Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1118: Qi State Messenger

On the official road leading to Kyoto, the horse team occupied most of the position. In addition to the guard soldiers, there were several carriages. Several men walking in front of the carriage were so arrogant, and they attracted a lot of attention along the way.

"Shen Wang, the front is our Kyoto in the country." Song Yi smiled and said to the man around him.

The Qi Wang’s Shen Wang Ye came to Jin Ning to pick up Zhao Ning. Zhao Zhongshen’s age and Zhao Wei are comparable. I heard that in Qi State, it’s just a leisure king, and it’s a romantic, often lingering in the brothel, Zhao Wei. Seeing that he is an Aunt who can't afford it, he is too lazy to deal with him. I didn't expect this prince to personally pick up Zhao Ning. Although the messenger is not him, he is the prince, and even the messengers should listen to him.

Song Wei has a bit of suspiciousness about this Shen Wangye, saying that he is romantic... but it is a bit true. This road is coming, there are always a lot of beautiful people around him, and every few days will be For another one, this is probably the style of their Zhao family. Does Zhao Wei not like beauty? It can be said that the prince is incompetent and weak. He absolutely does not believe it. Zhao Zhongshen always reminds him of Zhao Wei.

The two brothers have too many similarities.

"This road is coming, the prosperity of Jinguo makes this king amazed, I believe that Kyoto will be more lingering." This Zhao Zhongshen is actually not someone else, it is Yi Rong who came to Jin Guo.

Song Yu thought that this uncle was thinking about Kyoto's beauty talents he liked.

"Oh, Kyoto and the emperors of your country are almost the same, Wang Ye will know when he enters the city." Song said with a smile.

Zhao Wei looked at the surroundings leisurely. He was not in a hurry to see Zhao Ning. Anyway, if he was his own daughter, he would see it sooner or later. It’s hard to get Jin Guolai. He would like to know what was taken over by Murong Chan. What does the Knesset become like.

"Song Daren, can you see your emperor after entering the city?" Zhao Wei asked faintly.

"This..." Song Wei looked at the ceremonial assistant, next to him. "I will arrange for you to stay in the foreign guesthouse first, wait until you see our emperor first, then arrange for you to enter the palace, or Shen Wangye wants to see you first. Princess of your country?"

Song Yu also thought about bringing them into the city. He went to the emperor to return to life. Then this matter has nothing to do with him. The officialdom is still not suitable for him.

Zhao Wei’s eyes fell in the distance. “There is no hurry to see the princess.” He pointed to the looming hill over there. “Where is that?”

"That is..." Song Wei looked at other people in confusion, how did he know where it was.

The rites of the rites who accompanied the Song Dynasty to Qi State replied politely, "That is Chengde Mountain Villa, and our emperor will go there every autumn."

"The time for autumn hunting is coming soon." Zhao said with a smile, if he stayed in Kyoto for a few more days, would he have the opportunity to see the skills of Murong Cham?

"Yes." The clerk of the rites straightened his waist. "We had the archery of the emperor, and we killed a tiger in the same year."

Zhao Wei heard a smile and nodded. "The emperor of your country is really wise."

Song Wei looked at Zhao Zhongshen and felt that this prince gave him a weird feeling.

"Shen Wang, the city gate is in front of you." Song Wei reminded Zhao Wei that coming to Kyoto is different from other places. I hope that the king does not regard this as their country.

"The gate is really sacred and majestic, and there is momentum in the gates of our imperial capital." Zhao Wei looked at the gates of Kyoto slightly. This gate is exactly the same as the gate of the Imperial City, but it is more magnificent and majestic. Kyoto is the reference to the construction of the Imperial Capital.

Song Xiao said with a smile, "There are thousands of years."

Zhao Wei smiled and looked at him. "Song Daren, if you are an official, you will definitely be bright and you will speak."

"Can anyone who speaks in your Congress be an official?" Song asked questioningly.

Song Hong, who has been silent for a while, said with a blank expression, "That depends on what official."

Song Hao haha ​​smiled. "Song Shizi, don't know what position you can play in the court like you? You are bored all the way, waiting for Kyoto, my brother will show you insights."

"..." Which eye saw him boring all the way, she thought that her surname Song could be his brother?

"Going into the city." Song Xiao said with a smile, oh, finally put down the burden, and his free and unrestrained days finally came back.

Zhao Wei came down from the horse and said to Song Yu, "Song Daren, you first take the other people back to the foreign guests, and the king strolls around."

Song Yiyi, "Wang Ye, where do you want to go? Is it better to accompany you?"

"No, this king is still not lost. You are not going to return to the palace to resurrect? Don't bother with this king." Zhao said with a smile, the two guards behind him also followed the horse.

"Wang Ye, I will accompany you." Song Hong's eyes are bright, and he will not go to the foreign guest cabinet to deal with those ceremonial officials, he will be annoying.

Zhao Wei shook his head. "The messenger is an adult. You still have something to do. This king is just a idler. When you see the princess, the king only needs to confirm it at that time."

The look on Song Hong’s face froze, “Wang Ye...”

"Song Shizi, we will entertain you well." Song Xiao said with a smile, thinking that this Zhao Zhongshen must be the color heart, and said to go shopping, 80% is to go to the brothel.

At this time, Murong Cham in the palace had already heard the news of Qi’s messenger entering the city, but when he heard that Zhao Zhongshen did not follow the foreign guests’ court, he raised his eyebrows faintly. “Where did Zhao Zhongshen go?”

"...has been in Yiyin Pavilion." Shen Xiao whispered.

Murong Zhan looked at him in confusion. "Where is this?"

"Green House." Shen said with a sigh.

"This Zhao Zhongshen is similar to Zhao Wei." Murong Chong hooked his lips and sneered. "Tomorrow, let the messengers of Qi State enter the palace, and these cautious princes."

The murmur should be.

Tang Zhen asked, "The emperor, will you go to the Princess of Qi to enter the palace tomorrow?"

"For the time being, don't wait for Zhao Zhongshen to see Zhao Ning, and then take Zhao Ning into the palace." Murong Zhan said faintly.

“How is Zhao Ning in the Wangfu?” Mo Rongzhan asked, and he almost forgot that Zhao Ning still stayed in the palace of Murong.

Shen Xiao whispered, "Since the last time I went to the palace, I have never been out again."

It’s a bit weird to hear the words of Murong Chong, and look up at him. “What happened to her when she left the house?”

"Back to the emperor, I met the little prince." Shen Hui replied, "There was a collision with Xiao Wangye on the side of Jin Yuliang, and there was a fight... but then the six kings resolved."

“Auntie quarreled with her?” Murong Chan raised his eyebrows. “Is it not the same time in the palace last time?”

Shen said, "It seems that it is because of a piece of jade."

Murong Zhan did not go to this matter in his heart. "There are six kings who resolve, then there should be nothing."

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