Xiangxiang went to Yongshou Palace from Xiuhe Palace. She did not go to the House of Internal Affairs. For so many years, she has always had an urgent mood to go to Yongshou Palace as it is today. In the past, Yongshou Palace was a place that they could not reach. Even the little palace girl who served on it, she had to be politely shunned, she is not the same as before, she feels that there is finally a chance to exhale.

She raised her chin and walked straight into the Yongshou Palace. When she came, she didn't dare to look at it. Her eyes could only look at the ground. Today, I saw that the exquisiteness of Yongshou Palace is really good. Xiuhe Palace can't compare with the corner. Let's go.

It will be decided that the Shusei Niangniang can live in Yongshou Palace.

It is big and beautiful here, every place is exquisite to the extreme. No palace in the palace can match this. The emperor used to be a favorite of the Queen, but how can it be? After a long time, the queen can still live here. It is hard to say.

"Who are you? How come here?" Emei came out from the main hall and saw the incense ring that looked around the hook. She frowned. Who is this palace girl, how to look at the face, to the ghost in Yongshou Palace. What do you want to do!

Xianghua took her eyes back and turned to look at Emei. At first glance, she recognized that this is the close-fitting palace lady around her. Her heart has a strong sense of vanity. "I am the grandmother of Xiuhegong. I heard that you. Yongshou Palace has not been to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to lead the autumn case, let me ask what is going on."

Emei heard the show and the palace smiled. She looked at the incense ring with a cold eye and said sharply. "It’s really annoying. The things we have in the Yongshou Palace are personally sent by the House of Representatives. When should we go to the case? No one has said that the rules in the palace are changed now or in the future. The House of Representatives also wants a slave to you to show the story."

"You think that it is still the same as before. It is really a little self-aware." Xiangxuan saw that the eyebrows did not look at other people in the same way as before, and there was a burst of anger in the heart. The whole harem knew that Yongshou Palace had fallen out of favor. The slaves actually dare to be so arrogant.

"I have no idea what it has to do with you. Please leave here, or don't blame me." Emei said coldly.

The scented ring screamed out. "You're welcome? Then see how you can be rude. I kindly remind you to go to the house of the government to take things. If you don't appreciate it, let's put it on the shelf and think that you are the former. Yongshou Palace?"

The other palace people of Yongshou Palace heard the movement and came out. They saw the palace ladies around the Shusang Niangniang, who was recently in the palace. They all frowned. They never tried to go outside these days, they didn’t want to What disputes have been made by Xiuhe Palace, and now being bullied to the head is another matter.

Emei sneered, this is that the Queen fell out of favor, so I want to take the opportunity to step on a foot?

"Yongshou Palace is Yongshou Palace. There is nothing before and now, and no one can replace it. Don't think that Empress Dowager does not want to replace it in the palace." Emei said, "Which is your family? Go here to wild."

"Do you dare to humiliate me?" Xianghuan was furious. This frown was too much of a dream. She thought that the queen was a mountain. The queens themselves were hard to protect. The eternal people of Yongshou Palace are still so arrogant. Shouldn’t they fight? Receive her? Isn't it necessary to shrink the tail and be a man to find a way to please them?

Emei snorted, this incense ring is also ridiculous, not that her master has temporarily managed the harem, but I really thought that I could get past the queen, "humiliate you? You really can see yourself."

Xianghuan originally wanted to find a face today. She was so rudely humiliated by Emei. She was angry and angered and burned up. When she raised her hand, she wanted to go to the face of Emei.

"Isn't the fragrant ring girl looking for the wrong place? It's not that you can sprinkle it." The scented ring's hand was caught, and a soft voice came from behind.

"What are you!" Xiang Xiang roared the man who grabbed her hand and watched him dressed as an eunuch. It should be the person of Yongshou Palace.

"Yujia is the general manager of Yongshou Palace. What are you doing to Yongshou Palace?" Lu and his mouth smiled, but his eyes were cold and infiltrated.

Xianghuan did not even see anyone in Yongshou Palace in her eyes. She sneered. "It turned out to be Lu and Gonggong. I am just kind enough to remind you to go to the House of Government earlier. Don't take yourself too seriously. ""

Lu and smiled and said, "It turns out that, thank you for reminding me."

Emei did not say with good anger, "Lu and the father-in-law, why bother with her nonsense, the house of the house is down, and even if they don’t say anything, they will go to Shu, and they will not be sent."

"The dog who lost the family, it is only a part of the call." Xianghua looked at the frown with a sly look.

"You are arrogant!"

The fragrant ring finally saw the brow's face changed, and was about to be proud. The face suddenly felt a pain. As the snoring sounded, she reacted and was beaten.

"You..." She was shocked to see the still smiling Lu He, "You dare to beat me!"

"We are all slaves, saying that it is nothing to be a loyal dog, or our honour, but you are disrespectful to the Queen Empress in your words, then you can't blame the family for teaching you, so that you can remember, even the Queen Empress. If you are not in the palace, you must also be subordinate to the size of your family. If you are a master of your family, you will not be able to go to Yongshou Palace to triumphantly," Lu said slowly.

The scented ring licked the swollen cheeks and glared at Lu He. "You hit me today, I will not let you go."

"What's wrong with this?" Fu Gonggong's voice came from outside. He just went to give a message to Shu Shu, just happened to pass through Yongshou Palace. If there was something wrong with it, he went in and took a look. How does this ring look? Then like the show and the palace.

"Fu Gonggong, you are just right!" Xiangxuan saw Fugonggong and immediately grievances. With the favor of their maidens, Fugonggong will definitely stand on her side and be able to mix in the palace for so long. It must be eye-catching. How can I still hold a queen who has fallen out of favor? "I kindly reminded them to go to the House of Government to take the case. They didn't appreciate it. They also insulted our goddess and beat me!"

Fu Gonggong glanced at her faintly and turned to look at Lu He. "What happened to Lu Gonggong?"

Lu and laughed, "There is nothing, that is, she said a dog who lost her family, and she will teach the girl a few times."

Funeral dog? Fugong’s public eyes glanced coldly at the Xianghuan ring. “Xianghuan, are you giving your family a girl’s trouble?”

The incense ring smashed, what?

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