Qi State, the village in the border.

Lu Yizhi has been recuperating here for more than half a month, and the white cloth that has been on his eyes has finally been able to be removed.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw only a blur of light and shadow.

"Duan Muya, why can't my eyes still see?" Lu Yanzhi asked quietly.

"What are you eager to do, adapt to the luminosity first, in the dark for so long, how can you see clearly when you open your eyes." Duanmuya said with no anger, "And I told you, I may not be cured." Your eyes, if you can see it, you will see your creation."

Lu Haozhi had to close his eyes first. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes. The feeling of tingling and glare was not so strong, but he did not see it very clearly. I couldn't see it at all, and even the appearance of Duan Muya could not be seen clearly.

"Can you see it?" Duan Muya asked with an eyebrow.

"I don't know..." Lu Yizhi closed his eyes again, and he must have not adapted to it. He can see it after a rest.

Du Muya said, "This is already the best result. You are hurting your head. It is not easy to see. Don't ask too much."

Lu Yanzhi opened his eyes, and what he saw was vague. It was only after a while that he could see what it was. "My eyes can only be like this?"

"Eyes are small things, look at your legs first." Duan Muya said, eyes are not bad.

"Don't you say that my legs can walk normally?" Lu Yizhi knows that his injuries are multiple. The martial arts lose sight of his eyes, as long as he can see that he can walk.

Duanmu looked at him and said, "I can walk, but..."

Lu Yizhi looked at him with a slight blink of an eye. "What problem do I have?"

"You also know that you were injured at the time. In addition to the fall of the cliff, there are still many sword wounds on your body. You are here..." Duan Muya pointed at the position of his waist. "It was stabbed in a sword, although your legs. It’s okay, but... you’re afraid you can’t be a normal man.”

"What are you talking about?" Lu Yan asked one word at a time.

"That's what it means." Duanmuya said with some sympathy, there are still some people who can't bear it. "I have tried my best."

Lu Yan’s face is blue, “You said that I became an eunuch?”

"The **** is castrated, you are not, there is still a difference." Duanmu said, "Actually... maybe wait until the drug valley is looking for me, you can cure you, don't be too desperate."

"..." Lu Yanzhi's face is getting more and more ugly. He is alive and alive, but he didn't think it would become like this. "You mean, I can't touch a woman in the future?"

Duan Muya sighed in his heart, "I can still touch it, I am afraid that you will be powerless when you arrive."

This is enough to understand, even if he is not an eunuch, it is almost the same.

There was a raging anger in Lu Xin’s heart, and he now only wants to kill Murong Cham.

"You don't think about it, so you are still alive." Du Muya comforted him.

"I am still alive?" Lu Hao's anger is very angry, he has done so much, just want to gamble with Murong Zhan, want to know if his life is big or Murong Zhan's life, now he lives It’s no different from death. What about Murong Cham?

The guard came in from the outside and saw the white cloth of Lu Yan’s eyes and took it with pleasure. He asked happily, "Brother, can you see it?"

Lu Haozhi now doesn't want to care about his physical condition. He is afraid that he will be crazy when he says more. "Is there news of Murong Cham?"

"No..." Guan Guan gently shook his head.

how is this possible! Regardless of life and death, there should be news of Murong Cham at this time!

The two men who came in behind the gates bowed to Lu Yan’s trip, "The Master."

"Say." Lu Yan is depressed at this time, he needs to know that the news that Murong Chan is dead can give him a little comfort.

"The Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Korea is plotting to establish another new prince. It seems that I know the news of the disappearance of Murong Chong. There is still no news on Anhe City. Ye Xiaonan has already set off for Xiliang, and Ye Yiqing returned to Dongqingguo." It is Lu Yizhi's left arm and right arm. His name is Luo Sheng.

Lu Xun’s ochre is like a cloud, “Would you like to set up a new king in the Queen’s Day? Is there no big chaos in Kyoto?”

"No..." Luo Sheng whispered, "even the cabinet ministers agree with the Queen Mother's decision."

He used to follow Murong Zhan to fight the world. He knows the loyalty of the Guards and the Shoucheng Army. If the Queen Mother really intends to establish a new prince when he is missing, the first one to oppose is that these once followed the ink. Rong Zhan was born into the army of death, but why is Kyoto so calm?

The answer is so clear.

Murong Chan is still not dead! Not only did he not die, but he also took control of the situation in Kyoto, otherwise Kyoto was already in a mess.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Lu Yan smirked madly, and he violently swept everything on the table to the ground. "He is still alive! He is still alive!"

Du Muya and others were shocked by Lu Hao, who was suddenly furious. "If Murong Chan is alive, maybe it will be more painful than death..."

"No! He is bigger than me, I lost!" Lu Yizhi's head was distributed, anger, pain, and despair made him fall into the ultimate madness. "As long as he is still alive, Ye Hao will not leave him, I lost. ,I lost……"

"You calm down." Duan Muya advised.

Lu Yanzhi couldn’t listen to him. "I am going to Kyoto. Since I have nothing, I can get everything with Murong Cham. I am going to Kyoto!"

He wants to go to Kyoto, he must have nothing to do with Murong Cham...

"You are crazy!" Duanmu shook his head and said to Guanuan, "Your brother is going to die, you either stun him or let him die."

When you heard this, you immediately went up to the palm of your hand.

Lu Yizhi had only one idea in his mind before he fainted.

"Since he can't get it in his life, then destroy it. If he can't get it, then Murong Zhan doesn't want to get it..."

Duan Muya looked at Lu Yanzhi who was fainting on the floor, and satisfactorily gave a thumbs up to Guan Guan. "Good, very powerful."

"Doctor Duanmu, is our master okay?" Luo Sheng asked with concern, they had never seen such a violent Lu Yizhi.

"Go to the drug valley first, he looks like this... If he is allowed to leave, it is estimated that he will live soon." Duan Muya said.

Luo Sheng said, "If you let the noble girl know, you must be angry."

Duan Muya raised an eyebrow. "That should not let her know."

"..." Guan Jie 睁 big pair of innocent eyes, "Sister already knows, my brother asked people to pick up his sister to pick him up."

Let Lu Shuanger know that the big brother who has been relying on has become like this, then it is really troublesome.

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