The imperial decree of Mo Rongzhan was passed down in the harem, and various arguments in the palace have been heated up. They all guessed that the empress must be out of favor. The newly appointed Shuyi Niangniang will be the second lucky one. I heard that There are many people who are rushing to the knot.

These arguments can't affect Ye Hao, but they affect Hu Yueer.

At that time, the Royal Garden was the scene she knew best. The emperor could feel it when she saw her. However, when she was in the water, the emperor did not even look at her. She would always remember, the emperor. The change of the cold and indifferent eyes in the eyes of the Empress Dowager seems to have become warm and hot at first, just like turning from a cold statue into a human being. Although it is exaggerated, she does have such feelings.

One morning, the Queen's Empress is going to fall out of favor. Oh, she doesn't think so. The Empress is not so easy to get out of the emperor's heart.

However, why did the emperor alone seal her as Shu Shu?

Is it true that the emperor is... I am going to pamper her...

Hu Yueer has a hard time controlling the luxury of her heart. She really hopes that rumors will come true, and the emperor really intends to pamper her.

I don't know what the Queen thinks? The empress is a singularity. What will she do when the emperor is desperate to seal the woman in the palace? Hu Yueer was more and more restless in her own palace. Her palace lady was happily packing things up. The emperor rewarded her show and palace, which is bigger than the Chuxiu Palace where she lives now. Her palace lady is very happy.

"Xiangqiao, you go to the Yongshou Palace to see, the Queen... I can see the emperor today." Hu Yueer recruited the close-fitting girl and whispered.

"The niece, I heard that the empress of the Queen of the Empress is in the palace, the Queen should have no time to find the emperor." Xiangqiao whispered.

Hu Yueer’s heart jumped, “The Queen’s Big Brother? Which?”

Is Ye Xiaonan back?

"It is Lu Xiangzhi." Xiangqiao said.

Hu Yueer breathed a sigh of relief. She was not afraid of Lu Jia, but she felt that Ye Jia was under pressure. Perhaps Ye Jia was famous before.

"Mother, you are now a cursed, no longer as cautious as before, the emperor is really putting you in your heart." Xiangqiao comforted Hu Yueer.

"Yeah." Hu Yueer nodded after a frown.

The little palace lady came in from the outside and said with a smile, "Shu Yu Niang, Angui people want to see."

Xiangqiao corrected her, "I will call Anhui in the future."

"Yes, Xiangqiao sister." Xiaogong female smiled.

Anyway, today is a happy event, and even the Angui people have become a happy.

If it is changed, Hu Yueer will not want to see An Xiuzhen. Today she is upset and wants to talk to someone. She asked the young lady to invite An Xiuzhen.

An Xiuzhen walked in with a smile on her face. "Congratulations to my sister, He Xi sister, my sister is finally suffering."

Hu Yueer listened to this insincere words, just a faint smile. "You congratulate me, don't you congratulate yourself? An Hui."

"Yeah, today is everyone's big day, but who can compare with my sister? You have been the only nephew of the emperor for so many years." An Xiuzhen said sourly that she could hardly go to Hu Yueer, obviously It was the showgirl who entered the palace in the same year. How could her luck be so good?

"I just don't know what happened to the Queen." Hu Yueer whispered.

An Xiuzhen smirked out, "This is the emperor's will. How can she be so unwilling? How can it be? I don't have to suffer, don't you wait until you are loved by the emperor in the future, but also worry about the height of the queen's mother every day. Unhappy, when the emperor loves her, can you feel good in your heart? Everyone is a woman, you still don't understand this truth, the emperor is our God, whoever wants who he wants, the more the Queen Empress is, the easier it is. The emperor is tired, we, it is not her who is to serve, is the emperor."

Hu Yueer gently nodded, and thought that An Xiuzhen did not say anything wrong. If the emperor really intended to spoil her, the empress would definitely be unhappy. Should she not wait for the emperor because of the Queen’s unhappiness?

In any case, she only has to listen to the imperial will.

"What do you mean by the emperor? Why did you suddenly seal the harem?" Hu Yueer still couldn't figure out what happened today.

An Xiuzhen smiled. "How can you not understand it? Before that, people outside said... She, do you think that the emperor really didn’t feel it at all? The woman in this house, sometimes out of favor is just a moment. Only, even the high position is the same."

Hu Yueer sighed in her heart. She still didn't believe that the Queen's Empress would fall out of favor. The Emperor must have done this in any way. "In any case, she is still a Queen Empress. Today we have just been sealed. According to the rules, we still have to give her thanks. ""

Even if some still can't figure it out, Hu Yueer didn't dare to be complacent because he became a Shu, thinking that it was really different in front of the emperor.

As long as the Queen's Empress is in the palace for a day, nothing will change.

"The Queen may not see us." An Xiuzhen said.

"It’s one thing she can’t see it. Whether we have this heart to go to worship is another matter.” Hu Yueer said, she had already let Xiangqiao come over and change her clothes.

An Xiuzhen looked at Hu Yueer's eyes. She always wanted to learn Hu Yueer's. She clearly shows everyone's showgirl in the same year. How can she become a Shu?

"The older sister waited a second time, I also changed clothes to give the empress of the Queen." An Xiuzhen smiled.

Other people did not know where to know the news. When Hu Yueer came to the palace gate of Yongshou Palace, they all followed.

Standing under the stone steps, Hu Yueer had no intention to pay attention to those who wanted to tie her up. She now only wants to know what kind of attitude the Queen Empresses are. Is it really acceptable for them to be sealed?

If the Queen Empress knows where she is wrong, is it that the Emperor will start...

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come back, the Queen's maiden is too tired to meet you, your mind has already received it." Red 缨 came out, short-haired, and smiled at Hu Yueer and others.

An Xiuzhen frowned, just want to complain two words, Hu Yueer has been docile, "Chen Yu did not dare to disturb the Queen's wife's rest, and then come back to the empress to ask for peace."

Leaving Yongshou Palace, Hu Yueer heard that someone was laughing at the queen's empress, and he was mad. "...all of them fell out of favor, and they didn't know it at all."

Oh, these people are really stupid! Even if the Queen Empress is not as favored as before, she is the only person in the palace who has the Emperor's flesh and blood. With this, no one in the entire harem can match her.

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