Ye Hao played in the villa for several days and found that it was much better than she thought. There are mountains and water. Like eating wild game, people can go into the mountains to play a few pheasants. Otherwise, fishing next to the creek is the best. The fun is the rabbit she brought, one of them is just the female rabbit, just about to be born, Ye Hao also gave birth to two rabbits for it, now raising a nest in the rice flower garden, every time watching Ok.

"Today, we went to the river to catch fish, and called other people. The fish that was baked by Xiaoxizi last time is really good and tastes good." Ye Hao got up early and went to the medicine field to take a look and see the space. The seeds that I took out were very suitable for this land. Her mood was so good that she suddenly wanted to go out and have fun.

"The goddess, the creek is far behind, you have... going out for a few days in a row, will it be too tired?" Hong Ling whispered, these days the Queen's Empress is going out every day to have fun, they are waiting for them. I am afraid that there will be a case.

When I went to the mountain on the first day of the Ming Dynasty, the mood of the goddess was very depressed. How can I be so happy when I turn my eyes? Don't you miss the emperor at all?

"Not too far, just take a walk." Don't go for half an hour, she still wants to stick to an hour every day.

"..." Everyone was a little speechless, and Hung Hom said, "Mother, or else, take a break today."

Ye Hao looked at them with a funny smile. "Are you still afraid that I can't go this half hour?"

In fact, Hung Hom is a bit worried that the Queen Empress is because she misses the emperor too much, so she ignores her own body, so that all kinds of fun and play are eliminated. Finally... In case something really happened, they are not enough to die a thousand times.

"Yiang Niang, in fact, when can I go, but you only went to the mountains to hunt yesterday..." Although I was only sitting in the carriage, I did not go out riding, but I also took the bow and arrow and hit two pheasants, and they all saw their hearts. Jumped out quickly.

Ye Hao looked at them with a smile and finally understood what they were worried about.

Is this that she is looking for fun? She seems so fragile, leaving the palace to leave Murong Chan to survive? In fact, she was somewhat unhappy at first. Later, when she remembered the words, no one needs to rely on who can survive. Murong Chan wants to protect her as a golden bird. Then she finds herself in the cage he prepared. The world is good, he is naturally around her, and she is still not the same, she can still live very well.

Murong Zhan also hopes that she can have a good time here.

"Let's go, this palace is very good. There is no such freedom in the palace. It is difficult to find that the palace can be free." Ye Hao said to them with a smile, "I may return to the palace in a few days, when I want to do this." There is no chance to play."

Hong Ling and Hung Hom looked at each other and saw that the Empress Dowager was not a strong smile. They only sighed in their hearts. Perhaps the Niangniang was really happy in the palace than in the palace.

Don't you worry that the emperor will be in the palace... Will you be lucky?

When they left the palace, everyone was guessing that the emperor would love Shu Shu. After all, for many years, except for the empress, only Shu Shu let the emperor remember.

"The niece, Mrs. Lu asked for it outside Zhuangzi." Wu Chong came over and whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao had to wave his hand. It seems that there is no need to go out today. If you are here, she should not want to go anywhere, and raise a baby in the house.

"Please ask my wife to come in." Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, it must be that Murong Cham let Yan come to accompany her. He should not be the same as Hung Hom, thinking that she has been smirking and deliberately Kind of fun?

However, she soon knew that this was not the idea of ​​Murong Cham.

Together with Yu, there is also Lu Yizhi, the nephew of Lujia’s second room. She used to call him a third brother.

"The grass people have seen the Queen's Empress." Lu Yizhi stunned when he saw Ye Hao, and the first time he saw this cousin in his mind, who thought that a little girl from the border town would eventually become a queen, not even Thinking that the Lujiahui had fallen into such a situation, he knew that it was not awkward. After all, she was completely unaware of it.

Ye Hao looked at Lu Yizhi. To tell the truth, she was resentful of Lu Jia at the beginning. Later she lived in Lujia for two years. She felt the love of Lu Lao’s wife, and Lu Shiming’s love for her, she only Gradually came out of hatred, except for Lu Yizhi and Lu Shuanger, others did not bother her.

"The third brother is fast and exempt, so he doesn't have to be like this." Ye Hao opened his mouth when he wanted to kneel down, let the little hizi next to help him up. "Mother, third brother, this is not a palace, we are a family, just Just like usual."

Lu Yizhi sighed in his heart. How could he and his family be a family? When his father drove the three uncles out of the Lujia Mansion, they were no longer a family. "Yes, the goddess."

Ye Hao looked at Yan’s eyes. When she didn’t come to Chengde Villa, she wanted to see Lu Yizhi. However, it was just that Lu Yu was not in Kyoto. I heard that I was going to go to business. I only came back these two days.

When he knew that he was sent to Chengde Mountain Villa, he was already uneasy. If Lu Yizhi was here, she would have asked her to understand. Let Lu Tingzhi come to her, there must be important things to ask. .

"Hey, I haven't come to Chengde Villa for a long time, and the weather is good. I went out and walked away." Yan said with a smile on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Red, you take the lady out."

Hong Ling also retired to the door and watched.

"Three brothers, what are you busy with recently?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Yizhi. She should have seen him for two or three years. He has no youth in the past, and he probably goes out to go out for business. It looks mature. A lot of stability.

Lu Yan said gently, "Go back to the goddess, the grass people just do a little business at home."

Ye Hao listened to the story of Lu Shixun, and now the second room is completely supported by Lu Yan. Lu Shixun’s eyes are low and his business is long-lasting. The situation of Lu’s second house is not as good as one day. Finally, he plans to take over the Luke’s Lu Shixun’s business is better.

"What about the small five?" Ye Hao asked again. She had only seen Lujia five girls once and thought it was a good little girl.

"Small five is planning to enter the women's college." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at him. "Three brothers, although Erbo said that he no longer recognizes the three rooms, but we are still brothers and sisters."

Lu Yizhi nodded, "I know."

He knew that his father had done too much, or else they would not face difficulties in the second room, but they have been so long, and they are all stunned.

"Actually..." Ye Hao looked at him seriously. "This palace wants to ask you something."

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