The next day, the day was light, and everyone in the big house got up to prepare for the wedding banquet. Murong Chan specially explained that he couldn’t wake up Ye Hao, so Ye Hao went to Datianliang when he slept, just to catch up with the Jitang of the worship hall.

Because it was the great joy of Ye Yinan, the adjutants in the military camp were invited, and the entire mansion was unprecedentedly lively.

Ye Hao accompanied Jin Shanshan in the room and asked Mrs. Quanfu to sing auspicious words to Jin Shanshan and asked for a big reward to retreat.

"Tired?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, seeing the phoenix crown on Jin Shanshan's head, she felt that her neck was sore.

"I didn't expect to be more tired than to fight." Jin Shanshan couldn't help but whisper, "This Fengguan is really heavy."

Ye Xiao smiled. "I also heard that for the first time, when someone compares a pro-family to a war, it will be hard to rest tomorrow."

Jin Shanshan’s look looks a little nervous. “Mother, you don’t have to be here with me, you are tired.”

"I am not tired of where to go." Ye Yan said with a smile, "I will call you a big bang in the future."

"Anniling, you are more and more like a joke." Jin Shanshan said helplessly.

Ye Hao said, "I feel that you are becoming less and more straightforward and straightforward when you first met. Good, you don't need to hide your own authenticity in Ye Family. You don't have to be in front of me and my brother."

Jin Shanshan did not expect that Ye Hao would say such a thing, she looked at Ye Hao slyly.

Ever since she knew her father's affairs, her character was indeed wiped out a little bit, like suddenly turning from a little girl who was in the doldrums to an avenger who was deeply hated. She used to be awkward and do things. I don't know when it started, she became cautious, fearing that doing something wrong would have no chance of revenge.

Ye Yinan once said this to her. He likes Jin Shanshan who used to fight with him before. In front of him, she can really be herself. She always thought that no one except Ye Haonan would see her. Change, I did not expect the Queen Empress also to see it.

"If you are not careful, you will be afraid to do something wrong." Jin Shanshan looked up and said Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "There are people in this world who have not missed things, not saints."

Jin Shanshan smiled. "Mother, you will comfort people. When you first saw you, you thought you were a man..."

Thinking of the scene they wanted to see for the first time, Ye Hao also laughed. "At the time, if you were not a girl, I would have you smashed it."

"Why?" Jin Shanshan blinked and the tension on his face finally disappeared.

"A hatred of hatred." Ye Hao chuckled. "I am grateful for this arrow now, or my brother still doesn't know you."

Jin Shanshan remembers everything in the past, and the smile on his face is getting brighter and brighter.

At this time, Hung Hom hurriedly walked in from the outside, and whispered a few words in Ye Hao's ear after the ceremony.

Ye Hao’s face sank slightly and said to Jin Shanshan, “Good, you are resting here first, I am a little urgent to deal with.”

"Good!" Jin Shanshan responded, she actually really wants to rest, it is too tired, but, look at the red dragonfly look weird, is it something out?

"Don't think too much, it doesn't matter with today's happy events." Ye Hao said with a smile, leaving the new house with a red dragonfly.

Ye Hao is because Zhao Ning has left the new house. The red dragonfly squats back and forth, saying that Zhao Ning has been in the corner of the front yard today. It looks like he is waiting for someone to appear. People are going to call her back, but she is not The move is still my own way.

"Go and bring her." Ye Hao said with a frown, busy for a few days, she forgot the existence of Zhao Ning, I don't know if Murong Yu heard who her father is, did not send her away, see her The act is not a worry.

Hung Hom nodded gently, "Yes, the goddess."

The front yard is now coming and going. Zhao Ning is dressed like a ring. In those people's eyes, there is no particular eye-opening. At most, I think this girl looks very good. No one notices her.

"Many people!" Zhao Ning eyes brightly looked at everything in front of him. This is the case with big family members. She has seen people in the village become close relatives. It is simple and boring, but the bride has changed her place to live. .

Today is so lively, the emperor will definitely appear, she is waiting here, as long as the emperor appears, she can go to find him.

"Zhao girl, what is it here for sneaking?" Red 缨 came over, and Pi Xiao looked at Zhao Ning without a smile.

Zhao Ning did not have any embarrassment that was discovered, and he replied confidently. "Which eyes have seen me sneaking, I am standing here brightly."

"Here is the front yard, today's guests, what are you doing here?" Hung Hom asked coldly, not afraid of Zhao Ning, and people who thought they were very disliked.

"What's the matter for you." Zhao Ning knows that Hung Hom doesn't like her. She doesn't need the likes of this ring. It's not a slave. What is the fox?

Hung Hom smiled a little. "It is really not my business, but you will affect the banquet here. The maiden asks me to persuade you to go back."

"I have such a big ability? How can it affect the banquet?" Zhao Ning snorted, "Your maiden really can see me."

"What are you doing here, you are very clear in your heart." Hung Hom said with a blank expression, walked over and directly twisted Zhao Ning's hand. "When the girl wants to see you, you must go see her."

When Zhao Ning thinks that the strength of Hung Hom is so big, she has a pain in her wrists, but she can’t break away from it. “Let me go, who do you think you are, isn’t it a ring?”

Hung Hom sneered, "What do you think you are? A fisherwoman dares to be so arrogant?"

"You look down on me as a fisherwoman. I will make you regret later." Zhao Ning snorted, his pretty face was red, and a humiliation that was looked down on him came from the bottom of his heart.

"Zhao girl, a person value is not worthy of respect is not the status of the status can be decided, as well as what you do, just like you ..." Red 缨 laughed without words, but the meaning is very obvious.

Zhao Ning was even more angry when she heard this. She grew up in Huajia Village. She could learn to read a few words by relying on her elders in the village. It is indeed not as good as the real Miss Qianjin, but she was well educated from an early age, but then how? She is smarter and harder than others. As long as she returns to her biological father, she can also learn to become a real name.

Regardless of Zhao Ning's anger, Hung Hom directly grabbed her and came to Ye Hao.

"The niece, the slave has brought people."

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