Murong Yu did not idle, although Murong Zhan did not directly give him errands, but gave him the opportunity to do it. He felt that it was better to give him a errand to do it, or if Murong Chan is still amnesia He must have left Kyoto.

"Six princes, are you looking for me?" Zhao Ning lived in Liuwangye for almost half a month. Although she did not have the news she wanted, she felt that she was also a good person to live in the palace. Some of them ate and drank. She is also as respectful as her master, and she is no longer in a hurry to find her biological father.

Even if it is good to my biological father, the days may not be as good as in the palace.

Murong Yu just came out of the palace. Although he does not have any position in the job, he still has to go to the early morning, and he has to go to the Imperial Study Room and Murong Zhan to discuss various matters.

Today, Murong Zhan said that Qi Guo is already ready to send messengers to come. If it is confirmed that Zhao Ning is the Princess Qi, it should be taken back.

In this case, before the arrival of the Qi State messenger, Zhao Ning’s true identity will be told to her.

"Zhao girl, please sit down." Murong Yu sat behind the book case, indicating that Zhao Ning sat down at the Taishi chair.

Seeing Murong’s eyes seemed to be serious, Zhao Ning’s mood was also tense. She sat down in the teacher’s chair and her eyes still looked at Murong’s uneasiness. “Six princes, what are you looking for?”

Murong whispered, "It’s about your life."

Zhao Ning couldn't help but straighten his waist. "Already... have you found it?"

"Yes." Murong nodded faintly. "There is a slogan on your dagger. This dagger is a famous ancient sword. It was collected by Zhao Wei 20 years ago. It is known in Qiguo Palace that this ancient sword is Zhao Wei did not leave his body. The king asked people to check. Zhao Wei did not disappear near Anhe City 16 years ago. He returned to the Imperial Capital one month later. If you have not guessed wrong, you should be his daughter."

"Zhao Wei?" Zhao Ning muttered the name, not to say that her father was Zhao Yizheng?

Murong Yu seems to be able to know what she is thinking. "Zhao Wei did use Zhao Yizheng's name, but that was before he was not enthroned."

"..." Zhao Ning feels that his brain is not enough. "Six princes, are you talking about the throne?"

"Yes, if there were no accidents in the past, Zhao Wei is your biological father. That is to say, your biological father is the emperor of Qi." Murong Yu looked at Zhao Ning and wondered what reaction she would have. .

Zhao Ning did not respond for a long time, she was still digesting what Murong said.

Her father is the emperor Zhao Qi of Qi State?

Then she is not... isn’t it the Princess Qi?

"You said that my father is the emperor of Qi..." Zhao Ning whispered, "Why did he never find my mother?"

Even if he doesn't know the existence of her daughter, she can't forget her mother. She always thought that because he didn't have the ability to find Huajia Village, but if Zhao Wei is the emperor, how could he not find it? A problem with no heart.

Murong whispered, "You will go back and ask Zhao to this question. Now the king just tells you about your life and makes you mentally prepared."

Zhao Ning looked at him nervously. "That... what should I do now? What if I made a mistake?"

She is looking forward to what she would be a famous woman, but she never thought that she would be a princess. She suddenly felt embarrassed about the future.

"If you make a mistake, Qi will not send messengers." Murong said, when he heard that Qi’s messenger went out, he knew that Zhao Ning was Zhao’s daughter, otherwise Zhao’s temperament would definitely not be more than one. .

Zhao Wei probably remembered the passing of the past in Huajia Village, but did not expect to have a daughter here.

Zhao Ning swallowed his throat. "Six princes, then... then I am here to wait for people from Qi to pick me up?"

Murong squatted and looked at Zhao Ning. He could guess the reason why Zhao Ning was nervous. She knew that she was just a fisherwoman. She didn’t know how to be a princess. Her people would return to Qiguo Palace in the future. If you can survive for a long time, it is estimated that you will be using more ingredients.

According to the meaning of Murong Cham, I hope to give Zhao Ning as much as possible, so that she can return to Qi in the future and can use it for him.

"The emperor will let you enter the palace tomorrow. Perhaps, you can learn the rules of the palace first." Murong whispered.

Zhao Ning flashed a happy color in his eyes. If you can really learn the rules in the palace, "Okay."

"Then go back first." Murong said, he hoped that the messenger of Qi State would come quickly, so that he would send Zhao Ning away as soon as possible.

Only by sending away Zhao Ning can he really feel relieved, that dream... is always a knot.

"Six princes, Xiao Wangye is here."

Not long after Zhao Ning left, the next person went back and forth, and the road was Murong.

Murong stunned and smiled helplessly. It seems that it was because the debt collection did not run here to complain. "Let the little prince come in."

When his words just fell, he saw that Murong walked in with a look of bitterness. "Six brothers..."

"It seems that today's harvest is still not very good." Murong Yu saw him like this, not smiling kindly.

"Those treacherous things know that if I want to go to the door to ask for money, I will not see the figure when I leave the son-in-law. The son-in-law cries like a dead girl. I haven’t even said anything about the silver." Rong Rong shouted in a depressed mood.

Murong sighed, "It’s been so many days. Don’t you see that these people are deliberately reluctant?"

"I can see it, but what can I do? I can't use the knife holder to get silver on their necks." Murong screamed. "I still want to bring back the money of Kyoto with Lu Xiang. I have experience. Going to South Vietnam, now the silver in Kyoto will not come back, let alone the tax owed by South Vietnam."

"You have to look a bit like debt, they owe it to the state treasury, not the court owes them." Murong said, "Who is going to spend money with us today?"

"Wenjun Wang." said Murong Yu, "He is the son of Princess Huiyi. The silver was borrowed by Huiyi’s Hummer. Now Wenjun Wang cried and said that he did not know the debt, and there was no silver at home. Let me go to his house to see what kind of move can be moved away."

Murong smiled and asked, "Are you soft?"

“Is it really difficult for me to move their belongings away from debts?” Murong asked in a hurry.

"Why not? If their family has no previous things, then there is a big house, what can you not accept?" Murong asked, "You don't press them down, that is, they are holding you, aunt, you. It’s Wang Ye, you have to know how to use your identity.”

Murong 沂 listened to silence thoughtfully.

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