?" Murong squinted and asked.

Murong Chan shook his head faintly. "Besides you, you are the only person you can believe."

Murong Yu has already heard the wrong thing in the ink-filled words. His look is heavy. "The emperor, you say so, I am under great pressure."

"He lost his memory." Murong Zhan said with a low voice.

"What?" What did Murong Yu did not respond to?

Ink said, "When the cliff wakes up, in addition to remembering the name of the cockroach in the mind, everything else can't be remembered. This time I will return to Kyoto, I need you to be around."

"Azhan, you..." Murong looked at him with shock, how could it be? He did not see the way that Murong Zhan lost his memory. Didn't he see who he was at a glance?

"It’s all told you, now you know everything." Murong Cum said softly.

Murong asked quickly, "Why is the doctor's medical skills superb, can she be cured?"

"Maybe you can think of it when you wait in Kyoto." Murong Cham said, "Hey, I told you today that you were saving her at the priesthood."

"Since the Emperor knows... Why do you still think I can believe?" Murong whispered that he likes it is not a secret. Almost everyone knows that he is here for her, and Murong Chong does not remember the past. That is to forget the love of their childhood, why can you believe him?

Murong Zhan laughed, "I believe in feeling."

"..." Murong sneered, "Is the emperor not thinking too much?"

"The suspects don't have to, sometimes too demanding will become more suspicious." Murong Chan said.

"Is the emperor thinking that something happened in Kyoto?" Murong asked in a low voice, otherwise he would not want him to go back.

Murong Chan frowned, "I am not sure, now it is calm, I hope that it will be so calm."

"Well, I am willing to follow the emperor back to Kyoto." Murong nodded. "The emperor, you forgot everything, that's right..."

"There is no change in the confrontation." Murong Zhan said faintly, from the time he woke up to the present, the most impressive thing in his mind was Ye Hao. No matter what she said, he almost no doubt and believed it. It is an instinct, and his body and soul seem to have identified her.

Murong Hao nodded when he heard this. "That's good."

"This wine is good." Murong Chong threw the jug to Murong Yu, and the thin lips smirked.

"The emperor, can I ask a question of overstepping?" asked Murong.

Murong Zhan laughed, "One problem."

"When you saw the fisherwoman, what did you think in your heart, but thought about bringing her back to the palace?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"What?" Murong Zhan looked at him incredulously. "In your opinion, you are a **** person. Do you want to see any woman who wants to bring it back to the palace?"

Murong snorted and coughed, "Is that fisherman not saving you?"

"What about that?" Murong Cham did not ask.

"Maybe because of the embarrassment..." Murong remembered his dream and couldn't help but laugh out loud, perhaps because he was here, so the dream is still different.

Murong Chan took a drink from his hand and took it back to him. "Hey, go back, you can enjoy the moon here."

"I will let people inquire about the fisherwoman's father tomorrow, and send her away as soon as possible." Murong said.

"If it is really an expensive person of the Qi State Emperor, you must personally send the fisherman back." Murong Zhan whispered.

Murong Yan revealed a tacit smile. "By the way, find Lu Yizhi?"

"If he is still alive." Murong Zhan is cold.

"I understand." Murong nodded and looked at the back of the ink in the night. He frowned and couldn't think of the emperor's loss of memory...

I have never mentioned this matter at all! It is no wonder that when the emperor woke up on the first day, he did not tell people that he should explain everything he had with the emperor.

Then go back to Kyoto first, and when the emperor remembers everything, he can safely leave.

Murong Yu jumped off the roof and went back to the house. Song Hao had already slept in the room next door.

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