In the front of the carriage, Murong Yu also saw it. He jumped off the horse to go to Murong Cham, and his eyes stared at Zhao Ning. "The emperor, what happened to her?"

"I plan to bring her back to Kyoto." Murong Cum whispered, he still holding the dagger that Zhao Ning handed him, and turned and said to Zhao Ning, "You first get on the carriage."

Zhao Ning looked at the dagger and did not come back with Murong Zhan. "Yes, the emperor."

"Emperor!" Murong Yan looked at Murong Zhan with disapproval. "Why should she take her to Kyoto?"

"You know why." Murong Zhan whispered, "Why don't you tell her that she is Zhao's daughter?"

Murong said, "I can't think of her as a princess of Qi State with just one word. I would have told you to check it out."

"It feels like, whether she is or not, as long as she has this dagger, she thinks she must be Zhao's daughter." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Auntie, you seem to be very prepared for this fisherwoman."

"I really don't like her." Murong whispered, and he looked back at Ye Hao's carriage. "You don't think this fisherman... is it dangerous?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "It’s just a fisherwoman. I don’t know where she is dangerous." He patted Murong’s shoulder. “I know what you are worried about, you think too much.”

If it wasn't because he had dreamed like this, he wouldn't take Zhao Ning seriously, but now it's hard not to care, "Imperial?"

"Get off, if you really think she is in danger, then stare at her." Murong Zhan laughed and strode to the carriage.

Murong Yu looked helplessly at the back of Murong Cham, and suddenly he remembered what Murong Cham had told him.

"If one day I really forget her, take her away until I remember her..."

There is also a purse that contains a letter.

Now that Murong Chan does not hurt, he does not need to take the purse out of it, nor will he take it away, but he also wants to stop the possibility of all this happening. He faintly thinks that Zhao Ning is a variable.

Murong Yu re-launched, then came to Zhao Ning's carriage, and glanced at her with a cold look.

Zhao Ning showed him a flattering smile. "Six princes, I just don't want to stay here."

"I can see that Zhao girl is an unscrupulous person in order to achieve her goal." Murong said faintly.

"Everyone has what they want, I just want to find my biological father." Zhao Ning looked at Murong, "Six princes, I don't know what I did wrong, you seem to hate me."

Murong Yu just smiled and smiled. "Zhao girl thinks more."

In the carriage, Ye Hao sat on the soft couch by the window, and there was still an arm away from Murong Cham. She turned her head to the other side, and he did not look at him from the time he got on the bus.

Hung Hom was originally in the carriage, and felt the strange atmosphere. She had already sat outside the rut.

"Oh..." Murong Zhan laughed and reluctantly called her. "What do you do wrong, do you want to be so tempered?"

Ye Hao is not in a temper. When she saw Zhao Ning behind him, she was indeed a little angry, but she soon calmed down. Today, Zhao Ning looks like no matter where it looks. There are no threats, but what does that dream mean?

She is only wondering what step Zhao Ning will take and what kind of person will eventually become.

"Don't you let the fisherman go back to Kyoto, so you are angry?" Murong Zhan said with a smile, gently holding Ye Hao in his arms.

Ye Hao turned to look at him. "If you didn't see me when you woke up in Huajia Village, you saw Zhao Ning, would you treat her as me?"

Murong Zhan took a moment and recalled that if he had forgotten everything at the time, he would not wake up to see what he would do. Zhao Ning really had a pair of eyes that were very awkward, but he had seen her several times. Did not remember her in her heart, if she saw her at first sight, it is absolutely impossible to treat her like she did.

"Oh, that's impossible." Murong Zhan whispered, "You are irreplaceable. Even if you don't see you when you wake up, you will find you."

His feelings and memories of her are engraved in the blood of the bones, or they will not give birth to a feeling of sadness and deep love at first sight.

Ye Hao whispered a small mouth. "Why should I take Zhao Ning to Kyoto? Can she not find her biological father when she stays in Anhe?"

"She may be Princess Qi." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear.

"What?" Ye Hao exclaimed, this is really shocking her, "has already identified her identity?"

Murong Zhan shook his head gently. "It still needs to be verified. It is only the dagger in her hand. It is indeed Zhao Wei."

It was an ancient sword. The famous ancient sword in the world was in the hands of Zhao Wei, who was still a Prince, many years ago. This is hardly a secret. Many people know this.

"Zhao Wei, Zhao Yizheng..." Murong Zhan chuckled. "I didn't expect him to be him. Zhao must have another name."

Ye Hao could feel his happiness, she whispered. "If Zhao Ning is the Princess Qi, is it good news for you?"

Murong Zhan kissed her cheek, "It is good news for Jin Guo."

"Why?" Ye Hao still couldn't understand. She was still very surprised that Zhao Ning would actually be a princess. The news is simply... she never thought about this identity. This is the last time in the last generation, Murong Cham will set her up as a nobleman. The reason for this, she thought of this, she rounded her eyes. "You should not want to use her to marry Qi Qi?"

"Where do you want to go!" Murong Zhan took a bit of her forehead. "So, there are reasons for being bright and fair, and people can go to Qi, and can talk to Zhao Wei about the possibility of alliance."

"Don't you be able to send people to Qi State now?" asked Ye Hao.

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head. "Don't you tell me that Lu Shuanger is now in the palace of Qi State? If you want to find Lu Yizhi, there is no other faster way than to find Lu Shuanger."

It seems to make sense! Ye Hao thought for a moment and pinched his earlobe and whispered, "Don't let Zhao Ning live in the palace."

"Okay." Murong Zhan laughed. "I didn't intend to let her live in the palace. The aunt's palace is big, and it is best to live in his palace."

Living in the palace of Murong? Ye Hao shook his head and smiled. "You don't ask the six kings if they want to."

Ink said, "He is like you, and he doesn't like the fisherman very much."

Murong Yu does not like Zhao Ning? Ye Hao’s heart was a meal. Did he know that Murong Chong once set Zhao Ning as a noble man’s last life?

It seems that the feathers of the little birds have allowed Murong to see many things from previous life.

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