Because of Qi Ruoshui’s affairs, Qi Wei was angered by Mo Rong Zhan. Until today, he did not enter the palace again. Ye Hao had the heart to speak for her, but knew that it was not so easy to want Murong Zhan to deflate. Now he agrees to let Qi Qi enter the palace. Also for her.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and responded. She actually wanted Qi Qi to enter the palace, and she was afraid that Murong Zhan would not be happy.

Murong Chan will hold her on her lap. "I really don't want to go to Chengde Villa?"

"I have been in such a big month, unless you are planning to let me give birth to a child in Chengde's palm." Ye Hao smiled, of course she wanted to go, this house looked big, but she felt everywhere. They are all suppressed.

"What's the matter, as long as you like it, when you go to Chengde Villa, you have finished the things on your head, and let them send the songs to Chengde. What happened to Chengde Villa?" "Mu Rongzhan untied her clothes and saw that the red marks on the top had disappeared. He smiled and bent his head and buried his head."

Ye Hao suddenly felt that the whole back was numb, pushing his shoulder and shouting. "The last time I left it is not easy, you don't come again."

"You have a good skin, you like it." Murong Zhan glared at her nephrite, and my heart sighed that it was blessed. This skin is really the same as water, and it is smooth and fat in the hand. It's no wonder that she can't hold herself every time she touches her.

"I am fine everywhere, you are going to let go." Ye Hao felt that he had already had a reaction underneath. I was really afraid that he would not be able to keep up with it.

Murong Chan spit out a sigh of relief. "Hey, it’s all right, or how to make it a city."

Ye Hao looked down and saw her apron pulled down by him. Really! She was about to put on her clothes again, and he had already held her hand down.

Hong Ling, who was planning to send dinner, heard the Queen’s maiden resentment, and lowered her head to let the surrounding palace ladies retreat. After a little half an hour, I heard that the emperor uploaded hot water, she only let People go in and clean up.

The dinner had already cooled down and I had to go back to the imperial dining room.

Ye Hao’s chest was planted with a strawberry. She glanced at the ink-filled eyes with a few eyes. She went to the screen and changed her clothes. She came out and saw that Murong Chong was only wearing a long squat on her face. Looking at her in a refreshing and comfortable way, she also reached out and recruited her.

"Come here, let me see." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Laugh a hair!

Ye Hao glanced at him, she just couldn’t pass it!

She simply sat down on the softbed on the other side, letting Hong Ling send them the dinner.

“Is it angry?” Murong Zhan smiled and walked over. He reached out and touched her chin. “I haven’t been here for a few days. You’re in your arms. If you can still change your face, then there is a problem. That's it."

Ye Hao certainly knows this truth. She is angry. Every time he gets her, she can't see anyone.

Murong Chong sticks to her ear. "Or do you want to go find another woman?"

"No." Ye Hao immediately turned his head and held his arm tightly. " can't find another woman while you are squatting."

"I didn't squat." Murong Zhan laughed happily, holding a big baby in his arms and kissed him a few times. "Hey, you are a little vinegar bucket."

Ye Hao slammed him, how this person is so annoying.

Hong Ling sent the dinner tonight. Today’s dinner is specially ordered by Ye Hao. She recently missed the spring rolls she had eaten when she was a child. She used various kinds of stuffing to roll up and eat. She likes to put green melon and halogen. The pork is served with sour and sweet sauce, and she can eat two or three at a time.

"Would you remember that you brought a ring in Anhe City?" Murong Zhan rolled a spring roll for Ye Hao and gave her a bite.

"Do you say Xiaoran? I asked her to go to school and be able to wait around in a few days." Ye Hao said.

Murong Zhan whispered, "I want to discuss something with you. If this ring is obedient, can you let her go to Zhao Ning to serve?"

"..." What does Yeh mean to look at him? Want to give Zhao Ning to someone around her?

"Don't think about it." Murong Zhan sighed, and worried that she would have to think about it. "He has already let the messenger go to Qiguo. I want to come to the news soon, and she will definitely restore the identity of the princess. There are always one or two rings, and I want to have a trustworthy side around her."

Although Ye Hao is no longer as disgusted with Zhao Ning as before, she does not intend to treat her as a friend. "You have a lot of people you trust, and which one can't do it?"

"Which one can let Zhao Ning believe it with confidence?" said Murong Cham. "The little ring is not the same. I heard that it has a good relationship with Zhao Ning from Anhe City."

"I also like Xiaoran." Ye Hao frowned, Murong Chan this is the intention to send Xiaoran to Qi State, if it is someone else, but Xiaoran ... she thinks Xiaoran is to bring her luck People, she does not want to give Xiaoran to Zhao Ning.

Murong Zhan sighed, "Let's find another one."

"What is the use of Zhao Ning's side? Will the Qiguo emperor take her back?" asked Ye Hao.

"Do you think Zhao Ning knows that he is Princess Qi, will she not want to go back?" Murong Zhan smiled. "Although she is a fisherwoman, she is much smarter than the average fisherwoman."

Ye Hao looked at him with an eyebrow. "The Emperor observed it in great detail."

Murong Chan squeezed her ass, "What more words do you want to find?"

"In any case, you can't do it anyway. You just want to find someone who can make Zhao Ning believe. I will give it to me." Ye Hao said, "But I think if you want to use Zhao Ning, you still have to see the Qi emperor. Do you care about this daughter?"

If Zhao Wei does not want this daughter at all, then Zhao Ning is still a fisherwoman.

Murong's thin lips floated with a deep smile, "Zhao Wei does not want to recognize and also recognize."

When the emperor is so thick and black? That Zhao can be there today, and it is definitely not an easy person to deal with. However, he can even accept Lu Shuanger as a noble man. Maybe it is a stunned sinister, how powerful can it be?

"Who do you want to be a messenger?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Murong Zhan grinned, "Song Song."

"...?" Ye Hao lived.

"Auntie said that it is most appropriate for Song Song to go." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "It is just a messenger, and there is no official position. Since it was recommended by Auntie, he let him go."

Ye Hao shook his head and smiled. This guy not only asked Murong to be willing to do things for him, but even thousands of people in Luochao wanted to come in.

"You should have sent a lot of errands to the six princes." People do their best, it is definitely the true color of Murong Cham.

"He is idle." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Let him look at the aunt for the sake of it."

"..." Is this still idle? Isn't this a way to ask Murong to help aunts with the ancestral debt collection?

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