Murong Chong only went to see Hu Yueer once, knowing that her life is worry-free, he would not go to the Xiuhe Palace again, although he would ask Ford to go to Xiuhe Palace every day to show that he valued Hu Yueer, but sincerely, Only he knows it.

"It is poisoned, and I don't eat much, so I saved my life. I have already let the Shenchao check it out. It should be a clan." Murong Zhan whispered that now there is already a look, only to wait for the exact The evidence will be able to hold people.

Ye Hao tightly held the hand of Ink Chong Zhan, "Let people protect her, Hu Yueer is actually ... and innocent."

Ink Murray faintly responded, he will let people protect Hu Yueer, but in this matter, he never felt embarrassed, Hu Yueer wants to climb up, there must be preparations for facing various calculations and framed, if She has self-knowledge, and she is not prepared for others' carelessness. She will not accept those blood swallows. The blood swallows in the palace have always been sent to Yongshou Palace. Hu Yueer thinks she is already a single in the palace. The heart is safe to accept the blood swallow, who can blame?

"Your expression is scary." Ye Hao didn't want to talk about such a heavy topic, and reached out and rubbed his face. "Even I was scared by you."

“Hey can scare you?” Murong Chan held her on her lap and reached out and touched her belly. “Is the child kidding in these two days?”

Ye squatted with a small mouth and complained softly. "Now the movement is not as big as it used to be. It is uncomfortable to sleep at night, only to find a pillow, or it is too uncomfortable."

Murong Zhan bowed her head and kissed her. After a long kiss, she said, "When the Qi State messenger leaves, he will come to Chengde Villa to accompany you."

“When are they going?” Ye Hao’s pink lips are bright red, her eyes are bright and bright, and her body leans softly on the body of Murong Cham. The little hand is holding on to his clothes. She is now with him. The chances are too few, and he should return to the palace in a while.

"Tomorrow and Zhao Zhongshen go hunting, you will be faint with him." Murong Zhan looked down at her restless hands, smiled in the heart, this little girl must be deliberate.

Ye Hao said, "Don't you talk to Song Hongyu? Isn't that Shen Wangye not lingering in the brothel all day?"

Murong Zhan held her shoulder and looked at her sternly. "Who told you this? Can this kind of pickled thing be said to you?"

"I thought that all of you guys liked the place like the brothel." Ye Hao said with a smirk, "I just inquired, not to go to the brothel."

"Look, you are getting more and more bold." Murong Zhan pinched her nose. "Others say that Zhao Zhongshen is a waste. He hasn't seen any waste like him. He will know what he is after he tries it tomorrow. Who is it?"

Ye Hao opened his fingertips and said, "I have always been bold."

Murong Zhan sighed and kissed her mouth. "You."

"What happened to me?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"I don't know how to do it to you." Murong Chan looked helplessly and looked at her. "If you don't meet you, you don't know what it will be."

Ye Hao buried his face in his neck and whispered, "If you don't meet again here, maybe... I am married to someone now, and every day is a short day in the parents."

Murong Zhan hugged her tightly, imagining that other men would own him, and he couldn’t stand it in his heart. "Fortunately, I met you."

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"There is one more thing to tell you." Murong Zhan took another shot of her shoulder. "Yuezhang resigned."

Ye Hao suddenly raised his head, "What?"

Murong Zhan pressed Ye Hao, who almost jumped up, and glanced at her, letting her sit down and continue to say, "I only know that Yue Zhang has resigned from the official position of Dongqing Guoxiang, and has not left Wang Du, afraid of being Li. I don't want him to go, so I have already picked people up."

"How can you suddenly resign from the official position? Is there something wrong?" Ye Hao asked in surprise. With her understanding of Ye Yiqing, he would never quit his official position. It must have been something that made him very uncomfortable. Happy things.

"The specific reason is to wait until Yue Zhang comes back to know." Dong Qingguo suppressed the news, did not let people know that Ye Yiqing resigned, it seems that Li Wei wants to keep him.

However, Ye Yiqing resigned from Dong Qingguo, and Murong Zhan was very fond of seeing it. He would not have much concern for Dongqing State in the future.

Ye Hao couldn’t figure out why Ye Yiqing resigned. "Is Li Wei going to resign?"

"No, unless he is stupid." Murong Zhan whispered, "I am afraid that the father-in-law is under house arrest, so I will send someone to pick him up."

"I received a letter from you a few days ago. He only told me that I want to go back to Kyoto. I didn't mention the resignation." Ye Hao frowned. "I have already written back, but I haven't heard yet. I want to come and confiscate it." I will reply to him."

Ink said, "Don't worry, everything is awkward, and you will let Yuezhang return from Dongqing."

Ye Hao gently nodded, "Yeah."

"I just saw you and Zhao Ning, did you not like her before? How can I stay with her in the villa?" Murong Zhan smiled and asked, he still remembers how much the vinegar is, when he saw Zhao. Ning is very diligent about him, but also unhappy, the small mouth can hang the oil bottle.

"She has saved me, and she has been showing good, I am not a stone heart." Ye said, of course, "Yes, I have seen Song Hongyu, this world has heard that it is very famous in Qi, I don't know the marriage." No."

Murong Chan has a high eyebrow. "Do you care about him? Even if there is no marriage, it has nothing to do with you."

"I can't do it for Zhao Ning?" Ye Hao listened to his unhappy tone and smiled at him. "I also said that I am vinegar and you are stingy."

"Bold, even dare to arrange." Murong Chan deliberately said with a face.

Ye Hao smiled and licked on his face.

Murong Chong was stunned by her, and she kissed her in her arms for a while, until she could not breathe quietly, and he muttered, "From today, don't leave the villa again, eat something." I have to pass the test before I can put it in my mouth. Do you know?"

"Know." Ye Hao smiled. Even if he didn't say it, she would be careful. "You are more dangerous in the palace. The pills I give you are to be carried with you. Those are urgent."

"Yes, Queen Empress." Murong Zhan smiled and nodded.

"Is it staying tonight?" Ye Hao asked, biting his earlobe.

Murong Chong stuck her lips, and the voice said dumbly, "Nothing to do, I will see Zhao Zhongshen tomorrow."

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