Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1095: First thousand ninety-four to one thousand zero ninety five

Ye Hao was lying on the soft couch, and Emei took a pillow cushion behind her waist. She would be much more comfortable when she leaned against it.

"The niece, the slaves sent them all away." Hung Hom walked in and whispered.

"Yeah." Ye Hao lazily responded. I don't know why, I felt that my whole body was lazy and weak, and even lost my energy.

She knows that today, Murong Cham will make a decree. He told her yesterday that she is not jealous, but... she is tired. He does so much to protect her. She feels that she does not need such protection. .

His amnesia... is still influential, whether it is to him or to them.

Ye Hao closed her eyes and entered the space. The little bird was still not here. She came in once every day, but unfortunately I didn't see it anymore. It would be obvious that it would be born again.

Last time in the dream, it said that it was involved in the memory of Murong Chong, and she really wanted to know what Murong Chan saw in the past, the past life...

If Murong Chong experienced her past life, seeing how she forgot her, how to treat Lu Shuanger as her, how to put her under house arrest, see how she was killed by Lu Hao... including her being trapped in the palace In those two years... If he saw this, Ye Hao took a deep breath and his mood was definitely more painful than her.

But he forgot, waking up is her name.

Perhaps it is still affecting him in the depths of his memory, otherwise he will not be so afraid of losing her, and he will not hesitate to raise her as a golden bird.

Ye Hao came out of space and slept in the past without knowing it. She was too tired.

When Murong Chong came back, she didn't wake up. She was covered with a thin quilt and slept very hard, but her eyebrows were wrinkled, as if something unhappy was bothering her.

What will she have recently been upset about?

I don't need to think about it, I know what it is. It must be because he regrets the harem today and feels unhappy.

This little vinegar jar, I can't mind if I say it in my mouth. In fact, my heart is definitely hard to bear. She said that he would have a hard time seeing other women, let alone that he still has so many girls in the harem.

Murong Zhan shook his head and smiled. She really didn't understand his mind. He just wanted her to be good and no longer hurt. When he could free his hands to deal with the evil dogs outside who wanted to hurt her, he would I can put all my thoughts on her.

Single-mindedly petting her to love her, what other people dare to say?

"Who has seen the Queen today?" Murong Zhan walked out of the dormitory and asked the red dragon.

"Back to the emperor, except for the younger Lu Jia, there are only Zhao girl and Xiao Wang Ye, Shu Shu Niang, they also came to ask for peace, but at that time the goddess has been unable to open his eyes, the slaves asked Shu Shu Niang, they first went back." Red He replied with a low eyebrow, and in front of the emperor, she did not dare to disrespect Hu Yuer and others. In any case, Hu Yueer is still the master of her, she is only a slave.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly. "Is the Queen sleeping for a long time?"

"Not less than an hour." Hung Ho said, look at the emperor's expression, as if she would send the Shuri Niangniang to them, is it right?

"Go ahead." Murong Zhan waved his hand. At this time, if Ye Hao saw the woman's proud face in the harem, it would be even more uncomfortable.

He couldn't say that those who came to ask for peace and wrong, according to the rules of the palace, they did come over to the Queen after the reward.

I can only wait for Ye Hao to wake up and then lick her, and I don’t have to put those women in my heart.

Murong Chong re-entered the dormitory, sat down beside the soft couch and gently held her hand. He didn't know why there was such a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, as if he had woke up from Huajia Village. After seeing him, especially in his heart, there is only a strong feeling in his heart, that is to protect her, no matter what method, let her stay with him.

It seems that as long as he let her go a little, she will leave him.

This feeling makes him very uneasy, he can't lose her...

"Azhan?" Ye Hao opened his eyes and saw ink-filled Zhan sitting around. He didn't know what he was thinking. He watched her as she was swimming. She clenched his hand and whispered his name. She The voice was lazy and hoarse when I woke up, and I stopped talking after I opened my mouth.

Murong Chong pressed all the thoughts in his heart back and looked at her gently and gently. "Wake up?"

Ye took his arm and sat up, and he leaned against his chest. "When did you come? Why don't you wake me up."

"Seeing that you are sleeping hard, is it too tired?" Murong Chan poured a cup of warm water from the side and fed Ye Hao with a sip.

"I didn't sleep very well yesterday. I feel a little tired today." Ye Hao drank water, and the voice didn't sound so hoarse. "It's dark outside?"

Murong Chong picked her up and sat on her lap. "The sun just went down, I will accompany you out for a walk, and I should use dinner for a while, don't sleep again, lest I can't sleep at night."

"I don't want to move." Ye Hao said lazily, she sat like this, not going anywhere.

"Oh..." Murong Zhan licked her chest. "Don't lie, don't feel bad, those things, don't have to be in your heart,"

Ye Hao had a half-sound to understand what he meant. Is this worrying that she would mind if he sealed Hu Yueer as a Shu Shu? She smiled in her heart and grabbed his hand and said, "I'm fine, Azhan, I don't have what you think... so fragile."

Murong Zhan whispered and kissed her pink lips. After a long kiss between the two men, he still tried to kiss her lips. "I really want to put you in my purse and wear it every day." Hey, don't leave, you know?"

"Why should I leave you?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

He didn't know why he was so worried about fear, maybe it was before... Did she ever leave him? Murong Chong never had such a hope to recall the previous things.


That is not the same! "You bully me!"

She reached out and grabbed his grotesque hand, and couldn’t push it.

Murong Zhan buried her head on her chest, and the voice smiled vaguely. "Stupid, don't bully you, who can bully?"

“Are you angry with you?” Murong smiled and shouted, and hugged her up to clean the screen.

