When Murong Yu came out of the palace, he immediately went to meet Qiu and Lu Xiang. Lu Xiangzhi had been waiting outside the Qiu family for a long time.

"Is anything found?" Murong whispered.

"Qiu Yaozong really brought a man out of the palace, but he was afraid that the man was already dead." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Murong has a kind of irritability that is about to be driven to madness. "What do you want to do after the mother, and find someone who is inexplicable can pretend to be Anhecheng. Is this possible to let the minister of the court believe that the emperor has already had an accident?" It’s crazy! She... what exactly does she want to do?”

"Little prince, calm down." Lu Xiangzhi held the shoulder of Murong Yu. "The Queen Mother will never call the cabinet when he is looking for an individual. There must be an inside story. You are not saying that this news may be brought to the Queen Mother by Qiu Yaozong? How did Qiu Yaozong know it? We can only know if we continue to check it out."

"You are right, the Queen Mother has been in the palace for so many years, and will not make such stupid things. We still have to check it out from Qiu Yaozong." Murong nodded. "You and I went to the dark guard." They will definitely be able to find out more clearly."

Lu Yanzhi said, "Okay."

"Also, I have to hurry to find someone to go to Anhe City to tell the emperor of the situation in Kyoto." Murong said, "If the Queen Mother already has such ambitions, maybe even if the emperor is not surprised, there will be accidents." ”

"Let Xue Lin go to Anhe City." Lu Xiangzhi said, "His injury has healed, and it has rarely appeared recently. If he quietly leaves, no one will notice it."

Murong nodded. "Let him go."

"There is one more thing..." Murong suddenly stopped, "Let Xue Lin protect the Queen's nephew."

Lu Xiangzhi nodded with a smile, and he was very moved to see that Xiao Wang Ye was still concerned about the safety of the time.

The loyal objects of the Guardian have always been only the emperor, and now the Shen is absent. The principal is Du Fu, and Murong has not said the plan of the Queen Mother. He just asked Du Fu to check if there was anyone from Anhe City recently. Is it in contact with Qiu Yaozong?

"Little prince, there is no order from the emperor, we will not do anything for others, I hope you can forgive me." Du Fu is a middle-aged man, he looks at Murong with a blank expression, and some respect him a little. Not lacking.

Inkor said, "If you don't check, how do you know if the emperor is really going wrong?"

Du Fu’s look, “Little King?”

"Someone pretending to be a dark guard and telling the emperor to disappear. This king thinks that it is better for the secret guard to check what is going on?" Murong asked, looking at Du Fu.

"The lower official will immediately check it out," Du Fu said.

"Very good, the king waits for your news, hope that the sooner the better." Murong said.



The news that the Guardian wanted to check soon had a result. The people brought by Qiu Yaozong did come from the outside, but it was not the person of the Guardian, but I did not know who sent it to send a message to Qiu Yaozong. When I told the Queen that I wanted to find this person again, I found that he was dying and took him to the Queen Mother to meet him. He planned to heal his injury and asked again. After the Queen Mother met the cabinet minister, he asked him to This person brought out the palace to destroy the mouth.

When Murong listened to Du Fu's words, he already guessed what the Queen Mother was going to do.

"The dark guards don't want to stun the snake for the time being. First find out who the person was sent. Since he brought this news to Qiu Yaozong, there must be someone behind it. The purpose is still unclear. Du Daren, this matter will still be The secret guards secretly did it, and several people were also staring at Jing Jinghua, hoping to contact the emperor as soon as possible." Murong said to Du Fu.

Du Fu nodded. "The prince is assured that the lower officials will stare at their changes."

At the same time as Murong was in the dark guard house, the Queen Mother had once again called Qiu Yaozong into the palace.

"The mourner thought for a night, the disappearance of the emperor must not be false, but there has been no news, or the emperor has returned, or is not there, maybe Lu Yan people conceal the news, waiting for her to return to Kyoto to suppress The mourner will announce the matter, and at that time, the mourner will not have the possibility of turning over.” The Queen Mother said in a deep voice, “No matter what the situation is now in Anhe City, Lu Hao can’t come back.”

Qiu Yaozong heard a bounce. He didn't know if he understood the meaning of the Queen Mother. He wouldn't let Lu Hao come back. Is that if the emperor is still alive, even the emperor will not let go?

"The Queen Mother, I have heard that there is an organization called Qianluo in Jianghu. If you can afford the price, let them kill anyone." Qiu Yaozong said in a low voice, but the voice was a little trembling. "We can't personally send it." People go, if they are found, they will be in trouble."

"Thousands of Luochao?" The Queen Mother thought about it. She heard about this name. When Lu Hao was in Huguo Temple, he was almost killed by thousands of people. "Okay, this matter will be handed over to you." Do, if you do well, then the town will not have to die."

Regarding his baby son, Qiu Yaozong’s expression immediately became serious. "Please rest assured that the Queen Mother, I will be arranged properly."

The back of the mouth smirked a little smile, "Go."

When Qiu Yaozong withdrew from the Cining Palace, he happened to meet Murong Yu outside. He smiled and gave a ceremony, "Little King."

Inkor looked at him with a cold eye. "Hey, you often go to the palace these two days."

"I am visiting the Queen Mother, Xiao Wangye, have you been busy recently?" Qiu Yaozong looked at him with a good look. He said that this is the king of a country. He also has the merits of support and wants to come to the rich and rich. Not far away.

"If you just enter the palace to give the Queen Mother a boring, it would be good. If you are doing something that you should not do, hey, you will regret it when you see the emperor." Murong whispered to him.

The smile of Qiu Yaozong’s mouth was stiff, and he laughed a few times. “Small Wang Ye, you are laughing, I can still worry about the future.”

"Auntie, what are you thinking about?" The Queen Mother came out from the inside with a kind and sly smile on his face. "You are going to the palace to talk with the mourner, and where do you want to go?"

"After the mother." Murong Yu took a gift to the Queen Mother.

"You are not in the royal study at this time, how come to the mourning home here?" The Queen Mother asked with a smile.

Murong said, "I have already sent important memorials to Anhe City to the emperor. Others are small things and it is not difficult to solve."

The Queen Mother said, "You are now a superintendent of the king. You don't have to ask your emperor for everything. You can do something with some things."

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