The royal family of Qi State is the descendant of the Huangfu family. Although they are surnamed Zhao, those who know the history know that the first king of Qiguo is the son of Huangfu Xiu, but the surname is Zhao.

Although Jin Guo is not rebel, it is indeed the world that robbed the emperor. It is normal for Qi to not want to travel with Jin. For Zhao Wei, he is the most powerful country today. He does not take possession of others. The city is not bad. No matter whether it is the North Ming State or other countries, it is not willing to be enemies with Qi, but there is no country that can become the Qi State Alliance.

Zhao Wei disdains to want to admire him. The reason why he changed his mind today is to talk to Murong Zhan. In addition to his curiosity about Murong Cham, he has other plans.

In the depths of the ink, Zhan Zhan’s eyes flashed a touch of inscrutable smile. “Shen Wang’s saying is that today’s banquet is not as good as the guests from Qiguo. Let’s try our food in Jinguo and let Zhao girl and The prince recognized."

"Good idea, then we would like to thank the emperor for the hospitality." Zhao said with a smile, "Gourmet food is of course experience, the most important thing is to have beautiful people."

When his words came out, he immediately provoked the attention of many ministers. Zhao Wei did not seem to find it, but he still smiled freely and freely.

Murong Zhan looked at Zhao Wei’s eyes a little more meaningful. “You must be satisfied with Shen Wang’s.”

"Thank you for the emperor." Zhao Yu looked up at Murong Zhan. The emperor of Jin Guo was younger than he thought, and he was too handsome. If it was not the reputation of the invincible battle of Murong, he did not believe this person. It is the emperor of the Jin State.

When there was no Jin Guo, Zhao Wei felt that Murong Zhan was a person who was very similar to him. He met today and he was more sure of his own thoughts.

An ambitious young emperor... certainly has a different meaning for this world.

At this time, Hu Yueer of Xiuhe Palace is also entertaining the Princess of Qi.

The four-nation princess Qi is called Zhao Xin. She is fourteen years old. She is tall and tall. She is not like Zhao Wei, but like her mother-in-law. The facial features are charming and charming. Although she still carries a trace of childishness, it can be seen that this is a heart. The arrogant princess, with his demeanor, has a sense of superiority.

"This princess has heard that the Queen of the Kingdom is the first beauty in the world. I originally planned to see it with my own eyes today. I didn't expect the first beauty to be as good as Shu Shu. It seems that the lady's skill is higher." Zhao Xin smiled. Hu Yueer glanced, "Shu Yu Niang, the princess has always been blunt, you don't want to be surprised."

She came to Jinguo along the way from Qi, and heard a lot of Lu Hao’s legends. What is the world’s first beauty, the most favored empress of the Emperor of the Republic of Korea, the daughter of Dong Qing’s mother-in-law... There are too many legends about her, and both Very legendary, let Zhao Xin listen a little impatient, the most let her not like Lu Yan reasons, she heard that Lu Hao seems to take care of what Zhao Ning.

Hu Yueer’s face had a proper smile. When she heard Zhao Xin’s words disrespectful to the Queen’s Empress, she did not feel that she was happy. After the Xianghuan incident, she knew better than anyone else. What the Queen’s Niangniang fell out of favor, and what changed the emperor’s heart. It's all just the surface.

Queen Empress... This has become the shadow of all the women in the palace, and it is so easy to put down.

"Four princesses, our Queen Empress is indeed a rare beauty in the world, but it is about to be born soon. The emperor distressed the Queen Empress, specially let her stay in peace, this palace replaced her to entertain you, did not want the princess to misunderstand." Hu Yueer's voice is not high Low, a little self-satisfied can not show.

Zhao Xin glanced at her with a deep impression. She was accustomed to the sly struggles of the Qigong harem. How could she believe that Hu Yueer’s words were so long-lasting, Lu Hao was favored for a long time, and he was the only pregnant woman in the harem. Will this Shu Shu heart not be jealous?

Oh, she doesn't believe it at all.

"It turned out to be the case. It’s a pity. The princess still wants to see the legendary beauty of the world." Zhao Xin smirked and glanced at the temple. Hey, the so-called Qi Princess Why are you not here?

Hu Yueer frowned unpleasantly, disrespecting the Queen for Zhao Xin’s words. This is not only disrespectful to the Queen’s Empress, but also rude to the Jin State. She said with a faint smile. “The etiquette of our country and your country is still somewhat different. In Jinguo, the Empress Dowager is the mother of a country. It is respected by thousands of people. It is not for anyone who wants to see it, but will not be able to talk outside. The title of the world’s first beauty, I want to come from Qi State?”

Zhao Xin listened to Hu Yueer’s words a bit harsh. Is this ironic that she doesn’t understand etiquette? It seems that this Shu is still a smart person. "This princess is also listening on the road. Since I can't see the Queen of your country, how can I not even see the fisherwoman? I really want to see my own. Sisters."

Hu Yueer looked at Zhao Xin and looked at the four princesses. "Zhao girl is not living in the palace. The palace has already let people invite her. The four princesses will soon see her." ”

"Yes? Well, this princess wants to see her soon." Zhao Xin said with a smile.

"Four princesses, this palace respects you for a cup." Hu Yueer raised his glass and smiled. Today's banquet was originally intended to invite other crickets. Later, when she thought about it, she personally went to consult the emperor and listened to the emperor's meaning. The other party is just a princess. It doesn't have to be too grand, so that Qi can not think that they are in the country, so she did not call An Xiuzhen and others.

"Shu Yu Niang, please." Zhao Xin said with a smile, her eyes kept looking outside. She wanted to know what the fisherwoman looked like. Qi Guo did not lack the princess. Now is the most important time, she I also hope that the father will give her a good dear, who knows that a folk princess will pop up. She tries her best to come to Jinguo together, in order to know who this fisherwoman is, and then she can deal with it.

"The four princesses came to Jinguo this time, presumably for Zhao girl." Hu Yueer saw Zhao Xin always looking outside, his heart was laughing, I don’t know if this is a sister, she didn’t believe this four princess. It is for Zhao Ningcai to come to Jinguo.

Zhao Xin turned to look at Hu Yueer. "Nature is for her sake."

"You haven't seen Zhao and I have seen this. I have such a sister's feelings, and this palace is also moved." Hu Yueer said with a smile, the sincerity of the tone can not be said.

Who is in love with a fisherwoman! Zhao Xin sneered in his heart, but he said incomparably, "Yes, I don't know how much the sister used to eat in the fishing village. It hurts to think of it."

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