Zhao Ning picked two palace ladies and brought them back to Liu Wangye. She didn't deliberately learn the rules, but every day, the two palace ladies told her something she didn't know. She realized that the life in the palace was not what she imagined. Simple, she is full of expectation and embarrassment when she goes back to Qi.

"Six princes?" Zhao Ning listened to the two palace ladies' morning explanations. She felt dizzy. She wanted to leave the palace and walk away. She was stopped at the door. The woman who kept the door said that if there was no permission from the prince, She could not leave the palace at will, so she had to come to Murong.

I don’t seem to see him recently. Is it very busy?

"Zhao girl waits, Wang Ye is in the study, the small one goes back and screams." Xiao Yan said to Zhao Ning, then turned to find Murong.

Murong Yu has not been in the palace for a long time. In addition to being called into the palace by Murong Cham, he still wants to hide from the boy of Murong, otherwise he will be forced to go to the clan to collect debts.

When it comes to debt collection, Murong has a headache. He listened to the doorman’s Xiaoyan. Yesterday, Wenjun Wang and Luo Houye came to look for him. He happened to be in the palace. Maybe there will be more ancestors in a few days. Come to him.

"Please come to Zhao girl." Murong said, he was thinking about whether he should leave Kyoto in advance. Anyway, it would be no big problem to look at the emperor. He doesn't look like amnesia, at least no one can see it. come out.

Zhao Ning walked in with joy and saw that Murong Yu stood behind the book and did not know what to write. She put her light on the footsteps, "Six princes."

Murong Yan did not look up, just whispered, "What does Zhao girl look for in this king?"

"Six princes, can I go out and go outside the palace?" Zhao Ning knows that Murong will not like other people to circle, she will still say it in the future.

"Go out?" Murong Yan looked up at her.

Zhao Ning said, "I have been in Kyoto for so long. Apart from going out to the palace last time, I have been in the palace. It is really stuffy. If I can, I think outside..."

Murong nodded. "Well, bring two more people."

"..." So promised so refreshed? Zhao Ning looked at him blankly. "Can I really go out?"

"Zhao girl, you are a guest of the Wangfu, not a prisoner. You like to go anywhere." Murong faintly smiled, and did not let Zhao Ning go out because her identity has not been determined. Now that she has confirmed her true It’s the Princess Qi, so you don’t need to hide it, as long as she doesn’t go out.

Zhao Ning said with a smile, "Okay, thank you six kings."

Murong asked, "How have you been in the palace recently?"

"Very good." Zhao Ning laughed. She knew that she was not a Huajia Village from the time she was sensible. It would not be just a fisherman. It turns out that she did not feel uncomfortable in the life of Wangfu, even in the future. Back to Qi, she felt that she could have a good time.

"That's good." Murong knows that she brought two palace ladies back, or gave her a palace lady. He didn't have to worry about Zhao Ning's thinking behind him. I believe that the two palace ladies would look at her.

Murong Chan really has everything arranged.

"Six princes, I still have a ruthless request..." Zhao Ning stopped at the turn and heard a lot of secrets about the palace. She felt that some things should be better understood first.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can make a hundred wins, isn't it?

Murong Yan raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I want to know about the Qiguo Palace... What kind of people, the Queen Empress gave me two palace ladies, they taught me a lot of things, but the National Palace is not so familiar." Zhao Ning whispered, she knew herself I shouldn't mention this request, but she really wants to know, especially when she heard that there are four princesses in Qi State, she would like to know what the four princesses are.

This is not a difficult thing, Murong nodded gently, "OK."

"Thank you for the six kings." Zhao Ning just laughed and retired after a ceremony.

Murong Yu looked at Zhao Ning's back and looked at the portrait on the table. He just drew a outline and didn't paint it all. He put down the pen and remembered that he just wanted to write a word, just in his mind. The figure was too deep, and I figured it out without knowing it.

"Wang Ye." Someone yelled at him outside.

"Come in." Murong sighed and said, he took the portrait on the table and took it out of the secret letter sent not long ago.

The thousand-handed spider who wanted to assassinate Ye Hao outside Kyoto last time has been ordered to destroy it. However, it seems that this thousand-handed spider is stronger than he imagined. Jin Guo’s is gone, and Qi Guo has them. Traces.

Who founded the Thousand-Handed Spider? Even thousands of Luosha can not find out.

Murong Yu wrote a letter and let Fujisawa continue to trace it. In any case, he must kill thousands of spiders.

Unconsciously, in the afternoon, Murong looked at the sky and let people pass the meal.

His little sister walked in and gave Murong a ritual. "Wang Ye, I heard that the Queen Empress was sent out of the palace."

what? Murong was dull, "Speak clearly."

Xiao Yan said, "I heard that the empress of the emperor's palace has caused the Queen's Empress to be unhappy. The emperor sent her out of the palace in order to punish her kindness."

fart! Murong snorted in his heart. He knew that Murong Zhan had sealed a Shu, but he was not a fool. How could Murong Chong’s face be snoring for an inexplicable scorpion? She must have had other reasons.

"What about the emperor?" Murong asked coldly.

Xiaoyan replied, "In the dry house."

Murong stood up and strode out. Even if Murong Chan did this for other reasons, he also wanted to know why.

Now that I am pregnant, where does he want to send her?

In the palace, Fu Gonggong still stayed outside the Qing Palace, and saw the figure of Murong Yu. He screamed in his heart.

"Six princes, how did you enter the palace so late?" Fu Gonggong smiled and greeted him.

Murong looked at him coldly. "What about the emperor?"

Fu Gonggong is the personal **** of Mo Rongzhan. Since he is here, isn’t Murong Zhan doing the Qing Palace? He sent the donkey away, and he still had the mood to sit in the dry house?

"Six princes, are you looking for the emperor? The emperor is busy now, is it better to wait until tomorrow to enter the palace?" Fu Gonggong said with a smile.

"This king will see the emperor now, Fu Gonggong, go in and talk to the emperor." Murong said coldly.

The emperor was not in the Qing government, he went inside to find out who.

Murong Yu saw that Fu Gonggong had a different look. He dragged Fu Gonggong to his front and lowered his voice and asked, "Fu Gonggong, where is the emperor?"

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