The palaces of Qi State and Jin Guo are almost exactly the same. This is the re-construction of the Emperor Wudi of the Emperor of the Emperor before the reunification of the world. Even the names of the palaces are the same as those of the Jin Guo Palace.

In the Temple of Nursing, the emperor Zhao Qi of the Qi State sat quietly on the soft couch, behind him was Lu Guifei who gave him a shoulder. He squinted and seemed to enjoy the service of the beauty.

Lu Guizhen is naturally Lu Shuanger. Today, she seems to be no different from a few years ago. She is more enchanting and charming, and she is more cautious. The original arrogance has long since converge.

"The emperor, I heard that you have another beauty?" Lu Shuanger's voice is soft, it sounds like a charm into the bones.

She tried to keep her tone from embarrassing, because she knew that the man she relied on now doesn't like the woman's jealousy. She looks down at him, she is a man who is afraid and can't do everything to serve.

Zhao Wei had already passed the age of his life. His years of tempering his eyes were deeper and sharper. His face was sharp and angular, and it seemed a bit cold. Sometimes, even if he didn’t talk, he had an imposing manner, he and ink. Like Rong Zhan, they are all people who came out on the battlefield. They all had murderous eyes in their eyes. But when she faced Murong Cham, she was not so afraid in her heart. Probably... she loved Murong Cham, and before her eyes. This man, she does not even dare to love.

"You are jealous?" Zhao Hao heard Lu Shuanger's words and slowly opened his eyes. His look seemed lazy, but his eyes were so shivering.

Lu Shuanger smiled and said, "Another sister is waiting for you. The courtiers are too happy to come, as long as the emperor does not forget the courtiers."

When she was brought into the Qiguo Palace, she knew what kind of person Zhao Wei was. He didn’t like the ink color of the female color. As long as he was a beautiful woman, he liked it, but he never had a long-lasting feeling. No woman in the palace can After getting his favor for more than a month, he will not pay attention to the life and death of the harem woman. It is estimated that he does not know who is who, she can be made into a noble, and she has nothing to do with her, because her two brothers ......

Especially Lu Yizhi, Zhao Wei just wants Lu Hao to do things for him.

Zhao Wei held Lu Shuanger in his arms with one hand.

The palace people who were waiting on the main hall groaned and bowed their heads.

"If you forget you, let you be here?" Zhao Wei's voice was low, with a chilling chuckle.

Lu Shuanger was not ready yet, but she did not dare to show pain.

She missed Murong Cham more and more, even though he was pure-minded, and the number of times she was lucky was very few, and even every time he had to clean it behind the screen, she felt that she could bear it.

"What are you thinking?".

Lu Shuanger hugged his shoulder, "I miss you."

Zhao Wei smiled and cold, and ruthlessly vented everything on Lu Shuanger. He only got up from Lu Shuanger who had already passed out. He made a hot water and went out to see the palace woman helping Lu Shuang to clean. She didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Serve the nobles back to the Qiankun Palace." Zhao Yu has no pity in his eyes, and his voice is still indifferent.

"The emperor, Jin Guo sent the messenger to see." Zhao Tai's big **** walked in with his head down and whispered to him.

Lu Shuanger, who was helped to walk behind the screen, heard the word Jin Guo, his eyes opened slightly, but he quickly closed his eyes.

Jin Guo... What is the relationship with her now?

Zhao Wei came to the front hall in a short while, and the clerk of the rites saw him immediately bow down.

"What happened to the messenger of the Jin State?" Zhao Yu’s robes sat down, and the resolute and indifferent face was sneer.

They Qi and Jin Guo never go in and go. It is not bad to fight. Isn’t Murong Zhan just returning to Kyoto? So quickly solved the rebellious Queen Mother?

Although I have never seen Murong Cham, this kid seems to be quite capable.

The clerk of the ritual looked up and looked at Zhao Wei. "The emperor, the emperor of the Jin State said... We are the Princess of Qi in their Kyoto..."

Zhao Wei smiled and smiled, "What?"

Is his princess in Qi State in Jinguo? This joke is too funny!

"Return to the emperor, the messenger of the Jinguo is... It is said that, let the micro-committee send a picture, said that the emperor can see it." The clerk of the rites saw the smile of Zhao Wei on the scalp.

Zhao Wei smiled indifferently. "Send something and take it."

The clerk of the ritual swallowed a slobber and sent a picture of his arms. He didn’t look dare to see this picture. When he heard the ambassador of the Jin State saying that Princess Qi, he would not dare to think more. The princess is in the Imperial Capital, and who else goes to the Jin State, unless it is the illegitimate daughter of the emperor.

This is not something he can know at will.

Zhao Wei is cold, he thinks that this is the means that Murong Zhan wants to make a good match with the country. This Emperor of the Jin Dynasty really made him look too high. It turned out to be nothing like this. This kind of means is really impossible.

As he thought, he took the picture from the palace man's hand, and as soon as he saw the portrait of the dagger above, his twilight sank.

this is……

Zhao Wei’s eyes swept coldly to the minister of the Ministry of Rites. “Is this sent by the messenger of the Jin Dynasty?”

"Yes." The priest of the rites did not dare to look at Zhao's face. Just listening to the words of the cold, I knew that the emperor's mood was not very good.

This ancient sword name is 雍, because it is the same as his name, he liked it when he got it, and then how he lost it... Zhao Wei blinked slightly, in a fishing village, when he woke up I did not see the dagger, but he forgot to recover it at that time, thinking that it was in the palace.

It seems that this dagger is in Jinguo.

His daughter... Zhao Wei recalled what happened in the past. Did the fisherman give him a daughter?

Zhao Wei can't remember what the fisherwoman looks like, but he knows very well that his body has changed since the injury. Although he likes women with good colors when he was young, his self-control is still strong, no. It will be like this. If you are slightly unhappy, you will have to have a woman to vent. Otherwise, the whole body will be uncomfortable and you will become more and more angry and irritable.

"Go to the palace tomorrow, please see him." Zhao said faintly.

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