The moonlight is clean and the night is cool.

Hu Yueer stood on the steps, looking at the direction of the dry palace in a faint manner. The emperor had not been to Xiuhe Palace for several days. I don’t know if I was tired of her, or... I looked at other embarrassment, and her mood was very anxious.

"The niece, the night is deep." Xiangqiao stood behind her and whispered.

"The emperor will not come tonight." Hu Yueer sighed, she just wanted to see him, but now it is difficult to see one side.

Ming knows that there is no her in her heart, she can't keep her heart, even if he is used by him.

Xiangqiao did not know how to comfort Hu Yueer, he could only whisper, "Mother, don't be sad, the emperor must have been too busy to come to the show and the palace, the slaves have inquired, the emperor has been doing the Qing Palace, no time to go Come to the harem."

This is the only reason Hu Yueer comforts himself.

"Go in." Hu Yueer whispered, she will continue to wait, the emperor as long as it is not a scorpion, will one day come to the show and palace.

Xiangqiao said, "Today the Ministry of Internal Affairs has sent some blood swallows. The slaves have been stewed. The goddess is better off eating and resting. You have nothing to eat today."

Hu Yueer laughed. "In the past, even the worst bird's nest couldn't be eaten. Now even the blood swallows are sent to this palace."

"Now, who in the palace does not know that you are the person on the top of the emperor's heart, there are all good things that are all sent to you here." Xiangqiao said with a smile, and he was happy for Hu Yueer. This is also a bitter experience.

"The person on the top of the emperor's heart..." Hu Yueer heard the words just shaking her head. Only she understood the bitterness. The emperor favored her and handed over the power of the palace to her. These did not mean that she would enter the emperor's heart.

She still thinks that the man in the emperor's heart is a queen.

Xiangqiao will bring a warm blood swallow on the side, and give Hu Yueer a bowl. "Mother, blood swallow is the best for the skin, there are eight or two, the girl's skin will become smooth and tender. Even the emperor loves it."

Hu Yueer’s cheeks were red, and he took a look at Xiangqiao. He could think of serving the emperor. The look in her eyes was dark, as if...had she never served the real feeling of the emperor, and the fish and water **** did not seem to understand.

Is her problem, or is there something wrong?

Hu Yueer ate the blood swallows with ecstasy. The more she thought about it, the more she felt suspicious. The emperor went to Xiuhe Palace several times. She also served in the emperor. Why didn’t she have any memory?

Did she actually not serve the emperor at all?

This thought flashed through her heart, Hu Yueer was shocked and her face became pale.

She remembered her first time to sleep in the bedroom, the emperor did not touch her at all, but let the house of the memorial record her sleeper...

"This palace does not want to eat." Hu Yueer ate a few mouthfuls, his heart was blocked, and his appetite was gone.

Xiangqiao didn't know what Hu Yueer was worried about. She only thought that she missed the emperor. "Women, if you miss the emperor, why not send the soup to the emperor tomorrow?"

Hu Yueer shook his head and smiled. "The emperor would not like the palace to go to the Qing Palace."

"The Queen Empress hasn't been there before..." Xiangqiao whispered, "The Empress, so the Emperor knows that you are missing him."

"Don't say it." Hu Yueer was upset and she was standing up to go to the dormitory, but she took a few steps and suddenly turned around. She only felt black in front of her eyes and she didn't know anything.

Xiangqiao was so screamed by such a mutation, "Meng Niang, Niangniang, what happened to you?"

Hu Yueer’s face was gray and his lips were full of blood. It looked like he was about to die. Xiangqiao shouted, “The doctor, go to the doctor.”

Fu Gonggong, who was serving outside the Qingqing Palace, soon received news that Shushu Niangniang would ask the royal doctor. His heart was shocked. Wouldn’t it be that Shushu’s mother wanted to come out and deliberately introduce the emperor’s tricks?

"What happened to Shu Shu Niang?" Fu Gonggong whispered to the little eunuch.

The little **** pressed down the voice. "I heard that it is poisoned."

Fu Gonggong was shocked. "Go to the show and the palace, and what happens is to report immediately."

He turned into the hall, and Murong Zhan was still reviewing the memorial, and he heard that the footsteps did not look up. "What happened?"

"The emperor, Xiuhe Gonggong urged the royal doctor to enter the palace, saying that it was poisoned by Shuyi Niangniang." Fu Gonggong did not dare to conceal, as reported to Murong Zhan.

The ink pen in the hand of Mo Rongzhan lived, and the eyes flashed a touch of cold light. "Shu is poisoned?"

Fu Gonggong bowed his head. "Yes, the royal doctor has entered the palace and is being treated to Shuri."

The defense in the palace is strict. Whether it is the harem or the things he uses, all of them have been tested by special personnel. It is impossible for any poison to enter the palace easily. Why is Shu Shu poisoned?

"Go and see." Murong Zhan said, if Shu Shu is really poisoned, he really wants to know who is willing to poison the palace.

Xiuhegong was already in a mess at this time. After the royal doctor came, I saw that Hu Yueer’s face was already shocked. Now I can only continue to give Hu Yueer a medicine, hoping to dilute the poison she has eaten into her stomach.

Murong Zhan strode in. The royal doctors and the ladies in the house all fell down. They were all shocked. Now the poisoned one is the most favored emperor of the emperor. If there are three long and two short, they must be buried. .

"How is the Shu Niang Niang?" Murong Zhan asked quietly.

Gong Yuan sentenced a ceremony and whispered, "Return to the emperor, the bird's nest eaten by Shu Shu Niangniang is poisonous, so I don't have much to wait for, so it is not fatal."

Murong Chong turned his gaze to the bird's nest that was sealed on the table, and ordered the Fugonggong to scream, "passing the sink into the palace."

"The emperor, these bird's nests were sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs today." Xiangqiao cried.

"When can Shu Wake wake up?" Murong said with a blank expression of the court.

Gong Yuan whispered, "Chen has given the Shu Yi Niang to take the antidote, but this poison is too intense, I am afraid of the body of Shu Shu Niang."

Murong Zhan looked at the dormitory and looked at everyone in the dormitory. In addition to Gong Yuan’s judgment, there was another royal doctor. The other were the palace people in the Xiuhe Palace. He gave Fu Gonggong a look, and Fu Gong’s public heart led the gods. The palace people of Xiuhe Palace were all pressed down.

"The emperor, the slaves are not poisoned, slaves." The palace ladies cried and were directly blocked.

Xiangqiao’s face was white, and she looked at Murong Zhan in horror. She looked at Hu Yueer. She knew that unless Shu Shu Niang could not save her now, she only hoped that Shu Shu’s mother would get better and her life would be guaranteed. Can live.

"Shu Yu poisoning, before finding the murderer, I don't want to go out." Murong Zhan looked at Gong Yuan and said a faint confession.

Gong Yuan and another doctor immediately smashed down. "The emperor, the minister, etc. will not leak a sentence."

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