"Six princes, you should not force slaves." The emperor told me not to tell anyone about his whereabouts, how dare he tell Murong, if the emperor came back to blame, he could not afford it.

Murong squatted and looked at the brightly lit hall. He did not need Fu Gonggong to report here before yesterday. He could go directly to find the emperor. Today, Fu Gonggong’s abnormality is definitely for a reason.

"Where is the emperor?" Murong’s voice cooled down. Couldn’t Murong Zhan not be in the Qing Dynasty.

Fu Gonggong, a pair of crying, said, pressing down the voice, "Six princes, you should stop being slaves."

Murong Yu calmed down from his anger. He should know that Murong Zhan could not send away the other woman because of any other woman. He should have gone with him. "I heard that the emperor sealed Shu Shu? ”

"...back to the prince, this is the case." Fu Gonggong bowed his head and said, although the emperor seems to know what the name of Shu Shu is, but it is indeed Shu Shu, even other showgirls With regard to the position, he is not familiar with the eunuch. What is the meaning of the emperor? It is said that he is tired of the empress of the empress, and it does not look like it. The emperor looks at the eyes of the empress, even the person who has broken the roots feels blushing. I do not know how it is.

Murong nodded faintly. "This king knows."

Where will Murong Chan send it? He sealed Shu Shu not just to look at the woman so simple, there must be other reasons, what he wants to do is no longer important, now that he has been pregnant for eight months, where can he send her? ?

Chengde Villa!

Murong Yu immediately remembered the nearest place in Kyoto. It was impossible to go to the palace. It was too far away and the environment was not as good as Chengde Villa.

"The king left first." Murong said, he said, turning away from the palace, outside the palace gate, he jumped on the horseback and quickly went to the direction of the city gate.

Fu Gonggong stood outside the Qing Palace and heard the reply from the little eunuch. He sighed in his heart and hoped that when he saw the Six Kings, he believed that he was not exporting the wind. He did not say a word.

"The masters of the harem know everything?" Fu Gonggong whispered.

Today, the news of the Queen’s exit from the palace did not deliberately conceal. The concealed is the whereabouts of the emperor. I believe that the women behind should be blasted.

"I know, many people come out to swear." The little **** whispered, "The Angui people also went to Yongshou Palace and wanted to give the Queen an appointment, and was evicted by the Emei girl."

Fu Gonggong sneered, "Stupid."

"There is nothing in that movement." Little **** said.

It is possible to let the emperor look at the Shu Shu, if there is no such eyesight, how can he survive in this palace.

"Hold some," Fu Gonggong said.



Murong Chan took Ye Hao in the rice flower garden and walked around. The large yard opened by the three yards was really big, and every corner was carefully thought out. Although Murong Zhan lost his memory, I don’t remember this. It is the design drawing he personally painted, but Ye Hao can still see his shadow in these details.

"I want to have a baby here." Ye Hao said with a smile to Murong Zhan.

“Like here?” Murong Cham smiled at her.

"It's hard not to like it. It's much better than the palace." Ye Hao took his hand and waved a few times. "I want to ride outside and want to go hunting..."

Murong Zhan ordered her forehead. "Before you let your child be born, I don't want to think about it."

Ye Hao looked at the sky. "You still haven't gone, it's already dark."

"I don't hurry, I will go to the palace before the early morning." Murong Zhan held her hand. He only wants to accompany her now, and he doesn't want to go anywhere.

"There is no me in the palace..." Ye Hao hooked his finger and squinted at him with his head tilted. The smile in his eyes seemed to be full of brilliance. "The emperor should be free. There are many beautiful women in the palace. Yan Fu is definitely a lot."

Murong Chong grabbed her funny hand. "Do you want to be discouraged?"

Ye snorted, and that is what he deserved.

"The emperor, the six kings came." Shen appeared behind them, and lowered his voice to say to Murong Zhan.

"It seems that Auntie is the news that I heard that you were sent out of the palace." Murong Chong smiled helplessly and bowed his hand to the forehead of Ye Ye, "I will see him."

Ye Hao grabbed his hand. She knew that Murong’s reason for appearing here was definitely to know if she was left out. She didn’t want Murong’s misunderstanding to be Murong. Their brothers had a good relationship since childhood. She didn't know what to say.

Murong has a heart-wrenching pinch of her palm. "I know he is worried that you are coming."

Looking at the figure that he disappeared outside the door, Ye Hao sighed in his heart.

"Mother, do you want to continue?" Red 缨 whispered up and asked.

"It's not early, go back to the house." Ye Hao said that he was already sleeping at this time on weekdays. Today, if she wants to spend more time with Murong Cham, she will not walk outside.

I think of Murong Yu... Ye Hao’s heart really can’t say what it feels. After meeting with Murong Zhan, Murong Yu rarely talks to her again. Even her eyes can be avoided. She knows that he does not want her to be troubled. Misunderstood by Mo Rongzhan, he was very clear about her heart but she did not think it was reported.

She really hopes that Murong will meet a woman who makes him feel tempted, so that he can forget her.

In the priest's house, he would rather save her from leaving. This kind of kindness, she can't repay in her life, so she doesn't want to owe him any more. She only hopes that he can have other women knowing each other, so that her embarrassment can be less.

In the front yard hall, when Murong Yu saw Tang Yin, he already knew that his guess was correct. The emperor was in Chengde Mountain Villa.

"How come you?" Murong Zhan strode in and looked at Murong Xiao.

"I heard that the Queen's Niangniang was sent out of the palace, and she went to the palace to find the emperor. I guess the emperor should be here." Murong Yu bowed his hand and it seems that the so-called fall out of favor should be fake, but I don't know what the emperor wants to do. what.

Murong Zhan chuckled and looked at Murong Yu deeply. "So are you planning to ask for sin?"

Murong’s heart sighed and bowed his head. “Chen dare.”

"Hey, just want to protect you." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Murong whispered, "Let her stay at Chengde Villa, the emperor's big seal, is to protect her?"

"Auntie, you don't have to explain it to you." Murong Chan's voice is cold. "You have too much control."

"It’s a passer-by." Murong Yu narrowed his eyes.

Murong Chong looked at him deeply. "Auntie, you and Auntie went to South Vietnam together."

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