In the hot springs of Zhuangzi for a few days, there was no stare at the side, and Ye Hao did not care. If it wasn’t for Xue Lin, they really couldn’t let her go, she still wanted to go to the city to see it.

She made people re-install Zhuangzi's swing and all kinds of things that were previously made by people. Now she is in Zhuangzi, and she seems to be back to childhood.

However, she also played for a few days, in the study to find the travel notes of Ye Yiqing's collection, she did not go everywhere, most of the time in the study in the study.

"The niece is still in the study?" Xiaoran came over for lunch and saw Hongling standing outside the study. She was a little surprised. When she came to the snack this morning, the maiden was already in the study. Was this book reading for most of the day? ?

Hong Ling turned her tray and smiled helplessly. "The goddess likes to watch the travels of the masters. When I was young..."

Realizing that he almost said the wrong words, Hong Ling hurriedly shut up, and now the Queen is not the Qin Wang who she had been waiting to grow up.

"Xue Lin said that the girl must go to the mountain village." Xiaoran whispered, "Zhuangzi did not prepare the delivery room, and all the births were in the mountain village. It wouldn't be too good for the goddess to be here for too long."

"I will talk to the girl." Hong Ling whispered.

She gently pushed open the door of the study, and at a glance she saw the empress of the queen sitting on the soft bed next to the bed. The autumn sun was warm and shining from the window, and the light green tulle curtains swayed gently in the breeze. The Queen's maiden looks a bit dreamy, the white radiant skin seems to be blown, the picture is beautiful like a picture, Hongling holds the breath, it has been so many years, she sees such a quiet and beautiful queen is still the same Surprised by her beauty.

How many women in this world can be so thrilling, can take away the soul at a glance?

"Anniling..." Hong Ling only returned to God in a moment, whispering Ye Hao, as if he was afraid of too loud to be surprised by the fairy in the painting.

Ye Hao looked up from the book and looked at Hong Ling. "Well?"

"It's time to eat." Red Ling said with a smile, put the meal on the table. "If you look at the book for a long time, you should rest and rest your eyes."

Ye Hao smiled. "The time passed without knowing it."

This is really a resentment to her. These travel notes are so attractive. She never knew that she still cherished the travels of Qi Lingling’s travels to the sea, and it was so detailed. It not only marked the navigation line, but also what happened at sea. How to prepare, and all the sights and smells along the way are all remembered, Ye Hao sees... very heart-warming.

She had longed for the sea, and when she saw this travel note, she felt that her heart was moving.

Compared to the royal palace, she feels that the sea is definitely free, the sky is wide, the people who have different knowledge, and the different stories. This is the wonderful life that I have said.

Ye Hao combined with the book, she did not know whether she had the opportunity to go to the sea in this life. It is not bad to feel it in the book now.

"Mother, when are you going back to the villa?" Hong Ling supported Ye Hao from the soft couch and waited for her to sit down and eat.

"Go back to the mountain today." Ye Hao touched her stomach. She felt a little bit sloppy in the past few days, or go back to the villa first, so that it would be too late to be born.

Hongling assured that "the slave is ready for people."

Ye Hao pointed to a box of books next to him. "Take this too, be careful, don't break it."

These books are so well preserved, they are definitely treasures. Fortunately, these were hidden in Zhuangzi. Fortunately, Lu’s family did not find the benefits of this Zhuangzi. Otherwise, she could not see these books.

"Yes, the goddess." Hong Ling smiled and said.

Ye Hao glanced at the box of books and sighed in his heart. If he can... how good it is to go out to sea.

I can’t bear the ink and tolerance!

In fact, she was really worried. If she continued to be raised as a golden bird, she did not know whether she would go out to sea if she was impulsive.

Ye Hao thought of this and hurriedly shook his head and killed this thought in his heart. This must not be thought of more, or the more he wants to think.

After lunch, Ye Hao made people ready to go back to the villa.

"Xue Lin, is the messenger of Qi State coming?" Ye Hao got on the carriage and remembered that Murong Zhan had said that the two-day messenger would come to Kyoto, and it should be here.

Since the goddess suddenly left the village a few days ago, the emperor ordered that there is no need to squat with the queen, so Xue Lin did not conceal and say, "Go back to the empress, the messenger of Qi State entered the city today, and tomorrow I should go to the palace to see the emperor. ""

Ye Hao gently nodded. Since Zhao Wei sent someone to pick up Zhao Ning, he should recognize this daughter, but these seem to be unimportant for Murong Chong. He should just want to use Zhao Ning’s relationship to let Qi Guohe State-owned diplomatic relations, "Do you know who is coming from Qi State?"

Xue Lin said, "I heard that the messenger is the son of the country of Qi Guozhen, but along with the Zhao Guoshen, the king of Qi, the Princess Qi Qi is also coming."

"Wang Ye?" Ye Haoxiu slightly picked, "A son is a messenger, Hou Ye is only accompanied?"

"The emperor seems to want this prince to determine Zhao Ning's identity." Xue Lin said.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. Zhao Wei should also be suspicious of Zhao Ning's daughter. It would not be thought that this is the princess that Murong Chan made in order to please Qi.

"Let people go to the prince, if he can hear the news of Lu Yizhi in his mouth, it would be best." Even if you can't find out, as a prince, you should always know who Zhao is.

Xue Lin heard Ye Hao’s command, and then whispered, "Yes, the goddess."

It is not difficult to get close to a prince in Qi in Kyoto. He will go back and send a message to Du Fu, so that Du Fu will arrange for him to go to the foreign guest house.

"You said that Qi also has a princess to follow?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Xue Lin whispered.

Ye Hao shook his head and smiled. "It seems that Zhao Ning has not been able to go to the Qi State Palace in the future."

Hong Ling asked questioningly, "Women, why do you say this?"

"Do you think that Qi Guosi's four princesses are following up? Have you ever seen a sister in a face-to-face situation?" said Ye Hao, she lived in the big house door since she was a child, although she has always been pampered and protected. However, some of the battles are still felt.

"Zhao Ning is a personal person, and it is not easy for others to bully her." Red said.

Ye Hao looked out of the curtains, Zhao Ning is really smart, but still depends on whether she can be smart in the right place.

"The maiden is not in the palace. Is it difficult for Shu Shu to enter the Princess Qi?" Hong Ling suddenly asked.

"Since she temporarily suspends the harem, it is natural for her to entertain." Ye Hao is faint and smiling, and does not mind what Hu Yueer did in the palace.

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