Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1059: What did she do wrong?

Murong Yu listened to Zhao Ning's story about her childhood. An orphan who had no father since childhood and her mother died young. Now she wants to find her biological father not for family, but she just wants to get rid of her husband in Huajia Village. I also don't want to continue to be alone.

Her mother painted her a dream before she died, telling her that her biological father is noble. She should not be just a fisherwoman, but a noble woman who is envious of her respect. In Zhao Ning’s mind, she thinks this way. She is trying hard to seize every opportunity, just to achieve her own goals.

Such a person, if he has spent the rest of his life in Huajia Village, will have no choice but to take the opportunity to go higher in the future.

"Zhao girl, if you stay in Anhe City, it may be a better choice." Murong knows that her defense against her is unfair. Zhao Ning does not hurt her now. She is trying to please Chen Rongzhan. But he can see that this kind of hobbies has nothing to do with love. She just wants to let others remember her and try to help her find her biological father.

Zhao Ning laughed at himself. "No, I won't stay in Anhe. If I stay there, you will forget me for a long time. I won't help me find my father again. I know you don't want me to follow you. You And the Queen doesn't like me, but what about it? The more you nailed me, the sooner you want to send me away, then find my father, I don't have to follow you."

Murong squatted and glanced at her. "You are very smart."

"I am not smart, just knowing what I want from an early age." Zhao Ning's smile was pure and pure, revealing two small tiger teeth, and then looked at Murong Yu seriously. "Six princes, can I ask a question?" ”

"Hmm?" Murong nodded faintly.

"What am I doing wrong? You and the Queen Empress seem to dislike me very much. I can't wait for me not to follow you. I can't help you with a fisherwoman. Is it because I did something wrong?" Zhao Ning asked doubtfully. .

"Do you think you have done something wrong?" Murong Yu did not answer but asked.

Zhao Ning shrugged. "What can I do wrong? I think the reason you don't like me is that I saved the emperor. If I didn't save him, you might stay with the Queen Empress forever."

Murong’s twilight shot at the same time as Zhao Ning, and smothered it around. “Zhao girl, do you think that this king does not dare to kill you?”

"No, I know you dare." Zhao Ning's heart jumped very fast. She knew that such a statement would definitely attract her own murder, but she felt that her guess was not wrong. She was not a blind man. How could she not see the six? Wang Ye’s unusual look at the Queen’s Empress, “I’m just guessing, do you and the emperor not like the Queen’s Empress?”

"Do you think this is threatening the king?" Murong 恪 voice asked coldly.

Zhao Ning hurriedly shook his head. "How dare I threaten the six princes, I am... envy the Empress."

She secretly observed for a few days, but for the time being, she did not say the six princes. The emperor’s favor for the Queen’s maiden was undisguised. They obviously rushed to the road, but the emperor still had to stop several times a day, not for anything else. In order to let the Queen get off and take a break, and encounter the road is not flat, he will directly hold the Queen in his arms, carefully walk through the rugged, he looked at the Queen's eyes ... makes people feel like he is taking the world I am willing to give it to her.

No matter which woman, I can get the emperor's favor like the Queen's Empress, this life should be enough.

Murong looked at her coldly. "Some things are not what you can envy. You should be self-aware."

Zhao Ning smiled slightly. "The six kings are assured that it is not my thing. I will not force it. What's more... I have never been worse than others."

She doesn't feel that she can't compare with the Queen's Empress. Can't she meet someone who is really good to her in the future? That person will not be the emperor, his heart is all Queens, she will not be like her mother, waiting for someone who abandoned her, she has to wait for someone who is willing to accompany her.

"You think this is the best." Murong nodded faintly, and he stood up. "Thank you for your dinner, this king will find someone to find your biological father as soon as possible."

"Thank you for the six kings." Zhao Ning said with a smile.



On the following day, Murong Chong rushed out in the early morning, it was raining outside, and it stopped until noon. The sun shone through the clouds and the rain on the leaves was crystal clear.

Ye Hao stood outside the inn and took a deep breath, really fresh.

"Hey." Murong Yu came out from the inn and saw Ye Hao standing at the door. He flashed a smile on his eyes and screamed at her behind her.

"Six princes." Ye Hao looked back at him and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Are you ready to leave?"

Murong smiled and said, "It’s almost."

"Are you talking about things with the emperor?" Ye Hao said with a smile, she knows that Murong Zhan now believes in Murong Yu, sometimes he will ask him to ask about the previous things, hoping to recall more past. .

"Yes, the emperor will soon come down." Murong said, "Hey, thank you for talking to Qian Luozhan in front of the emperor."

Ye Hao smiled. "I am just telling the truth, yes, yesterday... Who is here?"

"Fuji." Murong whispered, "The emperor should tell you the reason."

"Yes..." Ye Hao was very cold. "I have come up with 30 million and two thousand Luosha to kill the hired people."

Murong smirked, "Hey, thousands of ruins do not pick up the murder business."

Ye Hao snorted. "There are still people who are excited about 10 million, or they will not appear here."

"There will be no next time." Murong promised.

"Why didn't you leave the vines around?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Murong said faintly, "There is something else for him to do."

Ye Hao sighed softly. "He is loyal to you. When you didn't even breathe and heartbeat, you changed it, and you will definitely want to kill."

"Hey, are you pleading for him?" Murong asked with a funny smile. "The person he wants to kill is you."

He no longer believes that Fujisawa is because he had already explained that he had to take care of him before he was in a coma. As a result, Fujisawa did not listen to him because of his selfishness. This is why he was angry.

"I am not here, right?" Ye Hao smiled. She was of course angry. But after thinking about it, she thought she could understand Fujisawa. After all, she and Murong Yu were in his mind, Murong Yu. It is his most important person.

Murong Yu is for her accident, and Fujisawa will hate her in her heart.

"Let him reflect on his reflection." Murong smiled.

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