Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1076: Don't want to be separated from you

Inkor Zhan woke up and found no one around him. He only heard the sound of screaming outside and the light footsteps. He shook his head and smiled. With his ear force, he could still hear the sound even if he was careful outside. .

"The maiden, the idyllic room is ready for the dinner according to your instructions." Hong Ling whispered to Ye Hao.

"The emperor is still asleep, and is not in a hurry to send it." Ye Hao pressed down, Murong was so busy for so many days, it was rare to have free time to come back to sleep, how she could bear to wake him up.

In the ink, Chong Zhan Zhan couldn't help but smile. He sat up, didn't let people come in and waited for him to change clothes. He simply went out wearing a bright yellow wide-sleeved scorpion.

"The emperor." The outside palace lady saw him immediately squatting.

Ye Hao looked back at him and smiled. "How do you wake up, don't you sleep for a while?"

"I have been sleeping for a long time, and then I will sleep again tonight." Murong Zhan held her shoulder and prevented her from standing up. "What dinner is prepared for you?"

"You haven't had a good rest in the past few days, and you are afraid of getting up late at night, and you have prepared a melon stew that has been reduced to fire..." Ye said with a smile. "There must have been no good meals in the past few days."

Murong Zhan listened to the eyebrows and smiled, and took her into her arms. "Hey, it’s not empty now, come and eat with you every day, okay?"

She just listened to her words. She didn't believe that he could get free. Today is the solution. One tomorrow, there may be another thing that has dragged him. "I don't want you to accompany you every day." I am hoping that you know how to rest and eat, don't get tired of yourself."

"Hey, you know that you are distressed." Murong Zhan laughed, his hand gently placed on her lower abdomen, "obedient?"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "I have been obedient these days. I didn't play me at night."

"It seems that I know that I am going home." Murong Zhan kissed her on the lower abdomen. "It is more at ease at home."

"I know that no one is accompanying me, so I don't dare to argue with me." Ye Hao stunned and turned his head and let Hong Ling go to the dinner.

The people who were waiting in the house all lowered their heads to avoid going outside. They all knew that when the emperor and the empress were getting along, they didn't like someone.

"Azhan, will you still lead the troops?" Ye Hao leaned in the arms of Mo Rongzhan. He is now busy with the middle of the matter. When he is busy, he probably wants to turn his attention to Beiming. The war in the country is up.

Murong Zhan knew what she was worried about. He kissed her mouth and kissed him. "Give me your promise, don't leave before you are born."

Ye Hao’s eyes are filled with water. “I don’t want to be separated from you.”

If she has no children, she can follow where he goes, but when her child is born, she can only stay in the palace.

"Hey, I won't be separated from you." Murong Cham's heart was soft and sour, and she was reluctant to let go of her in her arms.

"Tomorrow, I let my mother enter the palace, she must be very worried about me, these two days are too busy to let her into the palace." Ye Hao knows that no matter what she said can not change the facts later, she does not want to always say with him Something that affects emotions.

Mo Rongzhan heard the words and laughed. "Let your mother enter the palace to talk to you."

"Would you like to go to the front tonight?" Ye Hao hooked his hand and didn't see him for a few days. She felt that she was not safe at night, just thinking that he would stay with her.

"Don't go, stay with you here." Murong Chan was scratched by her soft boneless fingers, grabbing her naughty hand in the palm of her hand, "Let Auntie and Lu Xiangzhi go to collect debts, near In the period of time, I only look at their results. As for the DPRK, there is no other matter."

"They are going to collect debts?" Ye Hao surprised his eyes. "Can they?"

Inkor Zhan laughed, "I will give them a practice. Anyway, this silver coin must be brought back anyway. Your brother is in the cool West, and the wasteland needs to use silver."

It’s not Ye Hao’s ability to look at Murong’s and Lu Xiang’s books. According to the account book that Murong Zhan said, it’s not the ancestral or the dynasty of the famous monks in the south. Although these two people are princes but they are too young, Lu Xiang is outside. For two years, the county magistrate, but this is not enough experience to deal with those old slickers.

"Don't worry, I found them a helper." Murong Zhan smiled.

Ye took a look at him. Anyway, his arrangement is definitely for a reason. "So... Qiu Yaozong?"

"Hey, you can't move too late, can't he still move, people have already cut it." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Listening to his fluttering words determines a person's life and death, this is probably a cold expression of an emperor, she heard him continue to say, "Qiu Yaozong is guilty, look at the aunt's share, did not let their family With the funeral, Qiu Zhenyuan handed over to Qiu Yaozu, let him go to the trial, as for the rest of the people, all of them were sent back to Yucheng."

"I went to see the Queen Mother, I really can't sympathize with her." Ye Hao whispered.

In addition to the first day, Murong Zhan did not go to see the Queen Mother. He had nothing to say to her. "She doesn't need people to sympathize. Even if you don't go to see her, she can't bear to burn herself."

"After that, she was in Lingshan, and she didn't need to see her again." Ye Hao said, "How is Zhao Ning arranged? When are you going to tell her the truth?"

"Let her live in the aunt first, and he has already let the messenger go to Qiguo, waiting for Zhao to send someone to pick her up." Murong Zhan mouth smirked a smile, he would not be accommodating Qi Guo, just want to talk with Qi Guoping on a level of cooperation, Zhao Ning is an opportunity for him, so that Zhao Wei is willing to talk to him.

Ye Xie’s heart is that Lu Shuanger, who is now in the Qi State Palace, does not know what kind of moths she will make in the future, and she still does not understand Lu Yuzhi. “I just want to know Lu’s life and death, he is alive. I feel uneasy in my heart."

She is not afraid that Lu Yan will be like her, but that he will hurt Murong Cham.

Although Murong Zhan forgot how he fell down with An Lu, he could still guess, and Lu Yizhi’s skill is definitely not comparable to Murong Cham, but he still makes Murong Zhan almost dead. Up...

The most important thing is that Lu Yi’s hidden power behind her makes her feel terrible.

This person is too sinister to be too gloomy. I don't know when it will come out, so he is still the best.

Ink Murray’s twilight sinks. “If he is dead, if he is still alive, he will definitely find him.”

"You said... Since Lu Shuanger has become a favorite of Qi State, what is Lu Weizhi in front of Zhao Wei?" Ye Hao whispered.

"It doesn't matter what you count, you won't let him go." Murong Zhan said coldly.

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