The incense ring looked at Fu Gonggong strangely. He listened to Fu Gonggong’s words. He didn’t seem to be supporting her. Is he going to help Yongshou Palace? Isn't a queen who has been sent out of the palace not comparable to the favored lady? Fu Gonggong is not stupid, does he not know who is more worthy of his pleasing?

"Fu Gonggong, they are rude in the first place." Xianghuan shouted.

"You rushed to us to be arrogant, and want us to be polite to you?" Emei sneered.

"The stick is fifty, can you live, just look at her luck." Fu Gonggong ordered the cold, he sighed in his heart, Shu Shu Niang looked at it is a smart, how come there is such a stupid palace girl, come to Yongshou Palace Looking for a sense of existence, she thought that the emperor had gone to the Xiuhe Palace a few times, and could allow a palace lady to trample on the people around the empress? Isn't that playing the Queen's face? It’s really stupid. He smiled and asked Lu and said, “Someone can be slowed down these days?”

"There are a lot of people who are looking down on the high," Lu said faintly.

The incense ring didn’t react at all. What happened? “Why do you beat me? Fu Gonggong, what am I doing wrong?”

Fu Gonggong is too lazy to talk nonsense with her, waving people will drag people down.

"Let me go, you can't beat me! I am the lady of the Shusei Niangniang, why do you beat me..." Xianghuan screamed, she didn't expect Fugonggong to listen to Luhe's one-sided words. she was.

Listening to the screams of the incense ring, Lu and looking at Fu Gonggong, "Don't be afraid to offend the show and palace?"

Fu Gonggong said with a smile, "In addition to the emperor and the empress of the empress, who else is the family can not offend?"

Lu and smile, "Old fox."

After waiting for a while, there was a small **** who went back and forth. The incense ring received fifty sticks and was already fainted. What should I do next?

"And let her lie down and ask her to ask the emperor what to do." Fu Gonggong said with a smile, turned and nodded with Lu and then slowly left.

Emei went to the side of Lu He and whispered, "Would you know, Lu Gonggong, Xiuhegong..."

"What about that?" Lu asked with a smile.

"Isn't you afraid?" Emei's heart sighed, and recently looked at the strong look of the show and the palace, she really for the Queen's maiden.

Lu and laughed, "Don't be afraid, it's only temporary."

Emei couldn't understand what it meant. I wanted to ask again, and Lu and I had already walked away.

Fu Gonggong came to the Qing Palace, and Murong Zhan was telling the rites of the Book of Rites about the arrangements for the ambassadors of the Qing Dynasty. When the rituals were retired, Fu Gonggong went forward. "The emperor, the slaves have already passed your will to the Shu. It is."

"Shu Yu left you talking?" Murong Cham asked faintly, it was a long time to come back, it must be something dragged by the harem.

Fu Gonggong bowed his head and said, "Return to the emperor, the slave is delayed in Yongshou Palace, please the emperor for forgiveness."

"What is it?" Hearing is related to Yongshou Palace, and Murong Zhan has a little more attention.

"I just saw a woman who didn't have long eyes said a few words that didn't listen. The slaves made people hit the 50th board with her staff. After they hit it, they knew that it was the ring of Xiuhegong." Fu Gonggong said.

Murong Chong looked at him with a slight blink of an eye. "What did you say?"

Fu Gonggong whispered, "The former slave did not ask carefully, only heard that the ring said the funeral dog..."

"Is man dead?" Murong Cham's voice cooled down.

"There is still a breath." Fu Gonggong said.

Ink Murray flashed a touch of cold light, "send people back to the show and palace."

Fu Gonggong knew that it would be such an ending. He whispered, "Yes, the emperor."

The news that Xianghuan was beaten in Yongshou Palace soon spread in the palace. Shuhei of Xiuhegong learned this thing faster. Besides she was shocked, she was still waiting for the imperial punishment. It was punishment. Fu Gonggong is still a fragrant ring...

When Fu Gonggong sent the Xianghuan back to Xiuhegong, she knew what the emperor meant.

Hu Yueer's face was pale, she felt as if she was a head, she was awakened at once, no longer immersed in beautiful fantasy and luxury.

These days, everyone in the palace is falling in love with the empress queen. Nowadays, the most favorite thing for the emperor is that she is a curse. She even began to have such an illusion that she could get the emperor’s sincerity, even if she could not replace the queen, it would not be bad. Where to go, even if she always feels that something is wrong, but because of her love for the emperor, she ignores the suspicion in her heart and is not willing to explore too much.

Today... She is completely awake.

The Empress Dowager did not fall out of favor, otherwise Fu Gonggong would not beat her ring so unscrupulously. If the Emperor really loved her, she would not hit her face like this. Because of the fragrance ring, the Emperor clearly told the harem all. People, even if the Queen is not here, no one can match her, even if it is a Shu.

"Mother, are you okay?" Xiangqiao saw Hu Yueer's face and hurried to help her.

Hu Yueer gently shook his head and his eyes floated with tears. "This palace...has never entered the emperor's heart..."

"Mother, how can it be, the emperor loves you so much, it is all too smoky, otherwise it will not make the emperor unhappy." Xiangqiao said.

"No, no..." Xianghua is wrong that she should not say the wrong thing in Yongshou Palace.

Xiangqiao helped Hu Yueer to sit down. "The goddess, the slave, went to inquire about it. It was the scent of the scented ring. It was said that it should not be said in the Yongshou Palace. The emperor is doing this now, it must be for the child in the queen’s belly, if the queen is In the palace, it is insulted, and it will not be good for her children in the future. If the emperor does not love you, then you have been punished with it, and now it is not a punishment for the incense ring?"

Hu Yueer was persuaded to calm down by Xiangqiao. "Really?"

"Why is the emperor even reprimanded that you are not strict with discipline? The goddess, the emperor knows you, so I believe that you will not condone the things that Xianghuan will do." Xiangqiao whispered, "The slaves went to see the incense ring." However, although I have been on the medicine, my consciousness is not clear, even if I have invited a doctor..."

"This palace can't give her a doctor." Hu Yueer grabbed the hand of Xiangqiao. She had the heart to save the incense ring, but she couldn't. She could only see that her life was not big enough to support her. .

Xiangqiao said, "Even if the fragrance ring is gone, she can't blame the goddess, she is not sensible, almost tired of you."

“What did she say at Yongshou Palace?” Hu Yueer asked, and could make Fu Gong’s face not even give her a ring of fragrance. It must be said that Xianghua said something intolerable.

"It seems to be because of a sentence... the dog of the family..." Xiangqiao looked back and the sound was almost inaudible.

Hu Yueer’s glimpse, “How could Yongshou Palace be a dog of funeral, that is where the emperor really is in his heart.”

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