When she first arrived at the Sixth Wangfu House, Zhao Ning only took a baggage. After living in, Murong and the Queen Empress had a lot of things for her. She took two big boxes and left.

"Girl, no, congratulations to Her Royal Highness, and finally I can recognize my loved ones." Zi Yan put on the cloak for Zhao Ning, and the heart is also very happy to serve the master finally has a real identity.

Zhao Ning exhaled a breath and said to Zi Yan and Li Wei, "You are going to pack up and go with me to the foreign guest house."

Zi Yan and Li Wei looked at each other with a smile on their faces. "Can we continue to serve... Princess?"

"Don't you want to go back to China with me?" Zhao Ning looked at them puzzledly. "Or... you have relatives here, so you can't bear to leave?"

"No, we are willing to go to the country with the princess." Zi Yan hurriedly shouted, "I am worried that the princess will not want us."

Zhao Ning laughed. "What are you waiting for? Go and pack up."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," Zi Yan and Li Wei said with a smile.

When the master and the servant were properly packed, they immediately came to help lift their things out. The cautious prince had already taken the person to leave, and Song Wei would personally send Zhao Ning to the foreign guest house.

"Song Brother, do you know... When did the messengers of Qi State leave?" Zhao Ning whispered to Song Wei, who was standing next to the carriage.

"I don't know this, but it should be gone in a few days." Song said.

Zhao Ning thought that she should not be able to stay in Kyoto for a long time. If she leaves this time, she will probably not come back.

"Song Big Brother, in Kyoto these days, I have been taken care of by the emperor and the Queen Empress. I wonder if I can go to see the Queen before I leave. I want to thank her personally." Zhao Ning whispered.

Song Yu frowned and said, "I can't answer you. The Queen's Empress is not in Kyoto. If you want to see her, you have to agree with the emperor."

Although there have been too many rumors about the disappointment of Queen Empress in Kyoto recently, Song Wei feels that this is all nonsense. If Murong Zhan has a little bit of bad for the Queen, the owner will not be in South Vietnam at this time, certainly will not let go. Murong Cham.

"I know." Zhao Ning smiled at Song Yu. "I also want to thank Song Big Brother for going to Qiguo, or I don't know when I can go to see my father."

Song Yu said with a smile, "This is nothing, it is ordered to act, Princess Her Royal Highness, send you to the foreign guest house."

Zhao Ning said gratefully, "There is work."

"Please get on the bus." Song Xiao said with a smile, did not expect to see each other for a while, Zhao Ning's change will be so big, and now she really can't see what she saw when she was in Huajia Village, she actually became dignified. Generous.

At the beginning of Huajia Village, I was still a wild girl. In my eyes, I was not afraid of the arrogance. I felt that it was a great grace to save the emperor. Even the empress was not in the heart, and the cabinet owner deliberately calmed down and returned to Kyoto to learn. A few days of rules, I really taught people.

I hope that she will suffer losses in Qi State, and look at Zhao Xin’s appearance, she knows that the Princess of Qi State is definitely not simple.

When I came to the foreign guest house, Zhao Ning was just arranged to stay, and Zhao Xin appeared in front of her.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Ning did not look at Zhao Xin, only when this person does not exist.

Zhao Xin wants to reprimand Zhao Ning. She can think that her identity has been fixed. In the future, she will return to Qi State as a princess. She will endure the anger of her heart. "After a look, there is no need for help."

“Help?” Zhao Ning sneered at her and glanced at her. “Do you want to pack things for me?”

"You want me to pack things for you? Do you take me as a ring?" Zhao Xin asked with anger.

Zhao Ning laughed. "How do you compare with my shackles? My shackles are somewhat useful. What can you do?"

"Don't think that Wang Shu recognized that you are the daughter of the father. What kind of person is Wang Shu? We all know in my heart that it is not the first time that he is confused." Zhao Xin said with a sneer.

"I don't know." Zhao Ning looked at Zhao Xin with a blank expression. "You also know that it is Wang Shu, then how dare you say him behind the scenes?"

Zhao Xin sneered. "Why, do you want to please Wang Shu? You don't think you can return to Qi. Can he be your backer?"

"I don't need to rely on the mountain." Zhao Ning smiled. "Probably only you are in this way, you need to rely on the mountain to protect you."

"I still want to mention you a few words..." Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Ning coldly. She just tried to convince herself that since Zhao Ning became a princess, it is inevitable, then let go of her body and pull her, otherwise why should she come over? Here, who knows that this stinky head does not appreciate it, "You just wait, there are people waiting for you in the palace."

Zhao Ning looked at her with no expression. "Are you finished? Please, please."

"You..." Zhao Xin is going to reprimand Zhao Ning rude.

A small ring came in from the outside and bowed to Zhao Ning. "His Royal Highness, someone is looking for you outside."

"Who?" Zhao Ning and Zhao Xin spoke at the same time.

Xiao Yan’s ring stunned. She looked at Zhao Ning. “It’s the red Ling sister next to the Queen’s maiden, who wants to find Zhao girl.”

Zhao Xin immediately looked at Zhao Ning, and the Queen Empress sent someone to come to her?

"Come on, please come in." Zhao Ning's face is a joy, she still wants to see the Queen Empress, I did not expect the Queen to send someone.

"Bang Jie is a fallen queen, this is what you said do not need to rely on the mountain?" Zhao Xin asked sarcastically.

Zhao Ning frowned and looked at her. "Are you particularly saddened by the days in the palace, so you need to find a mountain protection?"

"The fisherwoman is a fisherwoman." Zhao Xin looked ugly and looked at Zhao Ning, and turned away.

"Even if it is a fisherman..." Zhao Ning looked at Zhao Xin's back and smiled. "That would have to be more beautiful than you in the palace."

Hong Ling smiled and came over and bowed his knees. "Zhao girl, ah, no, now it should be called Princess Royal Highness."

Zhao Ning had seen Hong Ling in Yongshou Palace. She knew that she was a big palace girl next to the Queen. She smiled and said, "Hong Ling girl, you are coming right, I still want to go to see the Queen Empress in person, I don’t know if she is in Chengde Mountain Villa. How is it?"

"The niece is raising her body in the mountain village. She knows that the messenger of Qi State has come to Kyoto. She wants to restore her identity to the Royal Highness, and let the slaves come to you." Hong Ling said with a smile.

Zhao Ning heard a slight glimpse of her words and saw two or three palace people coming behind Hong Ling. Everyone took a lot of gifts on their hands. "This is..."

Hong Ling laughed. "This is a gift from Queen Empress."

"This..." Zhao Ning was moved in the heart. I didn't expect the Queen's Empress to be sent to Chengde Villa and still thinking about her. "Thank you for the Queen Empress, Hong Ling Girl, I want to go to Chengde Villa to bid farewell to the Queen Mother, please also Give me a pass, can you?"

"Well, my Royal Highness, it is not early, the slaves have to go back to the villa, and your slaves will definitely bring them." Hong Ling said with a smile, thinking that this princess is a good man.

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