The next journey, Murong Cham, they did not encounter any danger, no one knows that they will return to Kyoto, let alone they have changed the route, it is difficult to find them.

The only accident was that Ye Hao suddenly had no appetite, couldn’t eat anything, and spit it up in the morning, which made Murong Zhan too nervous. No one understood what it was. The first six months were not good. ? How did you suddenly spit it like this?

"Hey, eat some porridge, you haven't eaten in one day." Murong Zhan looked at Ye Hao, who had lost a circle in two days. The apex seemed to have a needle in him, and he could not wait for her to receive these. crime.

Ye Hao is a snack food. She is usually picky and greedy in eating. Now she can't eat anything. She feels more uncomfortable than digging her meat. Her eyes are sorrowful and look at Murong Zhan. "I think Eat meat."

So hungry! But how do you smell the meat and want to vomit? What is going on here? She obviously has been eating and drinking for six months, and she has raised a circle of meat. How can it be spit out in these two days?

Murong Zhan listened to her pity and said that she wanted to eat meat. His heart was almost broken. When she even eaten meat, it became so difficult. "You should eat some porridge first, too hungry to eat meat." Spit, eat meat again in a while? 朕 Let people prepare your favorite crispy ribs."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao’s eyes were red, "Is it dying?"

"Don't say this." Murong Chong slammed her mouth. "Isn't someone else pregnant and spit? The doctor said that you are not a big problem, spit and eat again."

Ye Hao actually knows that her body is not serious, even the children in her stomach are more lively than usual, but she can't control her emotions. When she sees Murong Chan, she can't help but want to be spoiled. He scolded her, "I am uncomfortable."

Murong Zhan licked her shoulder. "Oh, I know, it’s uncomfortable to see you."

"You feed me porridge." Ye Hao said softly, "I am not uncomfortable."

"It’s almost like a mother, so childish.” Murong Zhan said with a smile, but gently fed her a porridge.

Ye took his arm. "I like it in front of you."

The smile of Murong Chong has spread to the bottom of my eyes. "When you return to the palace, let the imperial kitchen do something refreshing, so you won't spit."

“When can we go back to the palace?” Ye Hao used to dislike the palace and was too depressed. Now I miss some exquisite snacks.

"You can go back in a few days." Murong Zhan gave her a bite and saw that she could finally eat something, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Qiangqiang ate a bowl of porridge, suddenly felt tired and open, she lazily leaned on the ink Rong Zhan, "A Zhan, I want to sleep."

Murong Chan hugged her and hugged it on the bed. "Then you sleep for a while, and you are here to guard you."

"Okay." Ye Hao grabbed his hand tightly in his arms, and soon fell asleep.

It seems to be really tired! Murong Zhan smiled and looked at her sweet sleepy face, bowed her face on her cheek, and looked at the secret letter sent by Kyoto in the book next to it. After learning that Murong was not wanting to get rid of the news, he had a look. Flashed a smile of relief.

I didn't look at the wrong person. Auntie is a pure child.



Ye Hao slept very hard. She dreamed that she saw the fire phoenix, but the fire phoenix did not look very good. The feathers of the whole body were falling, and only a little flame lingered on it. It even stood up. None, just looking at Ye Hao lazily.

"Little bird, what's wrong with you?" Ye Hao hurried over and hugged the fire phoenix in his arms to see if he was injured.

"Don't be a copy of the **** is dying, this **** is just to be born again." Fire Phoenix did not breathe a glance at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked around and it didn't seem to be in her space. "If you have nothing, how can you not see me? I have found you several times and have not seen you."

The fire phoenix snorted. "Not all of you, gave the feathers of the great **** to the ink, and let me be dragged into his memory. Now I can't find the body, I can only hide here. Practice, leave again after the next rebirth."

"I don't know if I will make you like this..." Ye said, "What should I do? Can Lingquan not help you?"

Fire Phoenix said, "The Lingquan is useful because of the spiritual power of the great god. Now I am like this. The well is not reborn. You can save it, it will run out sooner or later, and I will be born again." Don't turn the well into a dry well before you come back."

"I know, I must save it." Ye Hao touched its head. "Little bird, I still have something to ask you."

"Ask." Fire Phoenix said lazily.

Ye Hao said, "Mu Rongzhan has forgotten all the previous things after he woke up. Can he still think about it in the future? Why did he forget all of it? Murong will remember it. You know what happened when he was in a coma. Is it something?"

The fire phoenix rolled his eyes. "Your problem is really much. When the ink is slumbered, the soul is taken back to the past life. After all, it is not the memory of this world. If you wake up, there will be no natural, but can you? Think of it, that is his creation, I don't know when he can remember..."

"He was taken back to his previous life?" Ye said a little. "Little bird, what do you know?"

"I want to sleep, don't yell at me." Fire Phoenix said lazily, squatting in Ye Hao's arms, only that she had a warm light source, made it feel very comfortable, why not want to leave It is.

Ye Hao also wanted to ask what Murong Chan had experienced in the end, but Huo Huang had disappeared in her arms, and her dreams woke up.

"Little bird..." Ye Hao whispered and woke up, but found that he was dreaming, turned his head and looked around, did not see the image of ink-filled Zhan.

"Mother, are you awake?" Hung Hom was beside him and found Ye Hao woke up and asked with a smile. "You are hungry? Are you a slave to let you cook a bowl of beef noodles?"

Ye Hao gently shook his head, "Is the emperor?"

"Six princes have something to discuss with the emperor, the emperor is afraid to wake you up, just talk to the six kings in the next room." Hung Hom said.

"The palace is lying for a while, you go to let Xiaoran cook noodles." Ye Hao said, she felt that the dream was just strange, so I want to go into the space to see, maybe the fire phoenix has returned.

These two days are the first time that Ye Hao has taken the initiative to ask for something to eat. There is a burst of excitement in the heart of the red dragonfly. "The girl is resting, and the slave is going to let Xiaoran face it."

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