When he was preparing to deal with the ancestral hall, Murong Chong guessed that someone would want to harm him. His food was poisoned first. It would not be easy to start from him. Those people felt that he was hurting his favorite woman. Is it against him?

If the person poisoned today is Ye Hao...

He couldn't imagine what kind of anger he would fall into, certainly not as calm as it is today.

Do those people want to see how he is defeated? Thought that this will hit him? He will not let these people do what they want, and the poisoning of Shu Shu has been suppressed from the beginning. No one in the palace knows that the poisoned person should not know that Shu Yu has eaten those blood swallows.

Murong Chong hooked his lips and his voice was chilly. "Gong Yuan judged that the Shu is pregnant, but the days are still shallow. Today, I almost got an accident. Today I am in the Xiuhe Palace to raise my body."

Shu Shu is pregnant? Gong Yuan was shocked by the heart. When he had just given the pulse to Shu Shu, it was clearly a virgin...

He remembered the recent spread of the sorrowful sorrow in the palace. Is it possible that a scorpion of a spouse is a virgin? Gong Yuan judged that he seemed to have discovered something secret. He hurriedly shook his head in his heart and pressed this doubt. In this palace, the more he knows the more he dies, the more he does not know. Just listen to the emperor's instructions to do things, "Yes, the emperor."

Murong Zhan looked at Hu Yueer, who hadn't woken up on the bed, "When can Shu Wake wake up?"

Gong Yuan sentenced, "The poison in Shu Shu is not deep, Chen has detoxified her, but... the emperor, this is a rare poison, it is made with snake venom, although it only eats a little, although life is not Worry, but..."

"But what?" Murong Zhan said quietly.

"Shu Yu Niangniang is damaged, and she will be afraid of difficulties in the future." Gong Yuan whispered.

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, and did not care too much, "try to save Shu Shu."

"Yes, the emperor." Gong Yuan was convinced that the emperor did not care much about Shu Shu, and could not compare with the one-tenth of the Queen of the Queen.

At this time, the sinking has come, "the emperor."

"You go ahead." Murong Zhan sentenced Gong Yuan to other people to send it down first.

"Shu's poisoned things are handed over to you for investigation, don't make a sound." Murong Zhan whispered to the sinking, "the palace of the Xiuhe Palace has been arrested, you go to interrogate."

Suddenly, I was shocked. How can Shu Shu be poisoned in the palace? "How is the emperor, how is Shu Shu poisoned?"

"Those blood swallows were sent from the House of Government." Murong Zhan whispered.

"The emperor, his subordinates will find out." Some people in the House of Government can actually possess poison. If it is not easy to poison the emperor? Amazed by the horror, in any case, be sure to find out who is behind the scenes.

Murong’s dark scorpion is covered with a layer of frost. “Fortunately, the Queen is not in the palace at this time, otherwise the poisoned person is her.”

I am surprised to think that if this is a Queen's maiden poisoning, the emperor is estimated to have washed the blood of Kyoto.

"To send more people to Chengde Villa, the Queen's meal and the things used must be checked. If there is a little accident in the Queen, everyone must follow the funeral." Murong Zhan said coldly.

"Yes, the emperor." A sigh of relief in the heart, whispered.

Murong Zhan called Fu Gonggong in. "Reschedule a few palace ladies to take care of Shu."

Fu Gonggong knows that the meaning of this statement is to find a few confidants, the emperor is not wanting to let others know that Shu Shu poisoning.

"The slaves will arrange this," Fu Gonggong said.

Murong Zhan turned and left the Xiuhe Palace.

The lights in the house were so bright, and the quietness and faintness revealed a bit of bleakness. Hu Yueer was lying on the bed, his face was still pale, and a tear fell from her eyes. She actually woke up, but she was weak and had no strength. There is no strength to open my eyes, but she can hear it if the emperor says it.

He didn't even look at her when he came closer.

Even if she can't have any more children in the future, it doesn't matter to the emperor.

She guessed that it was true that the emperor really only cares about the Empress, and she never had her presence.

Fortunately... it’s not the queen who is poisoned! The emperor thinks this way. It is her poison, so it doesn't matter?

Hu Yueer has difficulty controlling her own tears. She just feels very sad. It turns out that she is only a substitute, a chess piece...

In the palace, she blocked the damage for the queen. The poisoned person was the queen, not her.

"Sooking girl?"

Hu Yueer heard someone calling her outside. She suppressed the pain and resentment in her heart. Even if she knew that the emperor was ruthless to her, she still felt that she loved him very much.

"Mother, are you awake?" There is a palace girl whispering to her.

"What happened to this palace?" Hu Yueer's voice was weak and hoarse and terrible.

A face-to-face maiden appeared in front of Hu Yueer. "The maiden, you are too weak to faint, the emperor has seen you, you have a good rest."

Hu Yueer whispered, "Xiangqiao?"

"Back to the maiden, the emperor thinks that the fragrant bridge girl is taking care of you, she is now in a different place." Gongmei said with a smile.

This palace girl looks very gentle, but every sentence is fake. Hu Yueer feels that the whole body is shaking. Is she being taken care of?

"Odd girl, don't think too much, take care of it first, the emperor said, I will come to see you tomorrow." said the palace lady.

Hu Yueer turned his head in a difficult way. "What is your name?"

"Back to the maiden, the slave is called Miao Ling, and I will be there by you later." Miao Ling whispered.

"This palace knows." Hu Yueer closed her eyes. She is now unable to move all her body. I don’t know how to fate in the future. It’s hard to protect myself, let alone keep the bridge.

Miao Ling smiled and looked at Hu Yueer's eyes. This is smart. I know that I can keep my life when I keep silent. I know that my poisoning will not come out. It is no wonder that the emperor will make her a lady. "The goddess, slaves will give you some water."

Hu Yueer’s throat was poisoned. At this time, she talked all over her body. She nodded. Now she just wants to raise her body.

Miao Ling went to pour a cup of warm water and gave it a little bit to feed Hu Yueer.

"Enough." Hu Yueer drank a few mouthfuls and swallowed too much pain. She didn't want to drink any more. "This palace wants to sleep."

"Well, the goddess has a good rest." Miao Ling whispered, and gently quit the temple.

Hu Yueer opened his eyes after Miao Ling retired and looked straight at the top of the account...

She has always envied Lu Hao and moved to Xiuhe Palace. She thought that she would not have to envy any more. She did not expect that she would not even have the qualification to envy.

Emperor, emperor...

She also loves him very much!

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