Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1117: Going to the fire

Ye Xie is inevitably said to be a good meal, what is willful, not obedient, not taking his own body as one thing, what should I do when I encounter danger when I am in the mountains? It is said that Ye Hao can't return a word, can only admit his head and admit his mistake, and guarantee that he will not be so capricious in the future.

After she finished speaking, she regretted it. She finally remembered that her daughter was already a queen, and she was no longer a little girl at home. How could she say that she would be embarrassed, and if she was known by the emperor, she might have to cure her. A big disrespect.

"Hey, mother is for you." Yu's tone softened and looked at her stomach with concern. "You are so capricious when you are pregnant."

Ye is holding the arm of Qi, "Mom, I am good, don't worry."

He looked around and said, "I heard that the emperor came yesterday?"

"Well, I just went back to the palace." Ye Hao nodded. In the early morning, Murong Chan went to the mountain to move her things. The people in the village knew that he was here, there is no need to hide.

"You!" He took some of her foreheads. "The emperor really spoiled you."

Ye Hao smiled and said nothing, can not be spoiled by a person is not very happy?

"When are you going to go back to the villa?" asked Shi.

"Don't go back for a while, just stay here for a few days." Ye Xiao said with a smile, this is her childhood memories, and yesterday I found that there is no change here, maybe she left behind when she was a child.

It’s good to have a treasure hunt for a few days. The previous things are all treasures for her.

He is too lazy to say her. There are so many people around her who look at her. There is always something going on. "I received the news from my family this morning. Your older brother has to go to South Vietnam. I have to go back, if I can come back before he returns. Just set the family with the Su family."

In the eyes of Yu, the family of Lu Xiangzhi is her big heart.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Well, didn't you let Mrs. Huang go to the temper last time? Is the Su family willing to marry her daughter to her eldest brother?"

"Why would you not like it." He showed a proud look. "Your big brother is barely young and has a good intention. Now he is re-using the emperor. Sujia is naturally looking at him, but he has not yet decided. I will be here. Go back and let Mrs. Huang go and talk about it, and want to exchange the tokens."

"When the big brother comes back, it’s just married, right." Ye Hao asked with a smile.

When I thought of this, I was so happy that there was something I couldn’t wait for. "Then I will go back to the city first. You have to raise your body here. You can’t be arrogant. Men, like women who are obedient, the emperor is now pampered. You can't stand the number of women in the palace. If the emperor is more relaxed at someone else, will you come to see you?"

Murong Chong will certainly not be comfortable with other people. Ye Hao still has such confidence. "Yes, mother, I will listen to you."

This is the only way to leave.



Hot spring Zhuangzi is not as big as Chengde Mountain Villa. Of course, it is far less refined than the royal Zhuangzi, but Ye Hao still lives happily. Here are memories of her childhood, and there are many things she left behind.

"This is the rocking cradles that I have made, and this swing, all of them are collected here, Hongling, you let people put this swing into the courtyard." Ye Hao said with surprise, these things have not been thrown away.

Red Ling said with a puzzled, "Mother, why are these still kept? Was this Zhuangzi not given Lujia?"

Ye Hao also stumbled. "No matter why you keep it, it is a good thing anyway."

"Anniling." Hung Hom came in from the outside and whispered, "Lu Yanzhi asked, Xue Lin did not let him in."

Lu Yizhi? Ye Hao’s mouth floated with a faint smile, “Let him come in.”

She gave Lu Lu's time and opportunity to consider, whether he would or not, she would not force him, and now he took the initiative to appear here, that is to figure out?

Ye Hao, who was seen by Ye Hao in the scam, disappeared on the same day. He seemed to be more stable.

"The grass people have seen the Queen's Empress." Lu Yi's trip was a ritual. After so many things, Lu Hao had already been unable to treat the Queen Empress as her sister. She was not a Lu family. She was the blood of Ye Family. .

Lu Yuzhi was poisoned and killed Ye Hao. It was the biological sister of Qi, and they both had hatred.

He has been thinking all these days that the Queen wants to use him to really promote him, or do you want to use him to do something? He thought for a long time, and went to find the uncle three yesterday.

San Shu just said a word, he decided to let go.

Even if the Queen is using him, what can he lose now? After the separation, his father had all his family's wealth, and now they only rely on him to go to business to maintain their lives. Although Jinger is a side squat, but she does not bring any help.

If he is using him, as long as he can give him a chance to make a comeback, why not he?

So he came, no matter what he wants him to do, he will agree.

"The second brother is excused, giving a seat." Ye Hao looked at him with a smile, let him sit down.

Lu Yizhi sat down from the goodness. "The Queen Mother, the grass people thought for a few days and thought about it."

Ye Hao looked at him, "How is the second brother thinking?"

"The Queen Empress is willing to give the grass people a chance, the grass people are willing to go through the fire." Lu Yizhi whispered.

"This palace does not require you to go through the fire, as long as you are willing to help the palace, this palace can let you re-start in the city of Jinkou." Ye Hao knows that this is the heart of Lu Yizhi, Lu Jia is defeated in Jinkou City.

Lu Shixun will never know that he would be defeated in Jinkou City because she was behind the scenes to help the Lu family, they must first let the Lu family lose support.

Lujia’s business was the biggest support.

Lu Yizhi has been stunned. In addition to complaining about Lu Hao, he also suspects that their father and son decided to be wrong in Jinkou City, which led to Lu Jiaxuan’s defeat so fast. Therefore, he really wants to make a comeback, so that he can stand up to the Lujia Lezong of Lujia. .

"Good." Lu Yizhi nodded. "The grass people are willing to listen to the maiden."

Ye Hao smiled. "The last time you wanted to do something, this palace has already said. Regarding Lu Jia’s past, Lu Hao’s childhood experience, everything must be checked. You can’t check it in Kyoto. You have to go to land. Hometown, where is that?"

Lu Yizhi said, "Dongyu, a small place near South Vietnam."

"Second brother, check it out, no matter what you find out, this palace guarantees that your family is safe and peaceful." Ye Hao said quietly, his eyes were firm and calm. "The only people in this palace to deal with are Lu Yizhi."

"Good." Lu Yuzhi got the guarantee of Ye Hao, and he had a decision in his heart.

He didn't know what to find out. Lu's past was not even clear to him. It seems that his grandfather deliberately concealed it. To find out the past, he really had to go back to the East.

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