Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1043: Don’t look at people with low eyes

Ye Xun Duan sat on the chair of the Taishi, and at the hand was the flower tea that had just been brewed for her, and the smoke was rising. She looked down at Zhao Ning, who was begged in front of the red dragonfly, and recalled those seen in the dreams. She still has a little peace of mind for this fisherwoman.

I don't believe in Murong Cham, but I can't worry about Zhao Ning.

"Animal, I don't know what I did wrong? Why do you want people to catch me like this?" Zhao Ning looked up at Ye Hao without convincingly. The village didn't know how many people saw it. He still didn't know how to laugh at it. she was.

"Zhao girl, I heard that you have been guarding in the front yard all the time. Others advise you to leave and do not listen. I don't know what you are doing for it. It is better to tell this palace and let the palace solve it for you." Said.

Zhao Ning looked at Ye Hao and asked him tentatively. "I am going to find the emperor. Can the goddess let me see the emperor?"

Hung Hom told her, "Do you think the emperor is what you want to see?"

"What do you want to see in the emperor?" Ye Hao said that the red dragonfly was quiet, and looked at Zhao Ning faintly.

"The emperor promised me to find my own biological father for me, but I have been here for a few days, let alone the news of my father, I am afraid that the emperor and the maiden have long forgotten my existence." Zhao Ning said very much. Wronged.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Zhao Ning. "You go to the front yard to find the emperor, is it for your father?"

Zhao Ning’s mouth evoked a mocking smile. “That is of course, otherwise the goddess thought I was going to do something?”

"The emperor has already told the six kings to ask for you. It is useless to go to the emperor. If you want to know the whereabouts of your father, then ask the six kings." Ye Hao said faintly.

There is actually some confusion in her heart. Zhao Ning seems to be different from what she saw in her dreams...

If she is not here, the memory of the memory of Murong Zhan wakes up to see Zhao Ning, will he regard Zhao Ning as himself? She really wants to have another dream, but since Murong Cham falls on the cliff, she has never had a nightmare.

Looking at Zhao Ning, she still has a flaw in her heart. I really hope that Murong Yu will find her biological father for her and let her leave here soon.

"Six princes?" Zhao Ning frowned, although she knew that the six princes looked very powerful, but she still had a feeling of being ignored.

"Do you think that the Six Kings can't find a father for you?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Zhao Ning snorted. "I didn't think so. Where can I find the six princes?"

Ye Hao has already seen it. Zhao Ning is probably used to being loved by everyone when he is in Huajia Village. So when she comes here, she is still centered on herself and thinks that everyone should regard her things as the most important. of.

"Hung Hom, take her to see the six kings." Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, although she felt unhappy about Zhao Ning's character, but in the end it was a person who would not be related, and said nothing.

"Yes, the goddess." Hung Hom nodded.

Zhao Ning looked up and looked at Ye Hao seriously. She didn't feel a little comfortable. She felt a little confused. She always felt that she would not be an ordinary fisherwoman. I believe that one day it will change her destiny. This feeling is very strong. It seems that it is natural to know this fact.

In the ink of the lake, Murong Zhan was saved. She thought that this might be the noble person destined for it. He will definitely change her destiny and let her leave from Huajia Village. However, no one thought that he had not yet woke up. Come, this Queen Empress, who can't help her inferiority, has appeared.

She always felt that she was looking good. She didn't expect anyone to look better than her, and every move was revealing the noble and noble elegance. This is the temperament she could not match.

Hey... confused... Zhao Ning thinks that her life should not be like this, but she can't figure out what went wrong.

It seems that the life that belonged to her was robbed.

"Zhao girl, please." Hung Hom yelled at Zhao Ning who was in a daze.

Zhao Ning returned to God and looked at the position where Ye Hao had just sat, only to find that she had left.

"Where is the Sixth King?" Zhao Ning walked behind Hung Hom. She wondered if the Six Kings could really find her biological father for her.

"Today is so lively, isn't there in the front yard?" Red squinted at her.

Zhao Ning knew that this ring didn't look at her. She snorted and said with a cool tone. "Is it so obsessed with the Queen's maiden?"

Hung Hom took a look at her lazily. "That would have to look at someone."

"Being a man, don't look at people with low eyes, so that you won't regret it in the future." Zhao Ning's mouth sneered a little, and he didn't look at the red scream.

"I think that people must be self-aware, don't take yourself too seriously, lest you laugh at people but don't know." Hung Hom said faintly.

Zhao Ning glared at her and said, "We are walking."

"You are waiting here, I will go and see if the six kings are not there." When he reached the second door, the red dragonfly stood still, letting Zhao Ning stop here and stop following.

"Okay." Regarding his own future, Zhao Ning had to endure all the disappointments first.

The front yard is running a banquet. People come and go as generals of the generals in the military camp. Hung Hom has been looking for Murong for a long time. I don’t know where the six princes are.

"Hung Hom, what are you looking for?" Shen saw her figure and walked over the crowd from the other side to ask her.

"Shen Daren." Hung Hom smiled. "I came to the six kings. Do you know where he is?"

"Six princes are with the emperor, just here, maybe they are going to the study." Shen said.

study? Doesn't that go through two doors? Hung Hom frowned, "I will go to the six kings."

Suddenly grabbed her wrist. "Is there anything?"

"Not all the fishermen!" Red blushing and screaming. "She wants to find her father, just want to come to the front to find the emperor."

"I am going to find the six kings with you." Shen said.

"Good." Hung Hom nodded with a smile.

Before he reached the second door, Hung Hom had seen the figure of the emperor and the six kings coming on the other side.

Her heart was tight, and she wanted Zhao Yin to be instructed to leave before Zhao Ning did not see the emperor. Then Zhao Ning found the emperor faster than her. She had already gone forward and bowed down. "The girl has seen the emperor. ”

Hung Hom and Shen Yi looked at each other and had no choice but to go forward. "The slaves have seen the emperor, the six kings."

Murong Zhan only swept Zhao Ning faintly. He didn't think about who the woman was. He thought it was a ring. He asked Hung Hom. "How are you here? Is there something for the girl?"

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