Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1060: Except for dissident

Kyoto, the palace.

"The Queen Mother, the little prince is gone." An **** hurried into the Cining Palace, and said to the Queen Mother in a panic.

"What is Xiao Wang's disappearance? Isn't it for you to look at him?" asked the Queen's anger, and saw that the cabinet was about to issue a sacred slogan to hold Murong as the new emperor. He could go there at this time.

The little **** cried and said, "Little prince stunned the palace guarding him, and now he does not know where to go."

After the Queen’s anger, Zhu Xi trembled. “I ordered the blockade of the city gate and brought the little prince back to the mourner before dark.”

"Yes, Empress Dowager..." The little **** was swept away by the anger of the Queen Mother.

If he can't find Xiao Wang, he is sure that he is a little life.

At this time, Murong was hiding in the room of Lu Xiangzhi. He was irritated and took the trouble. "What should I do? The emperor did not come back. The Queen Mother had already convinced the cabinet minister, in case... in case she conspiracy. What should I do?"

Lu Xiangzhi was dizzy with his eyes. "Can you sit down and talk?"

"How can I still sit still?" Murong screamed and cried. "There is no news for the emperor. The Queen Mother does not know how many court ministers have been clashed, and so on..."

"You are too small to see the emperor, the Queen Mother lived in the palace, even if she can buy the Guards and the Royal Forest Army, then defend the city army? Do you think it is so easy to change an emperor?" Lu Xiang asked with a sneer.

Ink Murray suddenly stopped, and there was a feeling of squatting in the moment. He looked back and looked at Lu Xiangzhi. "You reminded me why the Queen Mother did so many things. These guards and the defending army did not move at all. The cabinet minister can buy it, and the court ministers can buy it, but these troops are the confidants of the emperor. The queen can not buy it in a day or two. How can they seem to be quiet? Do you want to watch the queen? Bit?"

"You finally figured it out." Lu Xiangzhi laughed, but fortunately it was not a raft.

Murong turned his head and slammed Lu Xiangzhi. "The emperor has already been informed... Xue Lin found the emperor?"

"In addition to this, how do you explain the calm of Kyoto?" Lu Xiangzhi asked with a smile. "Xu Daren is the emperor's confidant. Why did he agree that the Queen Mother will make you a new prince? You let the Guardian Army block the palace, and the Guardian Army listens to you. Do you think they were bought by the Queen Mother?"

"Imperial brother does not stop the Queen Mother, is it still acquiescence to the Empress Dowager?" Murong can not figure out why this is the case, if the emperor is already informed, then he only ordered the Queen Mother to be under house arrest, then everything will not happen.

Lu Xiangzhi signaled that he sat down. "The emperor must have his reason to do this. If he only put the Queen Mother under house arrest, he can solve it. You are still the status of the superintendent. Can you not undermine her? Xiao Wangye, the Queen Mother has taken the position. The heart will certainly not be so simple. Perhaps the emperor is wondering how much power the Queen Mother has hidden."

Murong sat down in disappointment. "I thought I knew the Queen Mother very well. Now I find that I don't know her at all. She is like a stranger. How can she do this to the emperor..."

"When a person is blinded, the things that are made are crazy." Lu Xiang comforted him. "You stay here, the Queen Mother will find you sooner or later."

"If I find it, I will not be as long as the Queen Mother wants." Ink said in a cold voice, "I can't do anything to betray the emperor."

Lu Xiangzhi said, "I am worried that the Queen Mother will eventually force you to do anything."

"What can I be threatened?" Murong sneered. "No matter how long it takes, how long it will take."

"Then you stay with me, I will go out and inquire about the news." Lu Xiangzhi said.

Inkor nodded, "Okay."



Nowadays, in addition to the cabinet minister Wang Weiyuan, the most active person is the national prince Qiu Yaozong. I heard that Xiao Wang’s father is gone. He immediately took people around in Kyoto and looked for him. Even the minister’s house was not let go, but if any minister refused to let him in, he arrested the other party on the charge of rebellion.

For a time, the whole of Kyoto was in chaos.

Lu Xiangzhi saw this scene in the corner, knowing that this is the Queen Mother’s efforts to clean up the ministers who opposed the new Xinjun in the morning.

It seems that I will be in Lujia soon!

No, he has to hurry to tell his father and teacher about it.

Lu Shiming is still at Xu, and is talking to Xu Lao.

"Xu Lao, the lower official knows that you are thinking about the overall situation. Now we don't have the news of the emperor. If you really let the Queen Mother succeed, it will not be easy to save it in the future." Lu Shiming still does not understand why Xu Lao is willing to listen. The Queen Mother’s instructions.

"Now the calmness of Kyoto, even the dark guards have not moved, Lu Daren, you still can't see it?" Xu Lao took a sip of tea and smiled at Lu Shiming.

Lu Shiming stunned, "Xu Lao, what you mean... The emperor is already aware of it. Now everything in Kyoto is acquiescence by the emperor?"

"Even if it is not like this, it is almost the same." Xu Lao said with a smile.

"If this is the case..." Lu Shiming sighed. "The Queen Mother is setting fire to self-immolation, and she has lost her mother-child relationship between her and the emperor. She has no benefit to her."

Xu Lao shook his head. "The mother-in-law of the Queen Mother is only used on Xiao Wang Ye. I am afraid of the emperor... I am afraid that there is not much motherhood."

Lu Shiming heard the words without a word.

"Master, Lu Shaoye asked to see."

This is, there are people going back and forth, interrupting the conversation between Xu Lao and Lu Shiming.

"It seems to be an accident." Xu Lao said faintly, let the next person go to Lu Xiangzhi to come in.

Lu Xiangzhi hurried in and gave Xu Lao and Lu Shiming a ritual. "Teacher, hey, Qiu Yaozong took people around Kyoto to search for the whereabouts of Xiao Wangye. He took the opportunity to arrest many ministers and went to jail. The Queen Mother is eradicating dissidents. what should we do?"

Xu Lao and Lu Shiming looked at each other, "What?"

"He Shilang and Liu Daren have been arrested. If they don't stop, they don't know how many people will be caught in the hall." Lu Xiang's voice said with anger.

"It seems that I will find Lu Jia soon." Lu Shiming said to Xu Lao with a smile.

Xu old frowned. "The Queen Mother is in a hurry."

"Little prince... hide in our house." Lu Xiangzhi whispered.

Lu Shiming jerked his head up. "What does Xiao Wang’s hiding in our house?"

"He refused to listen to the words of the Queen Mother..." Lu Xiang said helplessly.

"You go to persuade the little prince to go back to the palace. Even if he is hiding, it will be useless. The Queen Mother will definitely force him to ascend the throne, let him listen to the words of the Queen Mother, and wait for the emperor to come back and say." Xu Lao whispered.

Lu Shiming angered, "Does the Queen Mother want to kill the imperial court minister? Can the dark guards and the guards look at it?"

"The old man went to the palace to persuade the Queen Mother, you will let Xiao Wang Ye return to the palace as soon as possible." Xu Lao said to them.

"I will go home to see Xiao Wang." Lu Shiming nodded. "I hope the emperor will come back as soon as possible, otherwise I will not know what will happen after the Queen."

Xu Lao looked at the gloomy sky. "It’s going to rain."

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