"...So, Jin Guo is now suffering from internal and external troubles." Zhao Wei thoughtfully touched his chin, and his eyes were a bit more interesting.

Xu Jiang is his undercover. When he learned about Zhao Ning's existence, he asked Xu Jiang to find a way to come to Kyoto. The most important thing to do as a detective is that the appearance is not too good. Xu Jiang looks ordinary, such a person goes to the crowd. I couldn’t recognize it when I threw it. It’s been half a month in Kyoto. No one found out that he was sent by Qi.

He told Zhao Wei what happened in Kyoto in the past half month. The most talked about is two things. One is that Murong Zhan wants to collect debts from the ancestral hall. Finally, the sects screamed at him. Nowadays, people are sent to South Vietnam. Nanyue is a fanland. It is definitely not easier to tame than the Kyoto ancestral hall. Second, the Queen of the Kingdom is sent out of the palace, and Murong Cham is another pet. Everyone wants to wait for Shu, to be pregnant. Will the Queen of the Kingdom change the individual?

Zhao Wei is not interested in Jin’s internal and external problems. He is only very curious about what Murong Chan will do next. Now Ye Yannan is still in the cool west. It is obviously a war that has nothing to do with Jin Guo. Why does Murong Zhan send troops to support Xiliang? ? It seems to be an ambitious person. I want to fight with Xiliang and fight the North Ming Kingdom.

The Northern Ming Dynasty is not as weak as Dongqing, and Jinguo is not able to do it in a short time even if it is combined with Xiliang.

"The emperor, does Murong Zhan want to help the Qi State to send troops to help?" The guards standing next to Zhao Wei raised doubts.

"Mo Rong Chan knows very well that he will not send troops." Zhao said with a smile, "He just wants the two countries to make good friends, in order to shock the morale of the North Ming State."

Xu Jiang looked up and looked at Zhao Wei. "The emperor, the slaves only heard that the princess lived in the six princes."

Zhao Wei waved his hand. This is not important to him. "You said that the Queen of the King is not in the palace? Where was she sent?"

He has seen all the beautiful people in his life. Lu Yan’s portrait still makes him amazing. He has some interest in seeing real people.

"I heard that it was sent to Chengde Villa." Xu Jiang said.

Chengde Villa? Zhao Wei revealed a thoughtful smile.

"Go, go back to the foreign guesthouse." Zhao Wei stood up and said to Xu Jiang, "Go back, there is any news to tell you."

It’s already outside in the afternoon. When Zhao Yugang came out from Yiyin Pavilion, he saw that Xin Hong’s loved one would stand outside and wait for him.

"Auntie, how do you know that this king is here?" Zhao Wei went directly to the carriage behind Song Hongzhen and asked him with a smile.

Song Hong said with a blank expression, "I wonder if you are still not simple?"

Zhao Wei’s lips smiled. “Is it all settled?”

"Yes, Chen and the minister of the Ministry of Rites met, and the Emperor of the Republic of Korea will call us into the palace tomorrow." Song Hongyu whispered.

"I also want to see the ink-filled ink." Zhao Wei said faintly.



"The goddess, the slaves have inquired, the emperor did not spend the rest of the night in other places, nor did he favor other nephews, they should all be playing in the Qing Palace." Xianghuan came in and lowered the voice in Hu Yueer’s ear. With.

Hu Yueer gently nodded, although she knew that it should be the case, she still had a trace of joy, whether the emperor is a true pet or a fake pet, she is also happy now, at least she is lucky than other women in the palace, but also able Let the emperor be willing to come to Xiuhe Palace.

"Pay attention to the size, don't let people know that you are inquiring about the emperor, or the palace can't keep you." Hu Yueer whispered.

Xianghua smiled and said, "The slaves will not let Fugonggong discover, the goddess please rest assured that there will be no next time."

"Anniling." Xiangqiao walked in from the outside. "There are all the examples in the fall. The people in the House of Representatives have never been to the Yongshou Palace. I want to ask the meaning of the goddess. Yongshou Palace is kept, or sent to Chengde Villa."

Hu Yueer snorted, "Why didn't Yongshou Palace go to the collar?"

Xiangqiao said, "The maiden is the brocade and the various fabrics for the queen, and the palace lady of Yongshou Palace did not go."

"Will the things of Yongshou Palace need to go in person? Let the house of the government send it personally." Hu Yueer's face sank. She knows that some people think that she is the new darling of the emperor. They all try to please her. They think that the way to please her is to step on it. Is the queen? It’s ridiculous, it’s killing her.

These days, she did not dare to give anything to the Yongshou Palace. Those who dared to fall into the stone at Yongshou Palace at this time, she had a hunch that she would regret it in the future.

Xianghuan immediately said, "The niece, the slave, went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it may be that the House of Internal Affairs is too busy, and the slaves are sent to Yongshou Palace."

Shu Shu nodded gently, "Go."

"Yes, the goddess." Xianghuan went out with a smile on his face.

Xiangqiao went to Hu Yueer for a cup of tea. "Mother, do you have something to worry about?"

Hu Yueer holds the cup. She does have something to worry about, but she can't say it, even the most memorable palace lady.

The emperor had spent the night in the Xiuhe Palace for a few days, but she did not realize that she had served him until now. The first two days, the emperor actually came to the show and the palace. She wanted to serve him as she used to. When she wants to change the emperor's clothes, the emperor will let her back, but let Fu Gonggong wait.

He doesn't seem to want her to meet him at all...

She was very curious to know that the emperor had come that night, and he remembered who suddenly left?

Was it reminded of Queen Empress?

Hu Yueer didn't dare to think about it. She only hoped that the emperor's favor for her could last longer.

Xiangqiao saw Shu Shu meditating, she did not dare to ask more, just quietly waiting on the side.

Not long after, the voice of Fu Gonggong came from outside.

Hu Yueer hurried to invite Fu Gonggong to come in.

"The slaves have seen the Shuri goddess." Fu Gonggong gave Shu.

"Fu Gonggong is a blessing, what needs you to take a personal walk?" Hu Yueer asked with a smile, will the emperor ask her to get ready to pick up tonight?

Fu Gonggong said with a smile, "The emperor uploaded the purpose, the Qi State messenger has already arrived in Kyoto. This time, there is also the four princesses of Qi State. The emperor wants to let the goddess host a feast in the harem tomorrow to entertain the Qi Princess."

Hu Yueer’s heart was happy, and the emperor asked her to entertain Qi Princess. Is this really to show her status in the palace?

"The four princesses of Qi State? Is that Zhao girl who lives in the Six Kings?" Hu Yueer asked.

Fu Gonggong said, "It is the four princesses who will pick up Zhao’s girl along with the messenger. They will follow the messenger into the palace tomorrow."

Hu Yueer said with a smile, "Chen Chen took the initiative, please the emperor to rest assured that the courtiers will certainly entertain the Princess Qi."

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