Ye Hao didn't want to see that Murong Chong was being served by other women, but she knew that it was a fake. She used to go back and was not in a hurry. She still swayed slowly as a walk. She didn't know that it happened behind her. Anything, even if Murong Chan went to Husband to eat there today, there would be nothing to eat, and he would not stay there for the night.

I was thinking, the red diamond around me suddenly went down, "the slaves met the emperor."

Huh? Ye Hao stunned, and turned back to see that Murong Zhan walked over.

"The emperor, how come you?" Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, he is not still enjoying Hu Wei's service in the water?

Murong Zhan grabbed her waist and looked at her in a low-pitched manner. "I saw that I turned and left, so I don't want to see you?"

Ye Hao laughed, this tone sounded like he was wronged. "I don't want to disturb the emperor's bliss? Isn't the emperor not praising my virtue, how can I blame me for being cold."

"I don't even remember her appearance. Just let her serve tea on the side, so you are jealous?" Murong Zhan looked helpless, regardless of the fact that Ye Hao was in his arms outside. "Why don't you?" Understand your heart."

He only thought about her after she lost her memory. She always thought about her before she did anything. Can she not feel that she is alone in her heart?

Ye Hao slightly blushed, "I am not jealous."

She is really not jealous. If Murong Zhan really looks at Hu Yueer, she would have been lucky to be close to her when she didn’t enter the palace a few years ago. She didn’t need to wait until now, she knew that he would let Hu Yueer give tea in the water. It is for the next thing to do, why should she eat this inexplicable vinegar?

Murong Chan is a look that she must be jealous to go, holding her hand tightly, explaining to her that he has no other thoughts. "...I just want you to be carefree. ""

"Azhan." Ye Hao looked up at him. "Have you ever thought about it? In fact, I can protect myself. No matter how people are outside, I am not weak and only need to rely on you to protect."

She does not want to be trapped in this narrow palace, and she can also be his arm, standing side by side with him to face all dangers.

Murong Chan obviously didn't think so in his heart. He chuckled his voice and licked her shoulder like a soothing. "I know we are brave and strong, but outside are the dogs that eat people. Waiting for these evil dogs to be honest, and when you want to do something, you can do it."

Now she only needs to be well protected in the place where he protects the iron wall. He can't stand her being hurt a little.

Ye Hao sighed in her heart, and sure enough, he was not willing to let her go to face those who were in the face, the bad dogs, the beasts, she never feared, went to the priest's house, After his disappearance in Anhecheng, she had a lot of things to see through. She couldn’t hide her behind her, and she couldn’t stand her. She couldn’t stand up, and who would expect her to protect her?

In fact, she also understands what Murong Chan is thinking. Although he has lost his memory, he is afraid that he will lose her. Probably the separation of the previous several times has made him feel profound, so he only wants to keep her in the present. A little bit of damage outside.

But this is not what she wants...

She thinks this will make her breathless.

Murong Zhan did not know that Ye Hao was sighing in his heart. He took her waist back to Huaqing Palace. When he stopped at the palace gate, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the three characters of Huaqing Palace. "Change the name of this palace." ""

"..." Ye Hao didn't know what he was thinking, and he wanted to change the name of the palace.

"Yuezhang said that the name of Huaqing Palace is not very good." Murong Zhan frowned. He used to think that Huaqing Palace was the closest to his Yangxin Temple, and even the names were particularly suitable for the temperament of drinking, drinking in Anhe City and Yuezhang. Occasionally mentioned this, Yue Zhang frowned and said that he had read a story about Huaqing Palace. The story is very beautiful. It is very moving, but it is not very auspicious.

He had planned to return and changed the name of Huaqing Palace, and it has been dragged until now.

Ye Hao smiled. "How can the story of the play be like us? We will be fine."

Murong Zhan looked down at him and smiled. "Yes, but still have to change one."

"What kind of palace name do you change?" Ye Hao was helpless. Anyway, he was happy.

"When you are in Anhe City, you will think about it, just call Yongshou Palace." Murong Chong said to her cheek, "I hope that I will be safe and auspicious, long-lived, and not the same." ”

Ye Hao blinked for a while, and turned back to hug his waist, only to feel a little bit of reluctance in her heart, she also think so, she wants to be inseparable from his white head, forever and ever.

When Murong Chong decided, he immediately ordered people to replace the plaques of Huaqing Palace. Fu Gonggong had to make a quick decision to do things.

"Go in." Murong Zhan took Ye Hao's hand into the room and said to her, "The two days will be the purpose of carrying those girls. You just listen, don't have to put In my heart."

Ye Xiao smiled and looked at her. She really wouldn't be jealous. Why didn't he believe it?

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her mouth. "After a few days, I will send you to Chengde Villa, where will you raise your baby?"

"I just said that you can't say anything, now I want to separate?" Ye Hao asked with a grin.

"Hey, I am not afraid that you are thinking about it." Murong Zhan laughed. "In a few days, this court should be noisy."

"Because of debt collection?" She also heard that the road to debt collection between Murong and Lu Xiang was not smooth. Anyone in the sect would not pay back the money, and they would have to run away for two people every day.

Ink Murray snorted and said, "Look at how dare they lie."

Ye Hao solved the belt for him. "So important things, how do you let Auntie and my older brother do it, or else, let Jingning Hou be good."

"He wants to make Aunt a sly hand." Murong Zhan whispered in her ear and said, "He is too tender and has to practice."

Give him such a heavy errand at the beginning, don't take the courage to practice.

"You don't have to worry about them, you think they are good." Murong Zhan laughed, his hand gently placed on her lower abdomen. "Is it good to wait for the calving? How do you feel... This child is very quiet recently. ”

Ye Xiao smiled. "It is probably getting bigger and bigger. There is not enough space in the activity. Today, Gong Gong will be diagnosed with the pulse. Everything is fine."

Murong Zhan sighed, "Let Qi Qi enter the palace, let her stay with you and watch."

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