Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1109: Do things for her

When Lu Yizhi learned that he was coming to see the Queen, he knew that he would not be arguing for the old. He must have something else to do, but he thought for a long time and didn’t know what he would ask him. thing.

"Mother, please ask." Lu Yizhi whispered.

Ye Hao asked him to sit down and say that she had a lot of unclear thoughts, still thinking about how to ask.

"Three brothers, you know that I have been in the border town since I was born. If I didn't listen to my mother later, I don't know that Lujia was in Kyoto. Although I knew it later, I don't know much about Lujia. Yes... For Lu Zhizhi’s understanding.” Ye Hao wanted to know when Lu Jia was a family. When did he make a family, when did he come to Kyoto, what did Lu Hao’s capital do before he came to Kyoto?

Lu Yanzhi heard Ye Hao’s questioning, and his face flashed a puzzle. “The goddess, these three uncles should know.”

"I have lived in the border town for more than ten years, and some things should not be as clear as you are." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Isnaughter wants to know Lu Jia, or want to know Lu Yizhi?" Lu Yizhi asked, he is very clear that the Lujia will have most of the reasons today and Lu Yizhi. The older brother who had worshipped him is now in his mind. It is no longer the big brother of the year.

Ye Hao picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. "I want to know."

"Lu Jia began to make a fortune from his grandfather. When his grandfather was a young man, he was a business. He could barely eat a meal. Later, when he heard that he went out to go to business, he saved a man on the road. The man gave his grandfather a large amount of money. In return, Lu’s business started at that time, and then the uncle took over. As for the eldest brother...” Lu Yi’s frowning thought back, “Big brother was sent away from home by the uncle when he was very young. I didn’t see him often, but one day I heard the grandmother and the uncle fight. It seems that I was saying that my uncle shouldn’t be so worried. I sent my eldest brother to the place where people can eat. The older brother is not at home when he is three or four years old. When I was old, I didn’t go to the military camp for a long time at home. I followed the emperor’s side. Everyone knows later. I don’t have to say it to the goddess.”

"Lu Yizhi was sent away from an early age? Where is it sent?" Ye Hao does not care how Lu Jia made his mark. He was puzzled by Lu Yi’s being sent away from childhood.

Where will he be sent?

Lu Yanzhi shook his head gently. "I don't know, my grandmother never said it, my father didn't know."

In this way, the most problematic thing about Lu Yizhi is the ten years of his childhood.

"Women, why do you ask these?" Lu Yan could not help but ask, isn't he still willing to let go of Lu Jia? What's more, Big Brother is still alive and dead now, and he still refuses to let him go.

Ye Hao said faintly, "This palace is curious."

Lu Hao’s silence for a while, “Anniling, are you still suspecting Lu Haozhi?”

"There is really a lot of places for him to understand." Ye Hao said softly, "How did he save Lu Shuanger from Jin Guo, and let Lu Shuanger become the noble of Qi, the third brother, you don't think Is his ability too versatile?"

"What?" Lu Yan was shocked to see Ye Hao.

"Three brothers, help me to do things." Ye Hao whispered.

What is the meaning of Lu’s heart? What does she want him to do?

Ye Hao's fingertips were gently swirled around the cup. She didn't say anything too clearly. I hope that Lu Yizhi can understand what her words mean. She doesn't know much about Lu Yuzhi. It was only her two years in Qin Wangfu. What he showed was not necessarily true to him. He used the Lujia people to deal with him, at least a little more.

She faintly felt that Lu Hao was still alive, no matter where he was, she would have to find him.

Lu Hao’s alive is an invisible threat to her, she must remove this threat.

"Wang Niang..." Lu Yan’s heart is in doubt, what does this mean? Is it what he meant in his heart?

In the past few years, he has been looking for opportunities to make Lujia come back to the mountain, but everyone knows that although they are the cousins ​​of the Empress, the Queen does not want to see them, no matter where they are, no one wants to give them convenience, just like His father was working outside with others, and he was deceived and did not know who to look for.

If you are willing to support their family and treat them as family members...

That is all the same!

After two years of downfall and hardship, Lu Yizhi has seen a lot and knows what is most important.

The only thing that he didn't figure out was what did the Queen's Empress want him to do?

"Three brothers, Lujia two rooms and three rooms were indeed some grudges. If you are willing, you can make these grievances become the past. You are already the person who can be the master of the house. I believe that you are not the same as Lu Shixun." Asked faintly.

The Queen's maiden called his third brother, but did not pay his father is Erbo, it seems that Queen Empress still did not forgive the father who drove the three rooms.

"Mother, what do you need me to do?" Lu Yizhi whispered, if he had a little use for the Queen's Empress, why didn't he use it? This is his chance to make a difference. He doesn't want to miss it.

Ye Hao is planning to use Lu Yanzhi, but he is still not sure whether he is worthy of her belief.

"Go to the hometown of Lujia, find out for me what Lu Yizhi was sent to at the beginning, and check everything about him." Ye Hao whispered.

Lu Yizhi clenched his fist, "Im Man, you...do you want me to deal with my eldest brother?"

"If Lu Yizhi thinks about other people in Lujia, he will not do the thing of copying the house. When he and Lu Shuanger enjoyed the prosperity of the country, I thought about what time you spent in Kyoto?" He asked faintly, "This palace will not let him go. I used to look at the old lady's face to leave a feeling of affection for him. Unfortunately, he did not change his death. When he was cold, he almost killed me. ""

"Big brother, hasn't he been scrapped?" Lu Yan asked in shock.

Ye Hao said coldly, "He lives better than all of you."

Lu Yan’s face has changed. He has not complained in his heart. If it’s not Lu Yizhi, Lu Jia will not have such an end. I think he has been abolished of martial arts and legs, and he feels that he is a poor person. In the past few years, he has not hated Lu Yizhi.

If Lu Hao is really like what he said...

In the eyes of Lu Yan, the color of sorrow floats, probably they are not important in the eyes of the big brother.

It’s no wonder that Da Bo Niang will take Lu Yi to the wasteland. It is the big brother who will pick them up. He is really a fool. He is also worried that Da Bo Niang will have a hard time in the wilderness. In the past two years, I have been asking how to give them relief. .

"Three brothers, relying on others is not as dependent on themselves. Lujia used to rely on Lu Hao to bring glory. Do you still want to rely on others?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Yuzhi.

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