"I am like this... you are always like this. Every time you come to call hot water, what do the palace people think..." Is it too shameful? It seems that she really wants the same. Everyone thinks that she wants to use the method to connect him with her pregnancy. Isn't that a shame?

Murong Chong let her sit on her body, surrounded by hot water. "Tell me, do you like it?"

"..." Their attention seems to be not at one point.

"I really hope that time will pass faster, the little guy will be born soon." Murong Zhan said to her shoulder.

Ye Hao didn't want to talk to him, and then he went further and went further.

When the two people came out from the screen, they came out fresh and refreshed.

Ye Hao was held in his arms by Murong Zhan, and even his meal was fed by him personally.

The red diamonds and the red dragonfly outside the partial hall looked at each other and both of them were blushing, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing about the emperor’s imperial confinement this morning, they were not worried. They thought that when the empress was angered by the emperor, if the emperor stopped looking for the empress, they would not know what to do with the empress.

Fortunately, the emperor still seems to love the goddess.

In the house, Ye Hao was still held in his arms by the ink, and the two hands were intertwined. "Let's accompany you to Chengde Villa."

"Good." Ye Hao is good at everything. He has already rewarded the harem. Then he should do what he wants. If she stays in the palace, it will definitely hinder him.

It’s just that people think that she can’t do it when she falls out of favor.

"When you have solved everything on your head, you will accompany you." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao didn't know what was on his hand, but it should be very important. "Good."

Murong Zhan looked down at the look on her face. She should guess what he was going to do next. Although he only showed it to others, he still felt that she was wronged. "The Chengde Mountain Villa has been rebuilt. You can't go out for a ride, but you can go around."

"Well, okay." Ye Hao continued to nod.

"There is nothing else to say to you?" Murong Chan said helplessly, she promised so smoothly, he was more worried.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "You will give me a few pleasing lads. When you look at them to hunt, you can enjoy the beauty in the palace. I appreciate the handsome guy at the hillside. I think it is quite good. ""

Murong Chan pinched on her little buttocks. "You are mad!"

"Bastard!" Ye Hao smiled. "If you don't, you will worry about my tears in the mountains every day."

"Hey, I feel sorry for you, and you still complain." Murong Chong said with a sigh of relief, and kissed her in her arms for a while. "You know it, don't let you get angry." It is not allowed to share with the students because some of them are not."

Ye Hao heard her ears are dying. Before, she did worry that he would go to favor other women. Now, she really doesn’t worry, "I know, I haven’t gone out all day, you accompany me. Go outside and take a walk."

Murong Zhan smiled should be good.

At this time, the news of Murong Chong in Yongshou Palace was also heard everywhere in the palace. The mood of holding a good show was also stunned.

It seems that Queen Empress is not out of favor...

How did the emperor alone seal Hu Yueer as a Shu Niang?

Perhaps... the emperor only watched the child in the belly of the Queen's wife before staying in Yongshou Palace. It will take a few days to see what it is.



Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand and walked a few laps outside the courtyard. When he was about to return to the dormitory, he saw the father who was waiting in front of him rushing over and bowing down in front of him.

"What is it?" Murong Chong blinked slightly, guessing what should be happening in front of him, or Chang Baoquan would not go to Yongshou Palace.

This returning public official is called Chang Baoquan. He is another confidant **** next to Murong Zhan. He will have some martial arts and occasionally go out to do some things for Murong Cham.

"The emperor, Wenjun Wang and Luo Houye seek to see outside the Qing Palace." Chang Baoquan whispered.

Murong Chong looked at the sky, this is all in the sky, do they not understand the rules? At this time, enter the palace? "What are they doing in the palace?"

Chang Baoquan lowered his head. "I heard that...the small mainlanders have beaten them."

"..." Mo Rongzhan heard the words and smiled, and looked at Ye Hao with a low voice. "It seems that there are things that have aunts. I will go and see if it is too late. You should go to bed early." ”

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. He thought that the speed of Lu Xiangzhi and Murong Yu was quite fast. I thought about the method of debt collection this morning. Today, I can give people to the palace to see the emperor.

She really wants to know what Lu Xiangzhi did.

However, it is obvious that Murong Chong will not take her to listen to the Wenjun Wang complaining.

In the Qing Palace, Wenjun Wang and Luo Houye did not wait in the partial hall, but directly under the steps. Both of them had an angry look on their faces, and they did not see the emperor’s disappointment. The **** can't help but persuade.

Murong Chan slowly walked over and saw their figure in the distance. He didn’t feel bad, but he walked facelessly in front of the two. “You are like this, forget yours. Identity?"

Wenjun Wang finally saw the emperor, and his angrily and grievances on his face became more apparent.

"What is the Lord?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile.

"Lu Xiangzhi is not a thing. If he asks for money, he will ask for money. He actually...has actually removed the things of his family. He said that if he does not pay the money, he will take over the house of the minister. The emperor, he is simply bullying. The man is too much." Wenjun Wang shouted in anger.

Mo Rongzhan picked up his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Luo Houye. "Are you also coming to Lu Xiangzhi?"

Luo Houye nodded angrily, he thought for a moment, and his face was flushed. "And Xiao Wangye!"

Wenjun Wang did not dare to mention Xiao Wang Ye thought that it was the emperor's younger brother, but he did not say that he was upset.

"Oh!" Murong Zhan nodded. "Get up, talk inside."

Wenjun Wang and Luo Houye looked at each other and the emperor was not angry? Is this what I intend to do for them?

"Yes, the emperor." They hurriedly bowed their heads.

In front of Fu Gonggong silently gave them a wax.

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