Murong Zhan has been busy in the Qing Dynasty for three days. Today, all the things have been straightened out, including those books. Except for the borrowed money, there is still a tax owed. The final amount comes out of him. I was shocked.

There are actually 80 million two!

It is certainly impossible for these money to be recovered, but he will not let these people take the money of the court and still have peace of mind.

He asked Murong and Lu Xiang to go with them to recover these money. This is a temporary opportunity not to use tough means to give these people the opportunity to pay their debts. If they don't know how to be interested, then you can't blame him for being cold.

After all these things were arranged, Murong Chan finally could not restrain the thoughts in his heart. He ran to Huaqing Palace in the first time. He missed it too much. Now he wants to hold her in his arms and beside her. Take a good sleep.

Murong Zhan walked in, but found that Ye Hao was not inside, but saw the cockroaches in the palace on the main hall. When the women saw him, just like the wolf saw the meat, the eyes stared brightly. He, even if he bowed down, did not forget to show a charming look.

It’s really a big disappointment to read.

He looked up and saw Ye Hao holding the hand of the palace lady to come down and salute him. He stepped forward and said, "Don't come down, know that you are inconvenienced and rest."

Ye Hao listened to him as if he was full of love, and she returned to him with a sweet smile. "The doctors said that they should move more."

"You are also called walking?" As for her little vinegar jar, sitting here in the harem of the palace, please Anba, she must be sighed, and it is still him who is distressed.

The people in the main hall are still squatting, and Murong Chan has not let them get up.

Ye Hao gently pulled his sleeve, can't just let people hang out like this.

Ink Murray glanced at her and turned back to Hu Wei and said, "Get up."

Hu Xin’s heart was loose, and he slowly stood up. When he saw the emperor, he had to hold the Queen’s Empress in one hand. The gentle affection on his face was completely different from the coldness he had just entered. She suddenly felt the point at the bottom of her heart. Looking forward to it is very ridiculous, she thought that the Queen Empress was pregnant, the emperor will definitely want others to serve.

Probably... is impossible.

When there was no Queen Empress, the emperor was not pure and unwilling, even a woman had not touched it?

"Hey, they care about the courtiers, know that the courtiers are back, and they have come to visit." Ye Hao said in a fair manner.

Murong Zhan didn't like her to call herself a courtier in front of him, and she didn't like her to salute him. So listening to her, I felt that Hu Min was too blind here. If they were not here, hey. At this time, he must have plunged into his arms, and he will talk to him politely.

"You all have the heart, the Queen is heavy, it is inconvenient to always see you, don't always come here to disturb." Murong Zhan waved his hand and sent everyone down.

He is so quick to send people that even Ye Hao has some reaction.

Hu Yu’s heart smiled, and it seemed that he was not surprised at all. “It’s not a matter of disturbing the goddess. The courtiers don’t bother the rest of the goddess, and the courtiers retire.”

Ye Hao smiled a little bit, "Okay."

Others, even if they are unwilling, have to retreat.

"You sent them all away? They just saw you." Ye Hao softly put him in his arms, his fingertips hooked on his sleeves.

"You didn't even look at them when you didn't even look at it. You shouldn't have vinegar on it?" Murong Zhan said with a funny smile. Although he didn't remember the memory of her and her, but he came back from this road, he had already figured through her. Little temper.

Ye Hao drilled in his arms. "I am not jealous."

Murong Chong asked her ear, "I am sure I have not been fortunate enough, right?"

"How do I know that they were all elected to the palace before I entered the palace. Who is your heart at the time? I want to know." Ye Hao slammed, and the small hand holding his sleeves was aggravated. The power.

Still dare to say that she is not jealous! All of them rolled up his sleeves. Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her lips. After a long kiss, he grabbed her little hand backhand. "You are not saying that you will see you before you enter the palace." Have you ever been? If you are really tempted to you, how can you still touch them?"

Ye Qiu mouth corners up high, "You are a color embryo, how do I know..."

Murong Chong bite her earlobe. "Is it a color embryo? How is it for you?"

"Azhan!" Ye Hao was bitten by him and his back was numb. She scratched the back of his hand. "You just forgot, but I remember it clearly."

"Well, then you slowly said to listen." Murong Zhan laughed and hugged her, even though she is now a double body, he is not hard to hold her.

Ye Hao reached out and touched his face. "I haven't slept for three days?"

"I still have a sleep for a while." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Let's lie down for a while."

“Is it very tired?” Ye Hao asked distressedly, there must be a lot of things to do.

Murong Chan put her gently on the couch, lay down beside her, and said something about her busy things in the past few days. "...has been handled roughly, and I remembered a lot before. Don't worry about political affairs."

She also noticed that he actually remembered a lot of previous things, except for the memories related to her.

"Hey, I said, before you entered the palace, how did you get along with you?" Murong Zhan closed his eyes and smelled the faint fragrance of her body. He relaxed all over his body, as if all the tiredness was gone. Open the same.

"At that time..." Ye Hao leaned on his chest and remembered that he couldn't help but smile. "I first saw you at Chengde Mountain Villa, but at that time I was a wild boy, I was at night. Swimming in the hot spring pool, I also kicked you... You are too bad, knowing that I don’t like you, I have to leave me there, in fact, I didn’t dislike you at that time, it’s too Resentful to you..."

"I'm sorry." Murong Zhan said with a dumb voice.

Ye Hao snorted. "You don't feel sorry for me. I accidentally slept in the library and sneaked in..."

Murong was so upset and laughing, I can imagine what kind of mentality I was at that time.

It must be a must! Such a good little girl, why he would not use everything to keep her around.

Ye Hao patted his arm. "Hurry up, wait until you wake up, I will continue."

Murong Chan lazily snorted, and soon a soft grunt sounded.

He never snored when he slept, these days are really too tired.

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