Hu Yueer lowered her head and walked into the hall in her heart. She didn't even dare to look up. She didn't dare to look at the ink-filled Zhan Zhan.

"Chen Chen saw the emperor, the emperor Long live Jinan." She squatted down and performed a courtesy.

The emperor has been away from the palace for several days. She has been in charge of the harem for a few days, but she has never seen the emperor. She thought that the emperor would see her two days ago, but after waiting for a long time, the emperor did not seem to be fond of her. the meaning of.

She knew that she should be patient again. When the emperor remembered her, she appeared in front of him in the best posture, but she...the Queen is not in the palace, which is an opportunity for anyone, a rare opportunity. She didn't want to miss it.

Since the emperor did not think of her, and did not expect to be fond of her, then she took the initiative to come to the emperor.

At this time, the emperor is just a young man, and the beauty is currently, can you really feel nothing at all?

"Flat." Murong Cum whispered, he looked at Hu Yueer, this man was the woman who gave him tea in the Royal Garden before. If she didn't look at her, she wouldn't let it. She got up as Shu Shu. "He said that the harem is not getting a dry house. What are you doing here?"

The harem can't come to the Qing Palace! This rule she knows, but the Queen Empress seems to be out of this rank.

Hu Yueer stood up and looked up slightly toward Murong Cham. She only applied thin makeup today. Her cheeks gave birth to a blush because she saw Murong Zhan. She resisted the tension in her heart. In the harem of the palace, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I don’t know if the rewards of the ancestral houses of this year are the same as in previous years, please express the emperor."

The rewards of the various divisions in the palace can be according to the past years, so that the most difficult to make mistakes, but the ancestral room can not turn her to the master.

Murong Zhan looked at her and looked at her. "Tomorrow, Wang Muqun of the House of Internal Affairs will tell you about it, and it will be better than last year's example."

Hu Yueer was short and short, "Yes, the emperor."

"The queen is not there, everything is handed over to you in the palace, and you are working hard." Murong Zhan looked up at Hu Yueer. He didn't remember when he had this woman in the harem. If he didn't see it in the royal garden that day, he would I can't think of this person at all.

Now that he has lifted her up as a Shu, he can't look at it anymore, even if he doesn't even look at it.

Hu Yueer’s look is ashamed and looks gorgeous, she whispered, “Chen Chen’s work for the emperor is not hard at all.”

Murong Chan took her look to the bottom of his eyes. He certainly understood what Hu Yueer was expecting. She was no different from other women in the harem. The difference was that she was smart and just saw him in the Royal Garden that day.

"Go on." Murong Zhan’s mind appeared as Ye Hao’s shy and sly look, as if she could make him feel excited, especially when he was spoiled, he could not wait to make her small on her body. Let go of her, he remembered that she was playing in the village at this time, and she finally lost her last patience with Hu Yueer.

Hu Yueer’s heart is hard to disappoint, she hopes to stay with him to accompany the emperor.

"Chen Chen retire." Hu Yueer whispered, plunging back.

Murong Zhan remembered that it had been so many days, and what he wanted to do was not finished yet. Murong Yu and Auntie had already gone to South Vietnam. He should also start to clean up the dogs that were hiding in the dark. Meal."

Hu Yueer, who had already withdrawn from the main hall, heard this and suddenly stunned. After a while, she only stumbled again. "Yes, the emperor."

The emperor will go to dinner tonight...

Show Palace! The emperor finally wanted her!

Hu Yueer felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.



Kyoto, a small house next to Shilitun.

"Dongjun Wang, the emperor is serious this time. If you continue, you will find out what happened in the morning and evening. At that time, you and I will have no advantage. Although these are the things of our fathers, the benefit is our younger generation, you What should I say?" Luo Jincheng asked in a low voice.

Ping Houye Zheng Qiasheng looked at him lazily. "If you don't want to bow down first, will we be forced to this point?"

Luo Jincheng said coldly, "Do you think that the emperor is a good fool? Now that he has turned over the books that the emperor hid, he must have thought about starting the clan, even if I am not holding money, Xiao Wangye I am sure to take the house of our family into the national treasury."

"It’s a small matter to return money..." Dongjun Wang Chenjing whispered, "The most important thing is that the South Vietnamese side cannot be detected."

His words were just spoken, and everyone else was silent.

Luo Jincheng broke the silence. "Is Cao Xingyu not going back to South Vietnam? He will find a way to stop Xiao Wangye."

"Not only the little prince, even the six princes also went to South Vietnam." Zheng Qisheng said, this is the most worrying thing.

Chen Jing suddenly stood up and said aloud, "What are we worried about? Is the case of Pan’s family related to us? It’s all old things, we just have to replace the money, this is enough. What does it have to do with us?"

"Don't forget, except for the Pan family and the Feng family, the Cao family is the knife of the emperor. Then we are the whetstones. When Cao Jia took the first emperor and so much money... Which one of you did not belong? In order to stabilize his position and borrow the money, now that Murong Zhan wants us to pay back the money, who can you say no?" Luo Jincheng said quietly.

Zheng Qiasheng said, "The emperor is suspected of South Vietnam."

"We all have business in South Vietnam." Chen Jing said, "The emperor has been enthroned for a few years. He has never reused our ancestors. Now he wants to deal with us. Hehe, he is really different from the emperor."

"If Xiao Wangye finds Cao's past in Nanyue, we will not be good." Zheng Qiasheng looked up at the sky, and the emperor was ironic to completely fight the rights of the clan.

"If Murong Hui was still in the emperor..." Chen Jing muttered a word, but he did not dare to say it later.

If Murong Hui is the emperor, then the sect is not like this now. At least half of the entire court’s rights are in the hands of the ancestors. Unlike now, there are people with real powers who are Murong Cham.

"Big big..." Zheng Qiasheng’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief. "It’s a big deal to let Murong Hui fight for it!"

"You are crazy!" Luo Jincheng's face changed greatly. "Mo Ronghui was under house arrest, don't forget."

Chen Jing sneered. "He is the eldest son of the emperor. No matter what, the emperor can't do this to him!"

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