Ye Hao wanted to know Zhao Ning's intentions. Last night, Murong Chan told her that she originally wanted her to live in the palace. It was her disapproval to dispel his thoughts. She also knew that Murong Chan said this. It’s not that I have too much thought about Zhao Ning, but I want to be kind to her.

"Zhao girl, do you want to ask the palace to help?" Ye Yan smiled and looked at Zhao Ning.

She was not so disgusted with Zhao Ning at first. After all, she did not do anything. It was unfair to treat her as Ye Yaoyao, not to mention that Zhao Ning did save her and Murong Cham, so Ruomo Zhan said that Shi En gave a princess to the Qi State who had fallen outside. There was no loss. She no longer regarded Zhao Ning as the woman in the nightmare. It was the past life of Mo Rong Chan, not now.

Now that he has her, she doesn't need to treat others as young girls.

Zhao Ning smiled crampedly. "Queen Empress, you also know that my biological father may be the emperor of Qi State. I grew up in Huajia Village since I was a child. I don’t know anything about it. Although I know my life, I feel very I’m afraid, I want to ask the Queen to help me...”

She couldn’t say a bit. She used to save the emperor and didn’t put the queen in her eyes. She still felt that she was looking better than others. Later, she was so useless, if not, she was just saved. The Queen, it is estimated that the Queen will not pay attention to her now.

Ye Hao listened and just nodded. "The aunt who can teach you the rules of the palace has its own. However, this palace feels that some rules do not necessarily help you. You must have doubts about your heart. If you do everything in a good way, it is inevitable that people will think more. This palace thinks that you will keep the same way. When you see your father in the future, then he will arrange for you to study the palace rules. You are worried about being in the palace. I am not used to it, this palace can give you two palace ladies, this time let them teach you something, if you think they can use it, it will be fine to bring it to Qi in the future."

Zhao Ning carefully pondered the words of Ye Hao. She was shocked to hear that the Queen’s words were correct. Everyone knew that she was just a fisherwoman and never left Huajia Village. If her father saw her, she had no fisherman. The way it looks, but the princess's style is everywhere. Doesn't that make people think she has another picture? Maybe it will make the messenger of Qi State suspect that she is not their princess at all.

"Queen Empress, you are right, I can't learn the rules in Jinguo, even if I want to learn, I will go to Qiguo to learn their rules." Zhao Ning nodded, and said with deep sympathy, she even felt that even the palace ladies did not want to, Lest people be misunderstood.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "The emperor of Qi State now has three sons and four women. The long princess is the only princess. The big emperor and the three princesses have the same mother. Zhao girl, don't blame the palace. The days in the palace are not like ordinary people. It's easy, you go back to Qi, you have to be more careful in everything, and learn more."

Zhao Ning was flustered by Ye Hao. How did she forget that her father might have only one daughter? There must be other children. Do they welcome her to go back? She went to the Qiguo Palace alone, and surely a lot of things have to start from the beginning. At that time, the palace ladies around me may be the eyeliner of others... Thinking of this, Zhao Ning was shocked by sweat. "The goddess, you really want to send I am two palace ladies?"

"There are just a few new palace ladies in the palace. It's better to pick two of them." Ye Hao said softly, lest her arrange for Zhao Ning would give her some doubts.

Zhao Ning thinks this is the best idea. "Thank you for the Queen Mother, your help, Zhao Ning will not forget."

Ye Hao smiled lightly. She didn't need Zhao Ning's repayment. It can no longer be related to the best. "Zhao girl is polite, this is what the emperor and the palace should do."

Find her biological father for her, restore her princess's identity, arrange all of this to return her life-saving grace, and then no longer owe it.

"Others have helped me, I will definitely remember." Zhao Ning sweetly said.

"Hong Ling, with Zhao girl to find Wang Gonggong." Ye Hao looked at Hongling.

"Yes, the goddess." Red Ling has a number of hearts, said to Zhao Ning respectfully, "Zhao girl, please come here."

Zhao Ning is in a good mood and feels lucky. Fortunately, she has not been guilty of the Queen Empress. She is the emperor and the Queen of the Six Kings, and she admire her luck, but now her luck is not bad, she It is the princess of Qi State.

She does not believe that with her intelligence and appearance, she will not be able to find a heart that is true to her in the future.

Who doesn't want to be spoiled in the palm of your hand? She also wants.

Looking at Zhao Ning's departure, Ye Hao was holding the hand of Hung Hom back to the apse.

"At first, I felt that Zhao Ning was not like a fisherwoman. Who thought she was actually a princess of Qi." Ye Hao shook his head and laughed. The fate was sometimes strange. It seems that there is an established line. It is not forced to follow you. That line goes.

She does not want to be subordinated to fate, believing that people will win the day.

Hung Hom said, "What if it is a princess, she has been raised outside for so many years, and going to the Qiguo Palace may not last long."

I would like to know it a little. The emperor of Qi State loves beauty. The harem is really three thousand. The woman in the palace is the most terrible. Not to mention that Qi has four princesses. Zhao Ning wants to get more. The favor of the child, I am afraid that it can be obtained without intelligence.

Ye Hao faint smile, Zhao Ning can survive in the Qi State Palace, it depends on her ability.

Back to the apse, she had just sat down for a long time, and there was a message from the outside of the palace to thank you.

Hungry glanced at the eagles, "The girl is tired today, how can I see so many people."

Early this morning, there was a willingness to pay for it on the side of the Qing Palace. Many of the girls in the palace who had not even had a position were promised. Others promised that they all rose to a higher level, but the most striking thing is still Not long ago, Hu Yu, who served the emperor in the Imperial Garden, jumped a few times and became a Shu.

Other palaces did not cause any discussion. After all, everyone has risen to the next level, but Shu Shu is different. She only met the emperor once in the Imperial Garden. Immediately there is such a special case. Many people have I think this is the beginning of the emperor's intention to favor Hu Shuzhen.

As for the Queen Mother...

Hehe, I heard that her love of sorrow and jealousy has caused the emperor to disappoint, but I am afraid that the day of the pet will be over.

In their view, the emperor used to be only a greedy queen with a fresh color and more pampering. Nowadays... men are most like new and old.

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