Ye Hao sat in the carriage for a long time and slept in the car for a long time. At this time, she didn't feel tired, she thought of walking around. For the two palace ladies sent by Murong Zhanxin, she didn't know enough about them. They plan to let them stay on their own, and they just need to protect her, and they can protect her from the outside.

"Anniling, that winter Xiahehe seems to be a trainer." Hung Hom supported Ye Hao’s hand and walked around the Dahua Garden. Looking at the two palace ladies not far away, she could not help but lower the voice. Remind Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "If they don't have martial arts, they won't appear here. Don't think too much. The emperor's appointment is naturally no problem."

Although Hung Hom does not understand the meaning of the emperor, is it necessary to let more people protect the goddess?

"The niece, this courtyard is actually another world." Hung Hom supported Ye Hao's hand and looked at the garden behind the yard in surprise.

This Daohuayuan originally had two gardens. The front was already a small courtyard. I didn't expect to have a garden behind the bedroom. In the middle of the garden was a bamboo house built with purple bamboo. Hongling went up to open the door and cried in surprise. "It's a hot spring."

"This garden is quite beautiful." Ye Hao’s eyes flashed in joy. She liked this new yard. Here, I can see that it’s the mind of Mo Rongzhan. When did he prepare the yard here, she actually I don't know anything about it.

"The maiden, the emperor is very kind to you." Hung Ho smiled and said, "Even if the maiden lives in the mountain, the emperor is always thinking about you."

Ye Hao looked at the garden, and there was a sour and sweet taste in her heart. I wonder if it was a heart and soul. She suddenly turned her head and saw Murong Chong coming in from the outside.

Hung Hom and Hong Ling looked at each other and the two quietly quit.

"Are you busy?" Ye Hao said with a smile, reaching out and hooking his arm.

"Let Tang Yan increase defense around the villa, let him stay here too..." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao reluctantly sighed, "You need to use people in Kyoto, let Tang Hao stay here, you will have a person who can help you, surrounded by soldiers, what else can I have?"

"Hey..." Murong Chan looked at her with a low eyebrow.

"I am not under house arrest. I don't need so many people. If I stayed with Tang, I have to worry about people you haven't trusted." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, "If you do this again, I will I will go back to the palace with you."

Murong Zhan smiled, "Okay, listen to you."

"Walk with me." Ye Hao said with a smile. "When is this rice flower garden expanded? I don't know at all, there is this hot spring... It looks so good, but unfortunately I can't play now. ”

"I don't remember when it was expanded. I didn't take long to return to the palace and I received the memorial. It said that it has been expanded. It seems to be the previous thing." Murong Chan said.

Ye Hao hooked his neck and tiptoed and kissed his chin. "I like it very much."

Murong Zhan’s deep scorpion floated up and smiled. “You like it.”

"You still don't go back, isn't it still going to be early tomorrow?" Ye Hao buried his face in his arms, and he really couldn't bear him.

"No hurry, I will accompany you to dinner and go back." Murong Zhan's voice was dumb, holding her hand and walking forward. "He also thought of taking a walk."

Ye Hao saw that he really didn't hurry back to the palace, and he stopped urging him any more. Anyway, he would spend more time together.



The Queen Empress was sent out of the palace!

The news was like a thunderstorm blasting in the palace. The carriage in Ye Hao had just left Kyoto. The news could not be passed around the palace. All the cockroaches couldn’t believe it. They all thought of Hu Yueer’s information here. In their view, Hu Yueer is the emperor who will be a favored person, she should be the clearest situation.

"Anniling, An Huizhen is looking outside to see." Xiangqiao came in and said to Hu Yueer.

Hu Yueer said, "Let her go back."

I don't want to know what An Xiuzhen is doing. She doesn't have the mood to deal with it now. She thinks that the Queen's Empress is sent out of the palace, and her heart is not calm.

Why... She didn’t understand the meaning of the emperor’s doing it. Did the Queen’s Empress fall out of favor? There is also a child of the emperor in her stomach. If it is a boy, it is the eldest son of the emperor. Even if he is the eldest son, the emperor cannot make the queen lose his dignity.

Is the emperor just trying to punish the Queen of the Empress?

Hu Yueer’s heart beats faster, and she holds the hand of Xiangqiao. “Xiangqiao, do you think the Queen’s Empress is angering the emperor?”

Xiangqiao whispered, "The goddess, the emperor and the empress must have something that others don't know, or else... Otherwise, the emperor did not go back from the Yongshou Palace yesterday, it must be something the queen did."

"She was sent out of Kyoto..." Hu Yueer gasped a sigh of relief and felt that the news was incredible. She could not believe that it was true.

"Mother, maybe this is the opportunity that God gave you." Xiangqiao whispered that there is no Queen Empress in the palace, it is undoubtedly moving the big stones in everyone's heart, and then can you please the emperor and become another in the palace. Fortunately, I dare to master the skills of each master.

Their maidens have just been sealed as Shu Shu, there is a presence in the emperor's heart, certainly more than one other opportunity.

Hu Yueer got up and walked over to the bed and looked at the eternal Yongshou Palace in the distance. Her eyes glowed brightly. "This is the chance of this palace..."

The Queen is not in the palace, the emperor will not continue to go to the Yongshou Palace, and everyone else in the harem has the opportunity to wait for the emperor. This time she will not be so naive as last time, she will let the emperor really care about her.

"Mother, where do you say the Queen's Empress will be sent?" Xiangqiao took a stack of melons and walked to Hu Yueer.

Hu Yueer smiled and shook his head. "It's hard to say, you should go to Chengde Villa. After all, she is pregnant."

It is best not to come back forever! Xiangqiao secretly thought in his heart, so that their goddess had a chance to make a difference.

"Speak quietly to find out if the emperor is in the palace." Hu Yueer whispered to Xiangqiao.

Xiangqiao gently nodded, "Let's go and ask."

Nowadays, people in the palace have guessed that Shu Shu Niang is a favorite. It is not difficult for her to spend some money to inquire about the news. Many people want to have a good relationship with Xiuhe Palace.

Not long after, the news that Hu Yueer wanted was obtained.

"The niece, I heard that the emperor has been doing the Qing dynasty, Fu Gonggong has not left." Xiangqiao whispered in Hu Yueer's ear.

Hu Yueer finally showed a real smile. "Don't go out and inquire about any news these days, and quietly stay in the show."

The emperor would not like the woman who was too out of the limelight, and would not allow someone to fall into the rock at this time.

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