In the past, Murong Chan arranged Wu Chong and Xue Lin to be around her. She was arrested by Qi Ruoshui. Wu Chong and Xue Lin were seriously injured. Now they are wounded, but they have been telling them to do things. She now wants to use people, they are the most suitable.

In addition to a few of Hong Ling, she has not really been able to do things for her outside. She knew that she would ask a few people, and he would definitely be able to arrange for her.

"You want to use them to let people talk, since you used them for you, you don't have to ask again." Murong Chan whispered, still caressing her back, like It is just like calming her emotions.

Ye Hao was very comfortable with the hair. He was not in the heat and was still in his arms. "Is anyone outside ruining my reputation?"

Murong Zhan’s hand didn’t stop, and when he entered the palace to see her, he guessed that she would know about it. “It’s just a few long tongues, let’s go to the lesson.”

Is it really just a long tongue to talk about it behind the scenes? Ye Xie does not believe that it matters to her. If the son-in-law is terrible, she dare not say her.

"If you want to check, let Xue Lin go and check, no matter who you find, you will be out for you." Murong Zhan said softly, he originally wanted Xue Lin to check, she did the same. .

Ye Hao’s hand is playing with his button. “I’m not angry, although I’m angry. I’m wondering who is going to jump out to deal with me?”

Murong Chan grabbed her hand. "They are not dealing with you, they just want to deal with it."

"Are you not good enough for them?" Ye Haodao, tickles a few words. "They are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, and they have no understanding of your pains."

"The situation in Kyoto is subtle. Because I have forgotten something, I can't make a rash decision, especially the account book of the state treasury. It is even more difficult for me to think about it. These days, you only have to raise your baby, don't let the outside things bother you." Rong Zhan clenched her hand. "Not to be jealous. You have to tell you what to do next. If you are jealous with you, it is a scar."

Ye Yi knew that he planned to give the girls a promotion in the near future. It is definitely impossible to say that she is happy to accept her heart, but she also knows that he is all for her. "The emperor intends to greet others, then I let her family. When people enter the palace, they talk, cry and complain about sadness?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "Did you not see Mrs. Lu today?"

"I haven't seen my eldest brother for a long time, and... I want to call the people in the Lujia second room to see you in the palace. Some words want to ask them." Ye Hao whispered.

"All with you, whoever you want to see, see." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Ye Hao sat up from his arms and looked at the sky outside. "It is already dark, I am going to pass on people."

Murong Zhan turned and went to the screen to change clothes, Fu Gonggong rushed to the past.



When he returned home, he rarely saw Lu Shiming and his father and son at the same time at home. He just saw Lu Xiang’s actually lost a circle. She said with distress. "You haven’t eaten for a few days, how can you become so thin, before? It’s not so thin from the prison.”

Lu Xiangzhi’s hand was caught by Yu’s hand, and he smiled slyly. “Mother, I have eaten more than usual in the past few days, and I am physically strong.”

"You pull it! You can't see it when you can't see it, you are tired." He told me, "What the emperor gave you to the errand, let you not be tired of doing these things in the past few days, today you My sister asked, I don’t know how to tell her."

"Mother, have you seen it?" Lu Xiang immediately asked, "What does it look like? I still think about going to the palace for two days if I have time."

裴 sighed, "She looks pretty good, there is the emperor's protection, and now it's okay."

I don't know what will happen in the future.

Lu Xiangzhi knows that someone outside is saying that he is not good. He thinks that these people are chewing on the roots of the tongue. They can't influence the position in the palace. The position in the emperor's mind is even more unsettled. "That's good, mother, Then I will go back to the yard first, and I will go out with Xiao Wangye tomorrow morning."

His words had just been finished, his feet had not moved, and his ears had been shackled by the scorpion. "Leave to eat, give me honesty, and do what I have done these days."

"Hey, hurt." Lu Xiangzhi called out loudly, "Mother, I didn't do bad things with Xiao Wangye, I just got a errand, don't believe you ask."

Lu Shiming, who had no intention of opening his mouth, coughed a little. "The emperor is letting Ziheng run with his little prince. He is not too small. Don't treat him as a boy. Do you think that his spirit is not quite enough?" What is the relationship between thinner?"

He immediately smashed the past. "You also know that his boss is not small. The young masters of other people are like his age. The children are running all over the place. He doesn't even have a shadow. I don't care. I will take him anyway this year. The marriage has been done."

Lu Xiang immediately yelled, "Mother, this matter can't be anxious, let's take it slowly?"

"You will only tell me slowly, I am too indulgent. If you don't want to be a relative, I will ask your sister for a good deed, let the emperor directly marry you, see if you dare to drag Go on." Yu did not sigh.

"This is listening to your mother." Lu Shiming stunned Lu Xiang's eyes, so that he would not allow him to talk back.

Lu Xiangzhi had no choice but to nod and promised to be a relative this year.

This is the only way to deflate, and the conversation between the palace and Ye Hao in today is simply told to their father and son. "...the outside is very difficult to hear, but it is good in the palace. It seems that the emperor really loves us." of."

"I heard that the emperor's disappearance in Anhe City this time is related to his eldest brother." Lu Xiangzhi heard that the emperor was so good to his sister and remembered another thing.

"What?" Yan's face changed, looking up to Lu Xiangzhi, "Is it related to the extension?"

Lu Shiming patted her back gently. "It doesn't affect our family until now. Don't worry, the emperor won't anger others because of him."

Sui sighed, "I used to feel that it was the pride of Lujia. If you are a good person, you will become mad."

"The old lady is in the spirit of heaven. If she sees her big brother become like this, I don't know how sad it will be." Lu Xiangzhi whispered that he once regarded Lu Yan as his goal, so worship worshipped him, and now he hears about him, he only has Helpless and bitter.

How does Big Brother like it? That is his cousin.

Lu Shiming’s heart was not disappointed. "I will not see him in the future. Just don't have this person."

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