Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1124: Messenger into the palace

Back to Chengde Mountain Villa, Ye Hao still insists on walking in the garden every day for an hour. At other times, he is almost watching the travel notes. He has not paid much attention to the things in the palace and Kyoto.

This reluctance can be considered a good thing, and the mood of the Queen's Empress will not be affected.

"Mother, the book left by the master is so beautiful?" Hong Ling looked at Ye Hao, who was reluctant to put down the book, and finally could not help but ask.

Ye Hao smiled. "It's like a new world, people can't bear to let go."

"The slaves feel that the heart of the goddess is flying into the book," said Hung Hom.

indeed! Ye Hao also feels that his heart seems to go overseas with the contents of the book. He goes to the distant countries mentioned in the book and sees different human landscapes. Since he can’t go in person, he can have these travel notes to make her enjoyable. it is good.

"I really admire Qi Ling." Ye Hao looked at the blue sky. If everything in the book was personally experienced by her, then her life should be more wonderful and richer, if she can also leave...

Ye Hao bowed her head and touched her belly. She couldn't do without it. There are too many people she can't bear.

"The maiden, there is a letter from Ye Daren." Xue Lin came over and handed the letter in his hand.

“Ye Daren?” Ye said a little. “Is it a letter from Dongqingguo?”

Xue Lin said with a smile, "Yes, Queen Empress."

Hong Ling took the letter and handed it over to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao remembered that Ye Yiqing once said that she would wait for Jin Shanshan to go to Zhaoyang in Dongqing, and she would return to Kyoto to see her. Is it ready to return to Kyoto?

After reading the letter, Ye Hao confirmed the guess in her heart. Her mood was very good. "I am going back."

"Master is coming back?" Hong Ling's eyes widened. "This...the goddess, if the master comes back to know that you live in Chengde Villa instead of the palace, will it misunderstand the emperor?"

The smile on Ye Hao’s face froze slightly. She was happy and almost forgot that she is now a lost queen. “I don’t believe in the rumors outside, just wait for him to explain.”

"The emperor over there..." Hong Ling whispered.

"Xue Lin went back and said to the emperor, Ye Daren should be back next month." Ye Hao said to Xue Lin.

"Yes, the goddess." Xue Lin should be down, turned and left.

Ye Hao did not continue to walk. She returned to the study and returned a letter to Ye Yiqing. In the letter, she briefly explained the reasons for her Chengde Mountain Villa. She explained that she would definitely understand.

The afternoon sun was warm and warm, and Ye Hao also had a bit of tiredness. She didn't want to go back to the house and took a nap in the soft couch of the study.

Before she fell asleep, she remembered that she had not entered the space for some days. I don’t know if the bird came back.

Her space is a little different from before, and it seems to be a little bigger. The complex and magical patterns around the wells seem to add a few lines, but the original springs are still only 80%, Lingquan and Huohuang. It seems to be implicated, it did not appear, and Lingquan stopped.

I don't know what happened to the little bird. I saw it in my dream last time, and I always felt that it was disappearing.

Ye Hao sighed softly. In the matter of Huo Huang, she really didn't have a way. Even if she wanted to help it, she didn't know where to help.

She retired from the space and suddenly felt that there was an inexplicable warmth in her stomach. She was shocked and wanted to feel it again, only to find that the feeling had disappeared, as if it was just her illusion.

So tired...

Ye Hao suddenly felt that the whole body was exhausted, and clearly did not do anything. How could it be so tired? She slept in the past, as if she had made a long dream, but she woke up and could not remember what she dreamed of.



Zhao Wei took a rest in the foreign guest house. On the next day, he led him in the Ministry of Rites. He and Song Hongyi and others came to the palace of Jin Guo.

The layout of this palace is no stranger to Zhao Wei. The palaces of Qi State are built according to this palace. The pattern is exactly the same, but the palace of Jinguo is even more majestic.

Murong Zhan met Zhao Wei and others in the main hall of the Qing Palace. Of course, Zhao Wei appeared here as a prince. Apart from his confidant, the four princesses who came with him did not know his identity. He thought that Wang Shu, who has never met.

Qi Guo does have a prince called Zhao Zhongshen, but because it is not big, so few people know his existence.

Murong Zhan Duan sat on the chair of the Taishi. The dark and dark scorpion looked sharply at the Qi national messengers who walked into the hall. His eyes were skipped from Song Hongjun and finally fell on Zhao Wei.

Listening to Song Yu, Zhao Zhongshen looks very much like Zhao Wei. The height of the two is the same. The appearance is similar to that of the seven or eight. The most important thing is that even the romantic personality is the same. He looks at Zhao Zhongshen and imagines Zhao Wei. In the way, there is an imperial king who is imposing and majestic.

If Zhao Zhongshen puts on the robes, the smile on his face should not look like that... Debauchery, then he and Zhao Wei should be more like.

In the heart of Murong Zhan, Zhao Yi had a simple impression. In short, it would not be a good person to deal with.

"The envoy of Qi State has seen the emperor." Song Hongyi took a ritual in front of him and looked at Murong Zhan. He saw a pair of cold eyes, and he saw a glimpse of his heart. feel.

This ink-filled Zhan... is a sigh of relief when it comes to the battlefield. The tension of the monks is comparable to that of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei followed the ceremony, and he also had an evaluation of Murong Cham, not simple!

"You are excused." Murong Zhan's cold face with a shallow smile, "Shen Wangye has worked hard all the way."

"The beautiful scenery of Jinguo, the spirit of the earth, the king has benefited a lot from this road, and does not feel hard at all." Zhao Wei will play the prince of the wind, and even the smile on his face looks extremely owed.

When Murong Zhan heard what he said, he knew what it meant. He smiled a little. "Shen Wang likes it, and gives it a seat."

The ministers in the main hall all looked at Zhao Wei, and thought that the prince had no reputation in Qi State, and that Jin Guo actually did not change his mind, and he was not afraid of shame.

"The emperor, this time we came here, we want to see the fisherwoman that you said in your country. If it is really the princess of our country, we will bring back the Qi nationality and recognize the ancestors." Song Hongyu said to Murong Zhan. .

It is not for the sake of the two countries to establish diplomatic relations with Qi, but it is not necessary to say so many hypocritical words.

"Zhao girl is now in the palace, if she wants to see her..."

Zhao Xiao said with a smile, "The emperor, do not hurry to see Zhao girl, for many years, we Qi is the first time to send messengers to the country, I hope that we can have a new understanding between the two countries, you say right?"

Song Hong looked at him from a different place, "Shen Wang?"

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