Dongqingguo, Wangducheng.

"Master, outside are the Royal Forest soldiers, the entire mansion is surrounded, and today I am afraid that I can't walk." Tian Jiu came in from the outside, said Ye Yiqing in the back of the book.

Ye Yiqing smiled lightly. "The emperor won't let me resign, I will definitely not let me leave Wangducheng."

"What should I do?" Tian Jiu asked.

"Don't worry, I still have some things left, I won't be late after I finish the work." Ye Yiqing said coldly.

Tian Jiu could guess what Ye Yiqing said. He nodded gently. "Master, then I am going to prepare what I need on the road."

"Go." Ye Yiqing beheaded.

Ye Yiqing was left in the study. He wrote a letter in a low voice. He wrote several letters in a row, and then he put it down and put it in. He called in the outside confidant. "I want to send the letter out before dark."

"Yes, Xiangye." This confidant is the guardian around Ye Yiqing. He is a young man. He was originally a slave. He was taken home by Ye Yiqing two years ago. He personally taught him martial arts and trained him to be his own guard. .

Ye Yiqing looked up and looked at the sky outside. When he walked out of the study and was ready to go to the backyard, he saw Cao Yu arguing with Yu Linbing at the gate.

"This official is a student of Xiangye, why can't I go in and see him?" Cao Yu asked angrily at the soldier who stopped him.

"The emperor has orders, no one can enter the Xiangfu, Cao Daren, you still don't let us be embarrassed." Yu Linbing whispered.

Cao Yu said with anger, "What do you mean by this? Is it to be under house arrest?"

The commander reluctantly sighed. "Cao Daren, we are also listening to the matter, please forgive me."

"You..." Cao Yu was so angry that his face changed.

"Cao Yu, don't argue with the leading adults here." Ye Yiqing interrupted Cao Yu's words and stood behind the door with a smile. "What are you looking for?"

The commander saw Ye Yiqing and bowed his hand in a rude manner.

"Don't dare to act, I have already resigned from the prime minister's position, and it is no longer the prime minister." Ye Yiqing glanced at the front of the Royal Forest soldier and looked at Cao Yu. "What's the matter?"

Cao Yu took a step forward. “Students heard that the teacher was trapped at home, and they took a look at it and the teacher was wronged.”

The commander of this saying could not lift his head. The people of the entire court knew the reason why Ye Daren wanted to resign. But the practice of the emperor is too chilling. What can they say as a minister? Just yell at Ye Daren.

Although Ye Yiqing is a civil servant, he is a special existence in Dongqing. He can be a literary ruler and a battlefield. He is respected by civil servants and respected by military lords. If Dongqingguo loses him, he would lose his left arm and right arm. This is why Li Wei ordered him to be under house arrest.

"I am not wronged, you go back, don't lick this drowning." Ye Yiqing waved his hand and drove Cao Yu away.

"Teacher!" Cao Yu said with a red eye. "The teacher is obviously wronged, but he has to be treated like this. Students will definitely join the people of Tianxia as a teacher to get justice."

Ye Yiqing yelled at him. "You give me less trouble and don't want to do these things. I said, I don't feel wronged."

How can he be wronged, who makes him uncomfortable, he will make the other party more uncomfortable.

"Teacher..." Cao Yu had a lot of words to say, but it was surrounded by Yulin soldiers. His words could not be said at all, and he could only watch Ye Yiqing anxiously.

"I will return to the country, you can come to Jinguo to find me to drink and play chess." Ye Yiqing looked at him with a smile.

Cao Yu’s slight glimpse, then he will lead the gods. “Teacher, if you are back to Jinguo, please take care.”

Ye Yiqing glanced at him and turned and walked into the door. "Go back, do your thing well."

He did not go back to the backyard and saw Jin Shanshan outside the door.

"Father." Jin Shanshan performed a ceremony. "I heard that I was surrounded by outside and I was trying to go out and see what happened."

Ye Yiqing looked at the room and said, "Is your mother better?"

Jin Shanshan said with a smile, "It’s already a lot better to eat the pills you brought back. I just got out of bed and walked a few steps."

"That's good." Ye Yiqing showed a gentle smile. "You have worked hard these days."

"I take care of my mother. Father, I went to see the porridge in the study." Jin Shanshan knew that Ye Yiqing was going to visit Zhaoyang. She found a few mouthfuls to leave.

Ye Yiqing gently nodded and lifted his foot and went to the house.

The curtains in the room were all hit, the sunlight came in from the window, the house was bright and bright, and people gave birth to a little warmth. Ye Yiqing sat down at the bed and looked at Zhaoyang, who was thin and thin. Say, "Is it better today?"

"Well, it's already a lot better." Zhaoyang nodded with a smile. "What happened outside?"

"Nothing, just some people block our door." Ye Yiqing said softly, "Don't worry about this. When your body is raised, let's leave."

Zhaoyang sat up and leaned gently on Ye Yiqing's arms. "If I was careful at the time, I wouldn't let Li Yu have a chance to frame me."

Ye Yiqing held her tightly in her arms. "This has nothing to do with you. Since Li Yu has a heart to hurt you, no matter how careful you are, she will find opportunities."

When Ye Yiqing went to Xishuang, Zhaoyang was invited by the empress to the palace to participate in the ceremony of the little emperor. At the banquet, Zhaoyang was led by the palace lady. When she came back, the things on the banquet were passive and she was drunk. The aphrodisiac wine was uncomfortable when going out of the palace. Li Yu sent people to take her away and humiliate, or the Queen found out that Zhaoyang had a different kind of people, and people were chased after it, so they were saved from being robbed, but Zhaoyang was drinking because of it. After the abortion of the medicine, I almost died of bleeding. If there were any pills left before Ye Hao, he would not see Zhaoyang when he came back, but a bunch of bones.

Although Li Wei knew that this was Li Yu’s behavior, because she was a long princess, she only punished her for house arrest. She was partially biased. Ye Yiqing came back to learn about this matter, and did not immediately find Li Yu’s account, but directly Officials, more than one sentence did not want to argue in front of Li Wei.

Go to his uncle! He worked hard for the Dongqing country. As a result, his wife and children were wronged in Wangducheng, and the children were gone. Li Wei actually favored Li Yu, and Ye Yiqing suddenly felt that he was a big fool.

Li Wei thought that Li Yu would be able to protect her when she was put under the ban. Oh, Ye Yiqing was sneer in his heart. He is not in a hurry to leave Dongqing State because he has not revenge. When he completely ruined Li Yu, he will be willing to leave.

As for the fate of Dongqingguo, shut him down!

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