"Anniling..." Qi Qi's face turned white. She suddenly remembered a very important thing. At the beginning, she knew that Qi Ruoshui and Huangfu had an affair. She was so vomiting blood, and later she had been under house arrest at home. The emperor just left to leave her college, but Qi Ruoshui went to the college not long before she was pregnant, and insisted that it was the emperor.

Over the years, she has always thought that the emperor is not talking about it, knowing that the identity of the water is still... Isn't this the case at all?

"Qi medical officer, this palace only wants to know one thing. If the child is not the son of the emperor, then who would he be?" Ye Hao whispered.

Qi Yan’s face was white and muttered, “I want to know...”

How did Qi Ruoshui harbor his children in the past?

If it wasn’t the last strange smile of Qi Ruoshui, Ye Hao wouldn’t put this matter in his heart. Qi Zi’s children are good. Anyway, as long as Qi Ruoshui is no longer coming out, whoever he is is not important, Qi Ruoshui The reaction made her feel that it would be best to figure it out first, so as not to be used again in the future.

Ye Hao said, "When is Qi Ruoshui pregnant?"

"At that time, I knew that she and the emperor would be jealous... I put her under house arrest. Later, Huangfu left Kyoto. I saw Qi Ruoshui also died, and then let her go back to the college. It didn't take long for her to say she was pregnant... "Qi Yan's face is blue, she carefully recalled the scene of the year. "That was fifteen years ago... She only spent one night at the college, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, because the college had a garden party, I saw her obedient, and thought that She knows that Huangfu’s identity will not be stupid...just one night.”

Mid-Autumn Festival 15 years ago? With time, it is much easier to check.

Ye Hao whispered, "You shouldn't be too nervous when you are a medical officer. This is just asking questions. Anyway, Qi Ruoshui can't come out anymore, and no one else knows about his life."

Qi Qi heard the words of Ye Hao, but she did not feel relieved, but worried about it. However, she was not the son of Huangfu, and the news was the most happy she had ever heard in her life.

"Mother, thank you for telling me about this." Qi Wei said, the big stone in her heart can be put down.

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "This palace also wants to know the truth."

Qi Tong said, "No matter what the truth, it is not important for us."

"Yeah, it’s best to have a quiet day now." Ye Hao said, "Qi medical officer, you are tired when you come here, it is better to go on a break first."

Ye Hao saw that her face was still not very good, so Qi Qi went down first.

"Yes, the goddess." Qi Qi got up and took a ceremony. She hasn't been as good as she has been in the past six months. She hasn't nursed her, and she has been sitting in a carriage for a long time. Now she feels tired.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom re-entered the room after Qi Hao left. Seeing Ye Hao and picking up the book to look at it, couldn’t help but say, "The goddess, today’s weather is just right, it’s better to go out and walk, you only have these days. Didn't go out in the house."

Ye Hao looked at the book in her hand. She really only looked at the book in the past few days. She wanted to see if there was any cure for amnesia in the book. She touched her stomach. "Go out and go."

She is pregnant and can't ride a horse, she can only walk around the villa.

This fall was to let Ye Hao discover the treasure land. In the vicinity of the mountain village, she saw a wild medicine field. Although the land was not big, the land was fertile and the herbs above were very good.

"Jiu Xiancao, Hedyotis diffusa, Prunella vulgaris..." Ye Hao was surprised. "It looks so good. We can clean up this piece of land, remove the weeds, and plant some other herbs." ”

"Mother, do you want to grow your own medicine?" asked the red sable.

Ye Hao looked down at her stomach and laughed. "I stood on the side and looked at it. You went to find two little eunuchs and let them do it."

Winter Lotus and Xia He looked at each other. "The goddess, slaves come."

"No, I have to find two small eunuchs who know how to plant. This land is very good. It is not much worse than the medicine field of the medical museum." She thought that if she could take the seed of Lingtian, it would not be planted here. Do you know if you can grow well?

In the next few days, Ye Hao no longer hides in the house to read a book. Every time she comes out, she can find herself to have fun, and then she plays with it, but it makes the palace lady around her see the heart, for fear of a little accident.

Her life in Chengde Mountain Villa was passed to the head of Mo Rongzhan.

"...the girl looked at the book for a few days. When the weather was better, she went out. On the first day, she found a medicine field. I found two small eunuchs who knew how to plant in the mountain to remove weeds and planted a lot of herbs. Two days with the ladies went to the creek to catch fish and fish, and let Donghe go to play two pheasants... Yesterday the maiden found a snake's nest, was blocked by the red dragonfly and did not go to squat, but Hong Ling gave She found a rabbit nest, I heard that today, the goddess intends to go hunting in the mountains." Shen said after the news from the mountain, he did not dare to look up to see Murong Zhan.

The days of Queen Empress in Chengde Mountain Villa are inevitable... too happy.

Murong Zhan smashed his eyebrows. "Is the Queen still wanting to go to the python nest? How to raise rabbits in the mountains?"

Shen Xiao whispered, "Return to the emperor, the news from the mountain village is indeed like this."

"It seems that the Queen is doing well." Murong said with a blank expression. He first heard that she was hiding in the house and reading a book. She thought it was a bad mood. He followed his heart and almost wanted to go. Looking for her.

Maybe she was very comfortable when she was reading.

His fears are superfluous, she can still live so well without him.

The bad thing is him!

Fu Gonggong saw the emperor's face depressed, and couldn't bear to comfort him. "The emperor, the empress of the empress, although she is so happy, but my heart is definitely thinking of you."

This word was poked in the heart of Murong Cham, and he looked at Fu Gonggong coldly.

Hehe... Fu Gonggong bowed his head and didn’t dare to talk any more.

"Go on." Murong Zhan let the sinking down, "Let people continue to protect the Queen Empress."

The sorrow should be whispering.

Murong Zhan took up the memorial and wanted to continue to review. He knew that Ye Hao was so happy in Chengde Mountain Villa. He should be relieved. However, he couldn’t see it for a long time with a memorial. He suddenly found that he had sent him away. It is him who is uncomfortable.

He really wants to go to the mountain to find her.

This little unconscionable girl doesn't miss him at all?

"The emperor, Shusei Niangniang is looking outside to see." Fu Gonggong whispered, although he knew that the emperor was not in a good mood, but the emperor recently looked at Shuri, so she might see her.

When Murong Chan raised his eyebrows and wanted to send it down, he could think of the usefulness of Shu Shu. He frowned and said, "Let her come in."

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