Hu Yueer felt that her heart was about to jump out. She was just a whim to the Imperial Garden. She did not expect to meet the emperor here. What she could not think of was that the emperor would actually let her drink tea in the water. She has already entered the palace. For many years, the number of times I saw the emperor was no more than three, even though she was called into the Yang Xin Temple...

She remembered the first time she saw the emperor in the Yangxin Temple. It was a lucky thing for the showgirl who first entered the palace to get the emperor's card. She was ready to serve the emperor with all her strength, even if she could not be favored. Let the family be rich and wealthy, she also has to work hard to give birth to a child and a woman can rely on, lying on the dragon couch and thinking about it, a tall figure appeared in front of her.

That was the first time she saw the emperor, unlike her imagination. The emperor was so young, so handsome... his eyes were dark and dark, and people looked like they were going to sink in. Hu Yueer felt his heartbeat. It is getting faster and faster, and her expectation in her heart has become different after seeing the emperor.

If she can get a little bit of his love, she feels dead without regrets.

She looked forward to the next thing, a pair of eyes trembled to see the emperor, time passed a little bit, she was a little overwhelmed, why the emperor just looked at her, but did not even touch her?

Hu Yueer was embarrassed to want to overdo it, but she did not dare. Even if the emperor looked at her red fruit with her eyes, she would not dare to move.

Then the emperor turned and left.

There seems to be some disappointment and disgust in the depths of his eyes?

Hu Yueer suddenly felt that her face was heavily punched, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to die.

The emperor does not like her! She clearly felt the fact that she did something wrong?

She didn't understand, and felt that her days in the palace had come to an end. When she was taken away by the eunuch, she felt that she had no way to live, but she was sent back to Chuxiu Palace, and the ladies were more ruined by her. Even said that her good days are behind, even Lu Guifei, who was favored at the time, gave her face to see, as if she really... got the favor of the emperor.

Then she was sent to the Yangxin Temple, but she never saw the emperor again. The people around her became more and more flattering to her. Her guilty conscience, but did not dare to tell the truth.

The emperor seems... don't use her purpose to let her go to bed.

Hu Yueer heard someone calling her next to her. She hurried back to God and went up to pour a cup of tea to the emperor. Her heartbeat jumped all over the place. This is the third time she saw the emperor, I don’t know... he still remembers her. ?

She knows that the most favored person in the emperor is the Queen Empress, but recently there are rumors that the Queen's mother's child is unknown. The emperor should have heard it. I don't know what I think.

If the Queen's maiden falls out of favor, they will have a chance to get close to the emperor.

In the past, she didn't think that the emperor was an emotional person. Now she doesn't think so, maybe... maybe there is a second woman who holds him in the palm of her hand like a queen.

In case... what if that person is himself?

"What is your name?" Murong Chong's voice is cold, but his eyes have not seen Hu Yueer. He is sitting here to let a woman who has never seen it come to tea, not because he looks at this woman, he just thinks this The woman looks very smart, and listens to Fu Gonggong, this is the only position that has risen in the past few years. It should have been disgusted before.

Hu Yueer held his breath and whispered, "Chen Chen called the moon."

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, but did not remember the name in his heart. "Get up, give tea."

"Yes." Hu Yueer whispered, and now it is a good thing for her to be able to serve tea. She must perform well, so that the emperor must remember her this time.

Fu Gonggong has been standing with his head down. He doesn't understand what the emperor is. Does the master son hold the empress of the empress? At this time, I asked Xiao Xiao to serve tea. I saw that the posture still had the meaning of letting her sleep. If I changed it before, he had already arranged it with interest. Now he dare not make more ideas. "Emperor, right away. It’s time to use dinner, you see...”

Hu Yueer listened silently, watching the emperor still indifferent and cold, she did not dare to expect him to go to her palace to eat, although she really hoped so.

Fu Gong just waited for the emperor's instructions, but the end of his eyes swept a familiar figure. He looked up and saw the Queen Empress who turned and left. He had a heartfelt meal. If he didn't remind the emperor, it was estimated that after the emperor. Will kill him.

He remembered that the Emperor always slipped to Lujia to go to the Empress Dowager's scent. The Queen's Empress must be different in the Emperor's mind. It is impossible to change because of a little rumor.

"The emperor, the empress of the queen seems to be there." Fu Gonggong whispered in a low voice, he knew that he was offended by Hu Jin, but what about it? His loyalty is the emperor, not the woman in this palace.

Mo Rongzhan was shocked by the words. He looked up and saw the shadow that had disappeared on the edge of the bridge. He looked at Fu Gonggong coldly and immediately got up and chased him up. It was as fast as a blink of an eye.

Fu Gonggong was seen scalp and rushed to catch up.

When Hu Jinxia gave it, he could not see the figure of the emperor.

Sure enough...

The position of the Queen Empress in the eyes of the emperor is really different, just a back view, they are able to tick away the emperor's soul.

What is she? However, it is only a cup of tea, is a palace woman can serve tea, but also hope to get a look at the emperor?

It’s ridiculous.

"The niece, it's dark." The palace lady behind her didn't know when to hit Hu Yueer's side. It was really impossible to stop her and remind her.

Hu Yueer blinked and found that she was sore in her legs. She held the hand of the palace lady slowly, and clenched her lips without saying a word.

The palace girl Xiangqiao really can't stand it, can't help but comfort her. "The goddess, the emperor will definitely read you, otherwise how can you let the tea be there? It's all queens... you still have a chance."

Xiangqiao wants to say that the Queen's maiden is too temperamental, and that the singularity makes the emperor not favor other people, but she dare not say that her life is gone.

Hu Yueer reveals a smile that is more ugly than crying. Her chances have been waiting for a few years. How many years can she wait?

Queen Empress... Queen Empress...

It’s really a mountain that is pressing on their hearts. When can I move this mountain away?

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