There are many women in Zhao Wei. There are not many impressions in memory in this life. He actually can't remember what the fisherwoman who used to be in Huajia Village looks like, but he still remembers if this woman is not, he is now Not necessarily the emperor of Qi State, maybe there is no life, so if she really gave birth to his daughter, he is still very moved.

"Shen Wang, please here." Song Yi personally took Zhao Wei to the Sixth Wangye House. Today, the prince must let Zhao Ning meet with Zhao Ning and confirm that Zhao Ning is the princess. Then he is done and can leave Kyoto. Looking for the owner, you don't have to bear the identity of the messenger.

"Why would she let her live in the palace?" Zhao Wei walked slowly and looked at the surroundings with a slight eyebrow. If Murong Zhan really determined that Zhao Ning was his daughter, why did he not let Zhao Ning live in the palace? in.

Song Xiao smiled. "This is what our Queen Empresses mean."

Zhao Wei raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by Queen Empress?"

"Shen Wang, I used to be with the six kings. Why did the Queen Empress do this? I really don't know." Song Xiao said with a smile, he would not say that this was arranged by the cabinet owner, so that Zhao Zhongshen would have to ask questions. The matter of the owner.

"Your Queen Empress wants to drive all the women in the harem out of the house." Zhao Xin, who is behind Zhao Wei, said ridiculously that she would bring her with her in any case today, just want to know Zhao. Ning is not the daughter of the father.

Tang Yan, who has been silent for a long time, looked back and looked at Zhao Xin with a cold eyes. "His Royal Highness, when you are in Jinguo, you better know how to respect our Queen Empress."

Zhao Xin snorted and looked up at Tang Yan. She proudly raised her chin, and she did not say anything wrong.

"The princess of your country does not seem to have learned anything about education." Tang Yan looked at Zhao Wei faintly.

"Unbelievable." Zhao Wei nodded apologetically, and he did not expect the four princesses who had been obedient in front of him to be so rude.

Zhao Xin shouted unpleasantly, "Wang Shu!"

"Jing Ninghou, Song Daren, please lead the way for the king." Zhao Wei did not care about Zhao Xin, he looked at Song Yu and Tang Yan with a smile.

"The front is." Song said, looked at Tang Yan with a look.

Zhao Ning has been told that she will meet with the Qi State messenger today. She waited in the hall early in the morning. When she saw several figures appear together, she stood up nervously. Has it already arrived?

"Girl, Song Song, he came with the Qi State messenger." Zi Yan whispered.

finally come! Zhao Ning stood up and looked out of the hall. She saw the man walking next to Zhao Xin at a glance. He was not the best in appearance. He did not have Jing Ning Hou Qing and Wen Ya, but his momentum was the most powerful. People, she only saw such an imposing manner in Murong Zhan, is he the prince of Qi State? Is she supposed to be Wang Shu?

While Zhao Ning was looking at Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei was also looking at her. In her mind, a young woman with a beautiful facial features was taking care of the injured. He remembered the fisherman because the little girl was very tall. Like her.

"Zhao girl." Song Yu came over and raised his hand.

"Song Daren." Zhao Ning returned to God, and his eyes came back from Zhao Wei.

Song Xiao smiled and said to Zhao Wei, "Shen Wang, this is the Zhao girl from Huajia Village. Your emperor should be very impressed with Huajia Village."

Zhao Wei smiled faintly and looked at Zhao Ning with a stern look. "What is your mother's name?"

"My mother is called Huamei, my name is Zhao Ning." Zhao Ning looked straight at Zhao Wei.

Flower beauty! Yes, this is the name, Zhao Wei nodded gently. "Is this King heard that you have something to prove identity?"

Zhao Ning was a bit angry at Zhao Xin yesterday. Today, I heard that this prince seems to still doubt her origins. She did not fight for a fight. She took out the dagger and said coldly, "I don't know what to prove myself. Identity, I only know that my father is Zhao Yizheng. When he left, he abandoned my mother. Even my existence did not know. This is the dagger he left. If this is the only way to prove that I am his daughter. Something, yes, that's it."

Song Hong looked at Zhao Ning differently. He was the first time he heard someone talking to Zhao Wei. Is this fisherman not dying?

Zhao Wei smiled and took the dagger from Zhao Ning's hand. When he took over, he knew that the dagger was the ancient sword he left in Huajia Village. Zhao Ning should be his daughter. Hua Xiuli knew that he would not. Going back, she still gave birth to his daughter, and let her daughter surname Zhao, she thought that one day he would go back to find her?

"How did you talk to Wang Shu?" Zhao Xin yelled at Zhao Ning, "There is no rule."

It seems that she is very regular! Zhao Ning glanced at her with a lazy look.

Zhao Wei gave the ancient sword to Zhao Ning. "You are indeed the princess of Qi State. You are only a little curious about this king. How did you come out from Huajia Village?"

When I heard that I was finally identified, Zhao Ning’s eyes were a little hot, and there was an indescribable feeling of sourness in my heart. “I...the emperor and the empress of the empress brought me out.”

How did Murong Cham and Lu Hao go to Huajia Village? Zhao Wei was curious in his heart, but there was Tang Yan here. He did not continue to ask. "This king will pick you up and return to Qi."

Zhao Ning looked at the dagger. "How do you know that I am the Princess Qi? Just rely on this? If someone else took this to confess, do you think she is the Princess Qi?"

Zhao Wei looked down at her. "This king is not so easy to be cheated. You are indeed the Princess of Qi."

"Wang Shu, how can you be so sure? In case she is also a fake?" Zhao Xin did not want to admit that Zhao Ning is the Princess Qi.

"Four princesses, the emperor confessed to the prince, since the prince feels that Zhao is a princess, then she must be." Song Hongyu whispered.

Song Yu’s heart is full of music, and finally the dust has settled. “Yes, isn’t it true that Shen’s lord will admit his niece? It’s great, congratulations to the princess.”

Zhao Ning's face is a bit stiff, she is not very suitable for being a princess, although she has been waiting for it in the past few days, but when the day really comes, she is still not used to it.

"This king lives in the foreign guest house. Since he has already confirmed his identity, Ning Er, you will go to the foreign guest house together. After a few days, I will bring you back to Qi." Zhao said.

"Good." Zhao Ning nodded.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Ning with a smile. This daughter didn't seem to be at all. Compared with Zhao Xin, it was even more angry.

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