"What happened outside, it seems very lively?" Zhao Ning found that everyone in the recent house seems to be very busy, she can not go anywhere else, but still feels a different atmosphere, she saw Lin Zhiran to give her lunch I hurriedly grabbed her hand and asked.

Lin Zhiran looked at her with a funny and ridiculous look. "Zhao girl didn't both go outside in the past two days? Didn't I find out what happened in the government?"

Don't think she doesn't know, Zhao Ning goes outside every day, and always uses the opportunity to get close to the next person in the house. Besides asking what the goddess does on weekdays, I still want to inquire about the whereabouts of the emperor. It’s really a bad person. However, it is normal for a person who lives in a big place in Huajia Village to know that it is normal. If she has saved the emperor, she does not know where it is.

Zhao Ning knows that Lin Zhiran is interested in her. She has been a little angry for the past two days, but this can't blame her. Since she left Huajia Village, she was thrown here and ignored. If she did not take the initiative. If you inquire, is it ignored?

She just wants to find her biological father earlier.

"If I can find out, I still need to ask you?" Zhao Ning said, "You don't think that I don't have a picture. I know that you all doubt me. I feel relieved. Just find my father, I will immediately leave here."

Lin Zhiran nodded like a smile. "It turned out to be the case."

"I just want to know if the emperor really went to find someone for me." Zhao Ning showed a pitiful expression. "Sister Lin, you don't know the taste of no father. I grew up alone, if not my mother. Oh, I must find my biological father, and I will not support it until now."

Looking at Zhao Ning's eyes with tears, Lin Zhiran remembered that she was also the one who lost her father. She was very clear about the sadness of her thoughts, so she couldn't help her heart soften. "The house is busy with the joy of General Ye, you It’s best not to go out for a few days, lest you collide with the masters."

"Ye General?" Zhao Ning thought carefully, "Is it the brother of Queen Empress?"

Lin Zhiran nodded. "Yes, this is a big happy event, so you better not go out any more."

Zhao Ning snorted in her heart. It was originally for this matter that she ignored her. I thought that the emperor should have forgotten to find her father for her. No, she must find a way to see the emperor and remind him. I want to mention her to find my biological father.

"I know, I will try not to go out in the past few days." Zhao Ning whispered.

Lin Zhiran saw her listen to her words and nodded with satisfaction. "That would be best."

When Lin Zhiran left, Zhao Ning immediately became active. She couldn’t hear anything from the news in the past two days. At least she already knew that the emperor had to go to the military camp in addition to the study in the front yard, but she did not ask at specific time. When she came out, she stayed outside for a good day, and she didn't believe that she could not wait for the emperor.



Ye Xiaonan’s big joy days soon arrived. Ye Hao was busy for a few days, but he didn’t feel tired at all. Instead, he looked more energetic. Murong Zhan looked at her high spirits. Before that, she was worried that her body could not be eaten. It’s not that she looks ruddy, he wants to force her not to step in again.

"Your brother is married, are you so happy?" Murong Zhan helped her to sit down. As her belly grew bigger, he became more cautious about him, and some aspects of the need were solved in another way.

"My brother is not easy. I always hope that he can get along with someone he really likes. Now he has to fulfill his wish. I am naturally happy." Ye Hao leaned on the shoulder of Mo Rongzhan. When she was a child, she was protected by her brother. Growing up, she once secretly thought that she would not have a scorpion in the future, because she wanted her brother to be so good to her forever. Later, she had an accident. She thought her brother was killed. She felt that she was very selfish. If there is a chance in the future, She wants to be the one who protects her brother.

Later, when I met my brother, she thought about it in her heart. I hope that my brother will find someone he really likes one day, so that his brother will really be happy and be a true self.

"What about your happy day?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile. "It wasn't the Qin Wangfu."

Ye Hao remembered that marriage, the cheeks could not help but float two groups of blush, she glanced at him sideways. "That time you took me to decorate the upper house of Qin Wangfu into a new house, and I took it out of the palace at night... We are a cave house in the Qin Wangfu."

Mo Rongzhan heard the eyebrows and raised his eyebrows. "I used to take you to the Qin Wangfu to cross the room before?"

"Because I married you for the first time, you didn't let me live in the house." Ye Hao whispered, explaining why he took her to Qin Wangfu.

"Hey was self-sufficient at the beginning." Murong Zhan looked down at her and said with a smile.

Ye Hao looked up and kissed his mouth. "Yes, I just can't be worried about you. Otherwise, I will not come back to Dongqing."

"You are willing to leave?" Murong Chan held her face in one hand, gently groping her soft skin on her fingertips. "If you do something wrong because of amnesia, will you forgive me?"

"No." Ye Hao whispered, "Amnesia is not an excuse, you can't bear to hurt me any more."

Ink Murray sighed lowly. "I really don't want to be embarrassed. I just don't want to do it well enough to make you sad. Hey, think of ways to remind you of everything you used to be, okay?"

Ye Hao didn't talk, just nodded gently. In fact, she felt that even if Murong Zhan couldn't remember everything before, it wouldn't matter, at least he wouldn't think of it when he hurt her.

"Tomorrow is the day for your brother to get married, just lie down and rest." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao took his hand. "You don't always worry that it will hurt me. I am stronger than you think, and will not be as old as before... so easy..."

Murong Zhan grabbed her mouth. "There will be no second Luyi."

Ye Xiao Lip smiled, "Yeah."

"Hey, let Auntie go back to Kyoto." Murong Zhan fell around her and let her lean on herself.

"Six princes are willing? Last time you did not say that he was not interested in the court, would not be willing to return to Kyoto?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Murong Zhan laughed. "Probably because he fell on the cliff and let him change his mind. The most important thing is that he is the one who can protect you the most."

He worried that the amnesia himself would unwittingly harm Ye Hao. If Murong is there, he will know what to do.

Ye Hao said with no anger, "You are thinking about something, I don't need him to protect, I have enough for you."

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