Murong Zhan avoids Murong’s unbelievable eyes. He knows the feelings of Murong’s confrontation with him. He also knows that Murong’s life is not to be killed, so it’s not surprising that he will appear here, It is no longer a priest's house, and there is no need for Murong to care about it so much. It is not that he is narrow-minded and suspects Murong Yu, he is for Murong, so that all the thoughts on Ye Hao, he will not forget her in this life.

He knows that it is not easy to forget when he falls in love, but he is already his queen. Murong is destined to be unable to get what he wants. In this case, long pain is better than short pain. Is it better to forget it soon? Maybe only then can he meet a woman who can make him tempted.

"Yes, the emperor." Murong will resist the words he refused, and he should lower his head and order the order of the ink.

Mo Rongzhan thought that Murong will refuse, and he didn't think he actually agreed to it. "Auntie..."

"The emperor is right. Some things should not be asked by the court." Murong whispered.

"Auntie..." Murong Zhan whispered to him. "Hey, let you go to South Vietnam, it is for you, and I hope you can help the aunt."

Murong nodded, "Chen know."

Murong Chong glanced at him deeply. "You understand."

"Chen first went back." Murong said, he is still too impulsive, should not be heard that she was left out and desperately ran to Chengde Villa.

He just can't see her being a little wronged, knowing that Murong Chong will not hurt her, he still wants to come and confirm it.

Ink said that "I will go to Kyoto with you and go back to Kyoto with you."

Murong Yu whispered.

When I came to the Dahuayuan, Ye Hao had already slept, and Murong Zhan let the red dragonfly not let her wake her up. He took a light footstep to the bed and silently looked at her for a while. He was afraid to Ten days and a half months to see her again, I only hope that she can relax here, not to be affected by some gossip.

Chengde Mountain Villa is surrounded by people he arranged. What he does not want her to know should not be passed in.

"Hey, I’ll go back first." Murong Zhan bent down and kissed Ye Hao’s forehead.

He turned and walked out of the bedroom, and looked at a few palace ladies outside. He said, "When you wait for the goddess, if you have a little mistake, you don't want to live."

Hong Ling and others are busy.

Inside the bedroom, Ye Hao had slowly opened her eyes when she left, and she sighed softly and fell asleep.



Murong Cham returned to the palace when the sky was not fully lit. Except for his confidants, no one knew that he personally sent Ye Hao to Chengde Villa today. Murong Yu and Tang Yan did not follow him to the Qing Palace. All kinds of going back to the government, and anyway, I will go early in the morning.

"The emperor, you are back." Fu Gonggong saw the appearance of Murong Chan in the night, his face instantly smiled like a flower, and finally came back.

Murong Zhan entered the dormitory, let the Fugonggong simply wash the water, replaced the clothes and leaned on the couch to close his eyes. "When the queen is sent away, what is the movement in the palace?"

"Back to the emperor, everyone knows that the Queen's Empress is out of the palace. An Hui and Wang Guiren went to Yongshou Palace in the afternoon to ask for an appointment. After waiting for an hour to leave, An Huizhen asked the ring around him to inquire and was told by the slave. Shu Shu Niang is not closed, no one has seen it, and she is in the Xiuhe Palace all day." Fu Gonggong whispered back.

"Hey." Murong Zhan snorted, and he felt disgusted by the women who were not self-sufficient in the harem. But if they had a little brain, they should think that he could not be left cold at this time, even if the queen did. What makes him angry, for her children, he will not let her fall out of favor, but some people are self-righteous, really thought that he angered him.

Not to mention that he has always been only awkward, and his relationship with her is influenced by several unimportant women.

Fu Gonggong heard Murong Cham. This is dissatisfaction with the women in the harem. He only buried his head lower. "The emperor, the empress is not in the palace. Who should be the owner of the various divisions?"

Every day, the size of the palace is constant, let alone the Mid-Autumn Festival, and all kinds of rewards from all divisions, including the palace, must come down. Those who do not have a master can never do it. They can’t decide the master’s. I don’t know what the emperor has to do.

Murong Zhan was silent for a while, "Let Shu Shu temporarily take charge of the affairs of the palace."

Fu Gonggong did not hesitate to whisper, the emperor is planning to let Shuyi Empress rise.

"Go on, let's scream again after half an hour." Murong Cum whispered that there would be more than half an hour to go to the early morning, and he was almost blind.

When there was a white belly in the east, the whole palace was awakened from the darkness, and Murong Zhan went to the hall with great energy. Then he should let go and rectify those things hidden in the dark.

Hu Yueer had a good night's sleep, opened her eyes, and the emperor's will came from outside. She stunned and couldn't understand how the emperor would pass the will at this time. She immediately let Xiangqiao come over and wash her clothes. "Who is here?" deliver an imperial order?"

Xiangqiao is more nervous than her, and her voice is a little trembling. "The goddess is... is Fu Gonggong."

"The maiden, it must be the emperor who thinks of you." The scented ring suppressed the sharp voice. "Sure enough, the queen is not there, it is the best for the maiden."

Hu Yueer snorted and said, "Shut up! Can this kind of words be said? Can you say your own mouth for a while?"

The fragrant ring was white, and she was too proud to forget the measure.

Although she is screaming at the palace lady, Hu Yueer’s mood is still uncontrollably expected. Perhaps... Perhaps her good fortune is finally coming. The emperor will send the empress of the empress to the palace, is it for... in order to start to favor the harem?

Maybe it's true. After all, the emperor's son is still too little. Fortunately, the harem, the rain and the dew are all smeared, and there will be more children. If she can really get the emperor's favor, she must remember the Queen's lesson, not narrow-minded. Can't be good...

"Anniling, well." Xiangqiao interrupted the reverie of Hu Yueer's heart.

When Hu Yueer returned to God and realized that she was thinking about something, her cheeks rose red. Now that she has no shadows, she seems to think that she can really replace the Queen.

"Come on the matter," Hu Yueer said.

She took the palace gate of the Xiuhe Palace and took the ministry under the hall. When she heard the emperor let her temporarily represent the harem, she was completely paralyzed.

The emperor... handed the harem to her agent? She wants to replace the queen...

Is this a dream?

Then let her never wake up.

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