Zhao Ning's mood is very tight!

She knew that the messenger of Qi State had come, and soon she could determine her identity. According to what Murong had said to her before, she must be the princess of Qi State, but before she was confirmed by the Qi Ambassador, she There is still some anxiety in my heart.

In case she is not a princess of Qi State?

Then the shackles and respects that belong to her now are gone, and she has become a fisherman who everyone looks down on.

"Girl, don't be nervous." Zi Yan saw Zhao Ning sitting in the carriage and shivering, she knew that the girl was too nervous.

"I heard that the prince of Qi State has come, isn't it?" Zhao Ning tightened her hands tightly, and she didn't want to be nervous, but she couldn't control her fear.

Zi Yan said, "In addition to Qi Wang Ye, there are also four princesses of Qi State."

Zhao Ning slightly frowns, "Four Princess? What is she doing?"

"The slaves are not clear," Zi said.

"Isn't it going to be a marriage with Jinguo?" Zhao Ning frowned even more. She hadn't seen the four princesses yet, and her heart had already come into conflict.

Zi Yan said with a smile, "No, Jin Guo and Qi are unlikely to marry. The slaves have heard that the two countries have not even had a relationship. Even if the marriage is not the same."

Zhao Ning was relieved. She did not want Princess Qi to marry Jin Guo. In this way, her relationship with Jin Guo became subtle. At least she has a little affection for the Emperor and the Queen. In the future, if she has difficulties in Qi, she can still ask for help. If other princesses are married to Jinguo, it will be different.

"Girl, it is here." At the entrance to the palace, Zi Yan will help Zhao Ning get off.

"Shu Yu Niangniang hosted a banquet in the Xiuhe Palace to entertain the Princess of Qiguo. We will go to the Xiuhe Palace first." Zi Yan said, this is what the palace passed to Liu Wangye House yesterday.

Zhao Ning gently nodded, and came to the Xiuhe Palace with the palace people who led the way.

"Zhao girl is coming."

Just entering the hall, Zhao Ning heard a gentle and soft voice, and she looked at the woman sitting in the seat, watching her wearing a pink palace dress, it is not difficult to guess that this person is the strongest in Kyoto. Shu Yu Niang.

"I have seen Shu Niangniang." Zhao Ning squatted down and took a gift.

Hu Yueer waved his hand with a smile. "Zhao girl is impolite, we are waiting for you."

we? Zhao Ning paused for a moment, and stood up with a smile on her face. She did not deliberately go to see the person next to her. When she first came in, she had already glanced at it. She was wearing a gorgeous and gorgeous young woman, if she did not guess wrong. If it is, it should be the Princess of Qi Guo.

"Xie Shuzheng Niangniang." Zhao Ning said with a smile, she learned a lot of etiquette these days, it does not look like a big fisherwoman.

Zhao Xin had been observing her while Zhao Ning stepped into the main hall. When she found Zhao Ning to look better than her, she was even more disliked by this sudden sister.

"This is the fisherwoman who the emperor of the country said?" Zhao Xin stood up, with a bright smile on his face, heading towards Zhao Ning, and pulling Zhao Ning's hand amicably. "I heard that my sister is fifteen years old. That is one year older than me. I should call you a sister. You must have suffered a lot in the fishing village these years. Hey, this hand is getting thicker, it’s pitiful."

These words sounded like sympathy and pity. Actually, they ridiculed and ridiculed. Zhao Ning felt uncomfortable when he heard it. "Thank you for your sister's concern. I used to suffer from it. I will recognize it with my father in the future. Everything will be better." ""

Zhao Xin’s bright smile on his face was slightly stiff. She thought that there would be another Zhao Ning competition in the palace. She felt bored. “In the past few years, I have said that I am a child of the father’s daughter, but I cannot afford to pass the father. The forced questioning, a few words were revealed, and finally the end was very pitiful, and the father was pulled out of his tongue and thrown into the mass grave."

Zhao Ning’s face changed. Is this a metaphor that she is not Zhao’s daughter?

"Yes? Then I am more eager to see my father." Zhao Ning said with a smile.

"I hope that when you see the father, don't scare your legs." Zhao Xin said earnestly, "Even if we have a few, I saw the father and the emperor are careful."

Zhao Ning laughed. "I was the first time I heard that my daughter would be afraid of my father."

Hu Yueer did not expect the sisters to meet each other for the first time. She shook her head with some headaches. "Four princesses, Zhao girl, it is better for us to sit down and talk."

"Hey, I only talked to my sister and I forgot that Shuri is here." Zhao Xin said with a smile, turned and slowly sat back to his original position.

Zhao Ning also sat down. She was not in the mood to cope with a princess who didn't want her to return to Qi. She just wanted to see the Qi State messenger soon and then determine her identity.

"Where is the Shusei Niangniang, where is the messenger of Qi State?" Zhao Ning sat down and asked Hu Yueer.

"The emperor is in the Qing Palace to summon the Qi State messengers, I believe Zhao will soon see them." Hu Yueer said.

Zhao Ning suppressed her expectation. She wanted to see the messenger immediately. However, since the emperor summoned them, she seemed to have no choice but to wait.

Dry Qing Palace, the main hall.

Zhao Wei left and hugged the two women's waiters, and they looked at the ink-filled smile. He looked up at Murong Zhan and asked with a smile. "The emperor, isn't there so many beautiful people, you are all looking at it." Don't you see it?"

Murong Chan took a sip of wine. The entire hall was only the two maikos that the prince had just danced in his arms. The others were just two maids, and few dared to serve like him. The palace lady is in her arms.

"Hey, there is no such preference as Shen Wang." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Zhao Wei laughed. "Do you like women in the emperor, or do you not like too many women?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Yan looked at him with glare. "There are only a few people in the world who are so cautious as Shen Wang."

"No wind is not a teenager." Zhao said with a smile.

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows. "Shen Wang is a young man. How do you still say that you are a teenager?"

Zhao Wei looked at Tang Yan with a faint look. "The meaning of the king, the romanticity should start from a young age, and it will always be young."

Murong Zhan gestured Tang Yan not to say anything more, "Shen Wang is free."

"I heard that Jinguo has an autumn hunting every year. I don't know if there is any chance to see the archery of the emperor this year?" Zhao Yu released the palace lady in her arms, although she knew that Murong Zhan would not necessarily let him go to the autumn hunting, but he still wanted Ask a question.

"Shen Wang likes to hunt?" Mo Rongzhu asked with a smile and observed Zhao Zhongshen for so long. If he wants to say that he is really a romantic lord who will only linger in the brothel, he does not believe it.

Murong Yu is only a leisurely prince in the eyes of others. He is not as useless as the outside.

This Zhao Zhongshen may be the same.

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