Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1092: She is not a palace lady

Zhao Ning was brought to seek the Queen's Empress. When she came to Yongshou Palace, she heard that the Queen Empress was seeing her big brother. Zhao Ning said that she was waiting outside. Now she is asking for help. With the shelf, she still remembers that she was the savior of the emperor who was self-righteous, and the empress was not in her eyes, let alone her princess’s identity is still uncertain, if she is carrying the princess’s shelf, Never expect the Queen to help her.

"Fu Gonggong, I am waiting here, you can go first." Zhao Ning said to Fu Gonggong.

"That Zhao girl is waiting here first." Fu Gonggong said with a smile, looked up at the red dragonfly and looked at it. "The family still has to go to the front to serve the emperor."

Zhao Ning smiled and sent him away. Looking back at seeing Hung Hom's eyes on her eyes, she even smiled. "Red girl, what's wrong?"

Hung Hom gently shook her head, she had already heard that Zhao Ning might be the princess of Qi State, but it was really unexpected, but she did not regret the attitude of Zhao Ning, even if she knew she was a princess. She doesn't think it will change much.

"Queen Empress is still busy, Zhao girl please wait a second." Red whispered that she would be polite to Zhao Ning, just to see her save the Queen's wife.

Zhao Ning doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

There is also a reason for Hung Hom not to go into the message. She knows that Queen Empress has not met Lu Shaoye for a long time. There should be a lot of things to say. She thought that it would take a while to go back.

After about two quarters of an hour, Hung Hom went in and sent a message to Hong Ling, saying that Zhao Ning was looking outside.

Hong Ling frowned and looked inside. "I only sent two bowls of yogurt into it. The goddess should have something to say to Lu Shaoye, wait a little longer."

"Then I let the outside go to the temple and so on." Hung Hom said, go out and ask Zhao Ning to sit in the partial hall for a while, and personally give her fruit and tea.

Waiting, a man’s voice came from outside. Before Zhao Jin sat down, he saw a young man dressed in a brocade walk in. He sat down directly at her place and drank her. Tea eats her fruit.

Murong squatted dry outside, and a plate of watermelon went down to breathe. He looked at the stunned red scorpion and said, "Go and go back to the emperor and say that I have something to look for in Lu Xiang."

Hung Hom knew this little prince, so he had to smile.

Zhao Ning glared at Murong, and he secretly stunned that he actually ate her watermelon. She was also very thirsty and wanted to eat something cool.

"Why are you still here? Go on, you don't need people to serve here." Inkorn sees Zhao Ning as the new lady of Yongshou Palace.

It’s a jerk! Zhao Ning yelled at him, "You drink my tea, eat my watermelon, you still want me to serve? Be your spring and autumn dream!"

"..." Inkor’s heart raised a huge question mark. Was he being beaten by a palace lady? Did the new lady not recognize him, or did she eat the daring leopard? He looked up and carefully looked at Zhao Ning, only to find that the palace lady looked very good, at least better than his palace, especially the eyes, when the monks were bright like stars, "This is what you brought. Tea and watermelon? What happened to the king? You haven’t learned this rule yet. If you let your aunt see it, it’s rare to hit you in the 30th board."

Hit you!

Zhao Ning screamed, "Let your aunt see what happened, you have to learn the rules, how can someone else grab something to eat!"

"You are quite interesting in this palace." Murong Yu was in a good mood and was not angry. He only thought that this palace girl would not have been tempered, and he was estimated to have been killed. He wondered how the Queen’s sister’s palace would be Such a wild palace lady.

"Which eyes do you see that I am a maid? You are a maid, your whole family..." Zhao Ning hurriedly paused, and she suddenly remembered that this guy had just claimed to be the king.

Inkor sneered, "Say, why don't you go on? You are not a maid, what are you doing here? Is it a showgirl in the palace? Then you are more arrogant, dare to teach the king in the Queen's palace, It’s too long.”

What kind of ghost is the showgirl? Zhao Ning couldn't understand the words of Murong Yu. Her heart wanted to be in the palace. He was not a prince. For the cold watermelon, she wanted to beat him up.

"What are you arguing?" Ye Hao helped Hong Ling's hand to appear at the door of the partial hall. He saw that Murong was originally quarreling with Zhao Ning. She felt that it was both outrageous and funny. How did the two men quarrel? .

Zhao Ning was quite arrogant. When she saw Ye Hao appear, she immediately squatted down, remembering that she is still a fisherwoman with an uncertain status. Even if she wants to put on the shelf of the princess, she has to wait for the people of Qi to come. .

Inkor smiled, "Queen of the Queen, this showgirl is too unruly, I will teach you for her."

Zhao Ning glared at him.

"Who told you that Zhao is a showgirl?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry. "You have to apologize to Zhao, and the family is Princess Qi."

"……"what? Inkor’s face changed and he looked at Zhao Ning incredulously.

Zhao Ning snorted coldly. "I heard no, I am not a maid or a showgirl, not a grandfather!"

Murong looked at the watermelon rind on the table. Did the fruits and teas prepare for her? He laughed a few times. "Not just eating a few slices of watermelon, you won't be able to pay you."

"Then you will spit it out now." Zhao Ning called.

"..." Murong rounded his eyes. Is this woman really true, or is he joking with him?

Ye Xiao smiled. "Zhao girl, if you have a large number of adults, don't worry about Xiao Wang. He will watch him for a moment and let him apologize to you."

Murong whispered a word of embarrassment.

"I won't care about him." Zhao Ning snorted.

"Auntie, are you coming to me, or are you looking for my older brother?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Inkyun thinks about his own business, eyes look at Lu Xiangzhi, "Zi Heng, I think of a way, I am looking for you to say."

Lu Xiangzhi smiled. "I also thought about it. Let's go out and say it again."

"Good!" Murong 蓁 said goodbye to Ye Hao. After a ritual, he couldn't help but look back at Zhao Ning and smiled and said, "Zhao girl, I will send you a car watermelon after returning to the king."

Zhao Ning snorted in her heart, she was not rare in his watermelon.

Ye Hao shook his head and chuckled. "Zhao girl, don't worry about him, I will wait for you."

"The Queen's maiden is heavy, in fact, I have not waited for a long time, I ... I have something to ask for your help." Zhao Ning whispered.

"Let's sit down and talk." Ye Hao knew her intentions and smiled and let her sit down.

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