Because of the arrival of Murong Cham, Ye Hao’s heart’s sorrow and dissatisfaction have dissipated. Although he still doesn’t like the feeling of being concealed, but she still has to worry about the internal and external problems he faces now, she does not want to worry about him any more. The thing is gone.

She lay in his arms, fingers playing with the buckle on his chest. "You brought Hu Yueer up, she must be hateful in the palace, isn't it innocent?"

"Any woman who wants to compete for favor is not innocent. If she is given her wealth, she will be prepared to be shackled." Murong Zhan said coldly that he never felt that the palace was innocent, even if he If she does not raise Hu Yueer, she will still try to get his attention. There is no woman in the palace who does not want to get a special pet. If you want a special pet, it will definitely be dangerous.

Ye Hao gently scratched his chest. "I also want to compete for favor."

Murong Zhan looked down at her and gave a low-pitched laugh. He kissed her lips. "You don't have to argue, you are yours."

"Mind and body are mine." Ye Hao responded to his kiss, "It will always be mine."

"Small vinegar jar." Murong Zhan laughed, gently patted her shoulder. "Sleep, you want to stay here for a few days, wait a few days and then return to Chengde Villa."

Ye Hao hooked his finger and said, "I am making a production room in the villa. When I am here, I will finish the month and go back to the palace."

Murong Zhan counts the days, waiting for him to solve the troubles in Kyoto, she should be almost just last month, but only three or four months, he nodded gently, "Well, when you give me a clean place ""

How clean can the place be in the palace, even if he only loves her alone, there is no other woman who wants to approach him, even the ministers will write to persuade him to recruit the harem, he is the emperor, even a few women They are all major political affairs.

"When I have a baby, you are by my side." Ye Hao yawned, she was a little sleepy.

Murong Chong kissed her forehead. "You must be by your side."

"Okay." Ye Hao was finally satisfied, listening to his steady heartbeat quickly fell asleep.

So easy to meet? Murong Chan touched her head. He thought that he had to spend some energy to marry her tonight. She knew that he had to worry too much about it recently, so he was reluctant to let him worry.

He knew that no matter how unhappy she was, she still only thought about him.

Murong Zhan knew that he should leave and he could not let people know that he went to Chengde Mountain Villa, but he could not bear to leave her.

I don't know if her fragrant fragrance makes him really relax. Murong Zhan will sleep with him in a short time. When he wakes up again, it is already early in the morning. He has not slept so well for a long time, wake up. Surprisingly refreshing, he carefully released the person in his arms, squinting at the face of her sleepy, pink and radiant skin with a faint blush, his mouth slightly opened, revealing the white and lovely two Only the teeth, he looked at her and felt warm and soft in the heart, could not help but bow down and kissed.

Ye Hao’s eyes trembled and slowly opened his eyes, and his expression was a little embarrassing.

“Would you wake up?” Murong Zhan said reluctantly. “Sleep for a while, still early.”

"You are leaving?" Ye Hao stretched out his hand and hooked his neck. She didn't wake up, she couldn't care for the grievances of her heart, and softly shouted, "You will not be there for many days." come see me."

Her eyes were like fog, and the little mouth that was slightly puffed was moist and tender, so the committee succumbed to Murong Cham, who felt that there was no hand-style, and Murong Chan immediately got up. He sighed low in his heart and stroked her belly with one hand in order to press the impulse down. "Let's see you in two days, okay?"

Ye Hao still glared at him and refused to let go. "You lied."

Murong Zhan is really crying and laughing, holding her a few kisses, and whispering more gently, "When did you fool you? These two days, the messenger of Qi State should come, wait until you have seen the messenger, and you will come with you." ""

"The messengers of Qi State? Are they coming to pick up Zhao Ning?" asked Ye Hao.

"Zhao Wei must have doubts about Zhao Ning's identity. It should be to let people determine their identity. When it is determined that Zhao Ning is their princess, it should be picked up." Murong Zhan whispered.

Ye Hao’s reason gradually woke up, and she let go of Murong Zhan. “Can the relationship between Jin Guo and Qi State be alleviated?”

Murong Chan held her hand and smiled. "There is no big grievance between the two countries. If we can further develop the relationship, it will be better."

"Is there any news about the war in Xiliang? If Qi is willing to send troops to help, it will be much easier to drive away the North Ming army." Ye Wei said that she is also worried about Ye Xiaonan in the cold.

"Zhao Wei will not be so easy to send troops." Murong Zhan whispered, "As long as Qi State and Jin Guo are in contact with each other, North Ming Kingdom will definitely be jealous. Don't worry, the news from Xiliang is good, I believe. Your big brother will win."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Quick days, you go back to the palace."

Murong has a low smile, "Is it so easy to leave?"

"I just can't bear to leave you." Ye Hao said with a small mouth. "Go fast and go. If the beauty in your palace knows you are here, the sacrifice of beauty in front of you will be wasted."

"It’s all sort of chaos." Murong Chong bit her bite in her earlobe. "Isn't you by your side, aren't you playing at the Villa? You want to go to the Python Nest, can you play?"

Ye Hao smiled happily. "Before my brother had a lot of snakes, it was not very good."

"You try it." Murong Chan lowered his voice. "See how you punish you."

"Now my mother is staring. I can't even catch the fish in the creek. Don't say anything about the snake's nest. You put your heart in your stomach." Ye Hao stunned, there are children who have no freedom. I am depressed.

In the eyes of Murong Zhan, he is a polite smile. "Hey, I want to play, wait for you to give birth to your child, and take you there."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

She has to wait until she has given birth to a child.

"That's going back to the palace." Murong Chan said reluctantly.

Ye Hao buried his face in the quilt. "Go and go."

Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head, kissed her on the cheek, and then got up and went to the screen to change clothes. Ye Hao let the outside Hongling water come in to clean the ink, and also prepared the breakfast.

Ye Hao, who was still planning to sleep back, didn't feel sleepy at this time, so he got up and accompanied him to eat breakfast, and personally sent him to leave Zhuangzi.

It was not long before she returned to the house, and she had already arrived from the village.

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